Are lifting shoes a meme?


Yes unless your really competing they are overpriced and not really worth it imo but some people swear by them

No, they are pretty great on the squat for instance, but that is really their only purpose. Totally idiotic for the deadlift, just take them off for that and wear your socks.

Nah, they're good. If you wanna keep lifting for years, they're a decent investment. Just like how if you play football (soccer) a few times each week, you probably should get some football shoes. Etc.

Wait til the Adidas powerlifts are on sale on amazon or elsewhere, They go down to like $50 which is well worth it.

I wouldn't pay full price for them or any of the more expensive shoes though.

They do make squatting feel 10x better.

poorfag spotted

They are worth it IMO, and they will last you a long time since all you do in them is stand and walk so they shouldn't get much ware

Is that squat plug inflatable?

>have horrible ankle mobility
>also have really long femurs
>debating getting lifting shoes

I cannot squat without either getting up on my toes, or falling backwards. Should I just stop being a jew and buy lifting shoes?

I like it cause it’s easier to keep your feet planted
I got Skechers trainers for cheap

What shoes do you wear for deadlifts? I've been using an old pair of Converse allstars

Pretty much this.
Only got my pair because it was on sale for super cheap.
Shame the black ones are the first to go so ended up with the blue ones.

I'm not certain the people at my gym even know what I'm wearing. They probably see the velcro straps and think I'm special.

Just put small weights under your feet while skwatting

So gyms here request you have separate shoes for gym idk bc of all these thots streching about,so I'm gonna buy some anyway . These look stupid and I would look extra edgy DL 1pl8 lmao. But I heard foam "sport shoes" can throw you off balance and often sink unevenly.
Wish I was Chad enough to bring some VS virgin shoes,. Saw some special edition Asics trial runners, massive rubber sole ,just to fuck with normies

these are great for crossfit

If it's the same one I saw on the Rogue website then yeah.

They are good for bench too

The Reebok Nebuchadnezzar

I just Squat/diddly/row in socks

Absolutely, categorically, no. Once you squat in squat shoes once, you'll know.
Squat shoes are the best investment you can make
Save up 120 € and buy a pair that will last you 4 years instead of wasting money on meme supplements that do literally nothing

Don't listen to this utter moron.

Buy the shoes. Literally every guy I've seen squatting without lifting shoes has their heels floating off the floor from being on their toes or some other bar path issue. What are you squatting in now? Pls don't say chucks. Every fag at my gym squatting in chucks is a turbofat powerlifter doing super wide stance halfsquats while wearing 30mile knee wraps and 10 ply suits.

Depends if you use low-bar or high-bar for squat, and how shit your ankle mobility is. I'm a manlet, so I use low-bar with decent ankle mobility, so I'm better off with chucks/vans/flat-soled shoes. I'm not sure how they are for benching since I never used them for bench when I had a pair.

>Calling out a poorfag
>owning powerlifts and not adipowers

walletlet detected

I've got the same shoes and now I feel gross.

They're very good shoes, though.

just wear some 300 dollar boots like i do

Out of my way

Best lifting shoes coming through

Top Kek. I tip my hat to you good sir.

No, you definitely should buy them. For the longest time I thought they were a meme but then I tried them once, oh boy.. they're not even that expensor, I bought the new Nike romaloes 3 for 160$ and they basically last a lifetime.

I've benched with and without them and I definitely felt better benching with them. granted, what you get out of them is mostly going to depend on whether you bench heels on floor or not, and I imagine that leg length may factor in too - I'd suspect longer legged people may have less to benefit from that small heel raise than shorter legged people.

Would lifting in vans classic be considered retarded?

will these let me get to Zion?

I like them for squats only. I used to always feel like I was going to loose balance, but the let me really drive that barbel up.

No, I remember lots of guys opting for those over dedicated weight lifting shoes in the past.

Why do squats and oats go hand in hand again?

got my VS athletics for like $45 last years black friday
well worth it imo

I lift in $10 Sperry deck shoes that I Don't wear normally because they scratch my heel.

Great for lifting, though.

Sperry knockoffs*

Or Payless actually sold $99 shoes for $10