Tell me about your local gym muscle girls
Tell me about your local gym muscle girls
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they think they are godesses and refer to themselves as such
I've started this year at YMCA I have seen just 2 girls in 8 months. One was really hot tho.
>old tarts and old ladies in the cardio section
>I have all the free weights section for myself. Feels good
Because I usually lift around 5:30 to 7:00 AM (depending on work schedule day before)-- very few people there in general,,, and not hotties.
I have to look at my gyms' "official" Instagram to see the hotties who work out at 5pm or so. And then I get depressed.
>TW no latina musclefu to snu-snu with
There's one big titted blonde that also teaches an aerobics class, and this high school qt that I see on the weekends, but otherwise I don't see any since I lift really early like
There's this one built like zarya from overwatch but has the "can i talk to the manager" haircut. She got a nice butt tho but would probably die from snu-snu.
>tfw no narcissist gf
dont know why but i dislike this bitch a Little bit... would still fuck her Brains out.
Please crush me.
Her face is disgusting and so is that unaesthetic body. I want a girl to fuck not a girl to fuck me with her clit dick
Same here. Early morning is just the old people and their social club and some die hards.
What is "thott"?
Once went to a gym where a pro female BB worked as a PT. in photos she looked big and scary as fuck, but in RL she was like 5 foot tall
wanna hear the thought pasta
Don't really want to talk about it, some of them got me kicked out I did nothing wrong they were the ones fucked up
They all work out with their boyfriends that are bigger than me.
Yeah bro go for it.
didn't copied it either...
>fuck, someone post
I still refuse to believe that niggers are this childish.
Probably has banged 30+ blacks
The irony in your post is palpable.
>can i talk to the manager" haircut.
I still have yet to figure out what haircut this is.
What do you mean? Because he said nigger? That's what they are. Getting all hurf durf about it is what's childish.
>because you two wouldve rode off into the sunset otherwise
Lol, 99.9999% chance she wouldn't even give you a second look irl
Wow, I'm embarrassed for you.
there are four at my gym that tend to show up bright and early when i do.
1.) The Den Mother:
>40 years old
>Super buff and more ripped than i have ever been
>Been at it since she was 28
>Has a pro card
>Super friendly and very bubbly, tends to dance in between her sets to her music
>My and my bros refer to her as the Den Mother because if we're doing something wrong or say, not going to see a doctor about an injury she'll kick our ass until we do.
2.) The cute monster
>have not confined age, but im guessing 25-28
>Just as tall and just as buff as i am, just not as cut as the Den mother, body has a much softer look to the muscles.
>Clearly was a former athlete and built on the physique she already had
>She's intimidating in appearance, but has the most ridiculously cute tiny voice i've ever heard , sounds like bubbles from powerpuff girls.
3) The Squat Queen
>Probably around 30
>Has a body somewhere between figure and physique, but closer to figure
>one HELL of an ass, always loads up 185 on squat and reps it out
>Works legs at least 3-4 times a week
>Unfortunate case of bitchface, but dat ass tho
4) The Routine junkie
>very small 5'3"
>only been at it for a year but was an athlete through college
>muscular body, but decent sized boobs regardless
>Is now my girlfriend after i manned up and almost launched spaghetti all over her to introduce myself and got to know her
>Now follows my routine because she wants to build muscle and we go to the gym together every morning.
Like this.
Grow up. Adults use "bad words" sometimes.
is she by any chance smaller than 4ft?
Please stop.
>Is now my girlfriend after i manned up and almost launched spaghetti all over her to introduce myself and got to know her
My ... uhhhh... friend... is not very good at getting girls, he needs to know exactly how you swept her off her feet. How did she become your gf?
first you get to know her, ask her out, then you spit in her asshole and make a Neapolitan ice cream pie
She seems utterly insufferable.
It wasn't the most graceful approach, but for several weeks i thought about saying something, only to always chicken out. A few times i got close, only to think "I'll just finish my sets first" and she'd be gone by the time i was done.
I finally just sucked it up and approached her, and these were my exact words: "Excuse me, are you training for something? Because you're always working very hard."
Problem: I said it so fast she couldn't understand me. I was embarrassed as fuck, but went with it, and slowed down, saying it again. She was friednly and told me how she just does it for fun (like i do) and from there i introduced myself, got her name, and made brief small talk before letting her go back to her workout.
At this point she was an acquaintance, and now i had the ability to smile and wave and say hello, occasionally asking her how her workout is going and at times asking her more about herself.
After about 4-5 weeks of this i asked her if she wanted to go rock climbing with me (hoping to god she didnt have a boyfriend) and she immediately excepted.
She had lots of fun climbing that weekend, so i asked her again the next week... and added that i wanted to take her to dinner that night too. We did just that, and i accidentally picked her favorite restaurant in the city. She ended up coming back to my place, and immediately wanted to know about every single supplement i had sitting out on the counter. I explained each one in detail and when i finished all she said was "You're so smart..."
>Resisted the urge to too...
From there i took a chance, we turned on the tv and sat down, she sat against me voluntarily. After about half an hour of relaxing i assumed she liked to cuddle, so i took her down to my bed and... had a good night.
Now we're dating.
We have one and like all "musclegirls" she's a mentally ill repressed transexual on gear so infertile with no breasts or ass and no doubt a stalk clitoris.
Fucking kek you sound a little assmad
That's so awesome, glad you found happiness! Thanks user for taking the time to explain, it means a lot for an autist like me. Wish you and your gf the best!
>There's this one built like zarya from overwatch but has the "can i talk to the manager" haircut
Give monster gf now.
>>She's intimidating in appearance, but has the most ridiculously cute tiny voice i've ever heard , sounds like bubbles from powerpuff girls.
any woman who's as large as that person claims will not have anything resembling a tiny feminine voice
the obscene amounts of gear will see to that
that person is larping
Muscle girls don't exist without male hormones, so what you mean is "tell me about your local hormonally male muscle girls".
Also /intheclosetgeneral/
>roids makes you tall
defend your claims.
user is probably just a weak faggot who is easily intimidated by girls.
LOL cause you sure know me bro! I wouldn't take the time to make up 4 women like that. I see this woman all the time and hear her speak all the time, she works at the damn gym too.
Women can be muscular without test and gear, it honestly makes me kek how many guys on this board instantly reeeeee and cry test and gear if they see a buff chick.
Cry harder. Go lift more if they make you feel that small.
Oh ok mr. projection
> posts a girl injecting more test than an 18 year old male has.
> gets sexual pleasure from a girl who displays male secondary sexual characteristics
It's a bit bizarre isn't it.
Are you fat? or just in the closet and homophobic?
That’s the
>I’m indeed a full fledged roastie
>be married
>4/5 times I go to the gym there's this 8/10 thicc, short mixed girl there
>always talks to me
>always uses the rack or bench next to me
>makes jokes about spreading her legs when referring to benching, squatting or sumo deadlifting
>grunts during difficult lifts, but they sound more like sex moans
"Male secondary sexual characteristics"
>Girl is bigger than me
>quick, push muscles are only good for sexual attraction
>push 'secondary' category to tell the difference between men and women sexuality
>Flip excuse tap over to side B to replay test accusation
Holy shit this is reaching.
How does virginity feel this time of year?
roiding to get an unaesthetic body like this and then making videos of yourself like you are not a deformed mentally ill attention whore, kek
>hurr durr youv never had sex b3 so their
m8 it's not that he's assblasted about other peoples taste, it's that he's assblasted about his own faggot taste and is projecting his faggotry onto others.
Why doesn't everybody in this thread just lay down on the couch for me.
Why do you need your girl to have great strength, and at a huge cost to her health and fertility? Can you not lift things?
Also secondary sexual characteristics are not something that need to be 'pushed', they are a biological fact. Greater muscular strength, especially upper body are a male secondary sexual characteristic. So a preference for them is a sexual desire for masculinity - you can argue that that is healthy or not but you cannot argue that it isn't the case.
I imagine that its the result of a lack of success with attractive women, so your brain modifies its tastes in such a way that you can still succeed with a woman in a non-competitive way with other males. Same mechanism that enables ugly people to desire ugly people. Either that or quite literally you are gay or low test.
Ideal female form here.
>Why do you need your girl to have great strength
It's harder to physically dominate her and more fun because of this
>and at a huge cost to her health and fertility?
lmao, see filename>Greater muscular strength, especially upper body are a male secondary sexual characteristic.
and this is true regardless of whether or not women work out.
with your lack of viable arguments you're either a fat woman who doesn't like attractive women
or an in the closet fago-phobe ashamed of himself
>white women
When will you learn? Master race of some are Hispanics
What is white?
she's greek and with those knockers she's probably a jew
none, but there is a milf that is hot af and is the only girl in the gym that deadlifts more than her bodyweight, she deadlifts 170lbs though
marina is ridiculously blessed holy shit, huge tits, flat stomach, a really round ass
No-one has ever said women can't move or have no muscle and you are desperately clutching if that is your defence. Women do not naturally have anywhere near a basic male amount of muscle or strength. Plenty of statistical evidence showing that the strongest of women are weaker than untrained men and it takes serious chemical interference to make this otherwise. You can satisfy your fetish by pretending otherwise but it is true nonetheless.
As a different point the girl you posted there will have fake breasts. Increased amounts of muscle raise test and injecting it obviously does even more, testosterone nukes breasts and ass so all fitness models have implants to retain some feminine form.
She has a really short butt.
Like the cheeks themselves have no height to them at all.
>No-one has ever said women can't move or have no muscle
you are literally claiming this in all of your posts you worthless goalpost moving faggot fuck kill yourself because you'll stay gay and retarded until you die anyway.
Find one instance where i claim girls don't have muscle in their body. If you can't feel free to apologize and then go back to jerking over men.
this is some advanced level of autism
God marina. I still remember first seeing Hollywood come on tv and i was just captivated. Shame she tried to appeal to tumblr then lost all her weight and bombed out of music. She actually had real talent and didnt need to go down the transient pop star route.
No, stupid.
Large as in muscular not height.
And, let's be honest. I haven't seriously touched a weight win years and not only am I taller there's 100% chance that i'm stronger then almost any geared up female lifter in basically any gym you can mention.
I can easily overpower, dominate and rape any muscle chick posted.
I know user, a real tragedy.
Hispanics are mostly manlets and womanlets though.
Even if you find hot latinas on instaswag, chances are they are barely 5' tall.
>inb4 short girls are the best
No they aren't.
Ideal height for a girl is relative to yours, so when you embrace each other, the bottom of your jaw can rest on the top of her head.
>tfw the strongest girl in my gym can barely squat LMAO 1pl8!!1!1!
sucks to live in the realm of the skeleton lord
There’s two that I talk to. One has the body of pic related only a bit bigger. She’s a 5’8 pretty brunette on my university’s rowing team and does judo.
The other girl is a blonde that has gotten into actually bodybuilding. She’s alright looking but surprisingly pretty jacked.
I find some of them very attractive but my biggest issue is that most of them are emotionally damaged in some way who post fucking novellas about their struggles every other week on social media. These struggles are almost all exactly the same with only a few being more than "I was fat and didnt like how I looked". There are very few qts like pic related who seem like they just like to lift and not push their sop story on you.
There's one who competes. But she's weird as fuck- she'll walk in front of you while you're lifting and if you so much as glance at her she just coldly shoots you a "WHAT?"
>mfw there are girls on Veeky Forums right now who can probably squat more than me
You know what to give her
A lesson on how to be polite and treat people with respect
There's this one 5/10 womanlet who likes upperbody and I rarely ever see doing legs. She's alt, a tomboy, I think she was in the army, and rides a tiger stripes motorcycle. I find it extremely odd that I have a slight crush on her. Maybe I just want to get to know her, how do I analyze a girl like this?
I've had a similar thing where a particular not very attractive girl catches my attention
I'd say just talk to her a couple times and the feelings you have will disappear
True, she's just very different from the average gym girl I've met. Here's her insta if you wanna see for yourself.
well done m8, that takes balls
red flags
Yes, I see a lot as well.
>genuine advice on Veeky Forums
You're doing good work, keep it up user
Now that's how you meet a girl
>gives an example of what a generic thot would look like
Are these girls satisfied with looking like literally every thot ever?
From the looks of it...yes.
Unless you think they need to look different just to prove something too...uh...who?
Why would they choose to look unattractive or abnormal?
What would the get out of it?
i just like the brrrrap hogs that walk on the treadmill or stairclimber panting out their mouth
fuck fit girls and fuck skinny girls chubby brrrrap hogs that just mildly overweight and still do cardio are god tier
pic related is how women should look fat and soft
nail on the head brother, i know a girl in my class who started working out with a PT for 2 months before heading to Malta for a week of partying and getting her ass out. She's been working out for like 3 months now, is banging her PT and won't stop posting pictures with new gym gear and motivational quotes with "this is me" and shit like that. Grind my gears, she's one of the least nice people i know.
>this was much more autistic than I expected but good to get it out
Damn an actual success story from fit who would have guessed, just goes to show that balls help alot
right on my brother, teach that bitch some manners
kek, it's a sad state of affairs really. But if you look there is good advice on here somewhere, god knows some people need help on here but it's good to help them
There’s this almost 6feet tall amazon mode with girly voice at my gym. She never talks to anyone but this skinny little Hispanic dude occasionally who benches less than her. Always wears ratty big sweatpants. Does strength programs. I tried talking to her a couple of times and she was extremely awkward and autistic. She’s pretty big but not super shredded and has been lifting for a year at my gym. She grew so fast I suspect she might be pinning desu.
I sneaked in to spot her bench uninvited last week and thought I’m about to make it. Then I heard her talk to the beaner manlet and she told him she got engaged.
Mfw heartbroken.
moar of that ho over there pls
ugly as shit
Fug her.
>mildly overweight
>success story on Veeky Forums
and this is how I met your mother :)