old one ded, new thread
I'm 190cm and 78kg, roughly 23% bf (somewhere between 20 and 25 in pic related), skinnyfat and weak as fuck
If I want to cut, is 70kg a good goal to shoot for? I don't think bulking is a good idea at my bf
I've never understood a cutting weight goal. Just cut until you like how you look. Use the weight on the scale to track progress and adjust as necessary.
Get into resistance training and do hour long daily walks for a month before you get into c25k or some other thing
Don't bulk. You have plenty of fat and simply cutting back while providing enough protein will be enough to build and maintain as a new lifter.
What I've learned from cutting is that you don't put a goal on a scale, you put it on what you see. Cut until you're happy with what you see in the mirror.
Alright thanks anons
I've been doing Phrak's GSLP roughly a month, and I bike 22km per week commuting
Do you mean I should supplement with more cardio?
Am I leaning too forward? Feet placement and width are good.
You're pushing your knees out too much. You should try to focus on sitting more than bending your knees and it will make you push forward less.
Also I think you're going too low. You should stop squatting before your lower back starts rounding because it puts too much strain on your back. It can cause pain when you start lifting heavier weights.
i will never understand how you people make squatting look so fucking awkward
it's the simplest movement in the world and yet everyone finds a way to screw it up
It feels like I will fall behind and an hero with my neck snapping over the bar
Thanks anyway, I will pay attention to these points. Rest is ok?
What kind of shoes are you using? Pic
Say for example, you are contemplating going to the gym multiple times a day, say each session last about 1 hour max for one muscle group.
How many times a day do you start to see diminishing returns.
I just finished up at the gym 3 hours ago for my second time today and am wanting to go back again.
Keep in mind I am not looking to body build, I am a kickboxer, if that matters at all.
TLDR; how many times at the gym a day is pointless.
Get enough sleep and calories and I don't see an issue, I want to do the same
Some totally flat shoes I used to wear when I had 16 and found them in the basement
I was during SL5x5 with accessories, started failing around 3months, then got injured (back, hip) probably due to bad form.
- I can lift with acceptable form if the weight is low enough.
- Diet is fine, bulking, taking creatine.
- Sleep is bad, due to stress, which is also bad and can't be fixed at the moment.
What other not-so-beginner/LP program can i use that help me progress more slowly?
40y/o, 6"3', 173, 13-15%BF (tape/BIA device at the gym)
SQ: 190, OHP: 100, BP: 130, DL: 225
I take a Vitamin D, Zinc and Magnesium supplements this winter.
Should I take them on an empty stomach?
What type of food should I eat when I start bulking? I'm gonna end my fast in 2 weeks but I want to have a true knowledge of what I should be eating
Take them with breakfast, not with coffee though because that diminishes the absorbtion or something
35y/o, 5"7', 142, 12%BF
I'm joining a gym on Monday and am trying to decide on a routine. I have some weightlifting experience but haven't lifted in about 5 years. I can do loads of push ups/pull ups. I was thinking about Starting Strength or SL. Any suggestions?
Cardio overtraining: is it a thing?
It's totally reasonable to spend 45 minutes a day on an exercise bike, correct?
I want to work on my cardio for 1.5 mile time and get a calorie deficit for weight loss.
do greyskull lp man
I've been running SS since the end of February this year.
I've been doing Phase 3 of SS for a few weeks now, and I keep stalling on my squat. I feel like I'm not hitting depth anymore, and my form is falling apart. Squatting at anything over 100kg feels weird.
I've had to deload on OHP and Bench too, though DL is still going up.
Power Cleans are going up as I'm finally getting the form down but I missed the last workout.
Is it time for me to move on to another program?
How come I never fucking get laid anymore
In high school I was raking in pussy now I'm 21 in college and my last lay was a fat slam pig over a year ago
Does anyone else know this feel?
Also should I be doing front delt raises along with lateral raises or is OHP and incline bench enough?
1. The sticky says to cut until about 15-20% bodyfat. 4 months in I've dropped from about 30% (240lbs) to 24% (210 pounds). Do I keep cutting? Everything in my head is telling me that doing 5x5 SL on a cut this long is wrong. I'm making gains still except for squat and rows which keep plateauing.
2. How long do I wait for squat-induced groin injuries to heal? I deloaded before by about 15% because the pain was bad doing any kind of squat (with a barbell, normal body squats are painless) after reaching 2 plate, but after working my way back to 2 plate squat over the course of a few weeks it hurts like a bitch again. No amount of stretching and foam rolling seems to make a difference. I'm not sure what to do since this pain has been ongoing for almost a month and half. Do I just rest for longer this time? Previously I took a 2 week break from squats thinking it was anomaly.
Otherwise my diet/sleep is bang on point. eating -800 calorie deficit daily.
1. You are still moonmode at 24% fatty, keep cutting until you are happy with your results.
2.Have you seen a doctor? How would you describe the pain? Where is it exactly?
How do I stop myself from getting over-exhausted before my workout is over?
I often find myself unable to perform at the level I usually do due to fatigue from my previous exercises.
Let's say I want the strongest, fittest kids possible. Do I have any influence on genetic composition at all?
For example: will my kids be stronger if I am in tip top shape when conceiving? Or will they be stronger when I eat whatever the fuck I want and conceive 3 or 4 days before ovulation, so only the strong survive?
What major lifts are paired best together if I do two a day?
At my supermarket I can buy 450 gram of frozen kale for 45 cents. This is incredibly cheap, does anyone know why? Is the quality lower? It's frozen so the nutrition should be top notch right?
MxWxFxx is my routine, full body.
Tommorow, at a rest day, I'll be working with quite light (shouldn't be more than 20kg, certainly averaging ~1-2kgs) pieces of wood, for up to 8 hours, splitting them using a machine and such and moving them around.
It's a rest day so I'll be eating maintenance calories, though I don't want to lose any gains, how many cal should I eat? Thanks!
>1. You are still moonmode at 24% fatty, keep cutting until you are happy with your results
Thanks. I'll keep cutting for roughly another 25lbs.
>2.Have you seen a doctor? How would you describe the pain? Where is it exactly?
No I haven't seen one yet. I really should. Getting an appointment has been a real bitch at the moment since I can only just about squeeze time in my evening for gym.
It's a sharp pain I is in my hip flexor (I think) since I get the pain when squatting to parallel with an empty bar (or arms raised) or when lifting knees to chest. I can tolerate the pain at a lower weight/empty bar but going up to 1.5 plate or 2 plate is bad enough that I have to stop completely.
rest more, eat more, improve work capacity (google how to)
forgot question mark
pls respond. i want to return to the gym asap
I never tried Greyskull.
SS works.
also a new lifter, how did you injure yourself?
i guess i was trying to push/pull more than my body allowed, form degraded, missed reps, pain started, refused to take a break, pain increased until i had problems walking.
Doctor said pulled muscles would heal in weeks, prescribed RICE and NSAIDs.
Both work if you do them correctly. Most people don't do SS correctly.
I'm 68kg but a little bit less than 15% in pic related. Cut or bulk? I wan't to be lean but don't want to loose muscle
oh fuck, I'm doing progressive overload, I feel tired as fuck, with some slightish pains here and there (read: doms and such), but I don't think I'm going 2fast
thanks for clearing it up, also I wish you a fast recovery
If I can't OHP what should I do in its place?
please reply
Do I have any postural issues?
Skinnyfat here sitting at 150lbs and 18%~ bf
I want to bulk up so I can make serious gains. Should I worry about macros or should I just eat everything in sight?
Give it to me straight: if I watch what I eat, make sure I get enough protein and eat at a 300-500 calorie surplus and continually up the weight on machine exercises will I get fit?
I am quite proud of having discovered how great low weight,high reps an isometric pushups are for bodybuilding.
I think fitness is an INDUSTRY and they just want to sell heavy machines.
Any thoughts on test boosters like this one? amazon.com
I'm weighing 71kg (ca. 155 lbs) as a 5'8 male. First time cutting, recently started on fit. Should I worry about lose skin if I were to cut at 1000Cal per day or is that something mostly obese people have to worry about?
my wrist is injured. while it heals I want to just train for strength in squats and deadlifts and reach PRs.
after this I want to jump back to ohp/bench and focus to gain strength in these ones. I would squat and deadlift just once in a couple week to make sure I don't lose the progress.
is all this a sound idea? or should I do something else while my wrist is injured?
Depends on what you mean by fit. You will get stronger.
I've been having protein farts for fucking days now, what should I do?
if you have a deficiency (micros, macros, calories, rest, etc) on a test production pre requisite or doing something that affects it, your body will be less efficient.
Fixing that first helps and isn't a booster.
Also, iirc none of them were properly backed up by independent studies.
After fixing everything, get checked. If still low on test, the doctor would prescribe trt.
you can squat with thumbless grip and the bar will rest on your upper back.
i had wrist pain weeks ago (nothing too painful) and dont remember feeling anything when squatting.
The other 3 lifts will require more grip, especially DL. I'd go slowly, watch your pain threshold and don't make your injury worse.
How do I convince my GF to lose weight?
She's extremely beautiful (unbiased 9/10) but recently she's gotten a bit overweight.
She used to be thinner, but she said the only way to stay that way was becoming enemic.
Help would be appreciated. I can't tell her to straight up lose weight...
What he said.
You're unlocking your knees first. Try unlocking your hips first.
Also, squat to 2-4 inches below parallel, and stop there, or work on your mobility so your lower back doesn't round. Otherwise - snap city.
You could try switching to 531
What are some exercises to fix anterior pelvic tilt?
I was thinking stiff leg deads and hip thrusts but im not sure.
>155 lbs manlet
>loose skin
Pick one.
How often is a cheat meal acceptable while cutting?
6'3", 211lbs, 15% BF
Looking to cut to ~200 lbs @ 10-12% before bulking again. Tracking a 500 cal deficit, 210 g protein daily.
I'm not in a rush to cut down, but it would be nice to be able to go out for dinner with my wife once a week and eat whatever I like.
Is gaining ~1kg per week a too fast bulk? I'm not getting fat.
180cm, 66kg. Eating between 3.4-4kcal a day. Goal weight: whenever I stop being a twink or strong enough.
Nigga you don't need exercises, you need to stretch out your hip flexors
anything can be overdone if you break down the tissue faster than it can recover.
bench and ohp is prob fine for front delts.
reduce stress and sleep better, eat healthy, coffee.
they will be stronger if you have them start young in the gym and play sports.
OHP and squat.
a frozen bulk item is usually the cheapest.
if lean bulking every day should be 200-400 calories over tdee.
dumbbell shoulder press, incline bench, figure out why you cant do ohp and fix it.
definitely barrel chested and maybe slight shoulder rounding.
not really. machines focus on certain parts that wont make you as big if you did compounds.
no test booster other than steroids are ever legit.
at 5'8 and 155 lbs you dont need to cut, try lifting. and loose skin is only from 100lb+ weight loss.
make sure wrist is healing properly but that will work fine.
eat less protein in one sititng allowing for digestion.
A) tell her she is ugly and fat and lose it or lose you
B) tell her about how fit stacey is at the gym. jealousy will kick her into weight loss mode.
ok what streches then? coulda just said that instead of just shitposting.
Someone on /r/bodybuilding said circuits are bad (IE going from squatting heavy to benching to rows). Is that true? I have a rack and barbell at home so I exclusively do circuit training.
You could also rub your two brain cells together and see what comes out
I have a minor hemorrhoid that I noticed today, I had one a few years ago and it went away on its own, tomorrow is squats I should be fine right? It doesn't bleed and it's not very big, smaller than my fingertip. It is uncomfortable though.
for those who had gyno surgery and were muscular/shredded at the time, how was it?
like how long till you could take a bath, wipe your ass and most importantly, go back to regular shit like studying, carrying a backpack with books and also working ?
lifting I bet it was over a month
I'm cutting. Is a refeed necessary? Or can I just keep a constant caloric deficit of 500 calories (adjusting as tdee changes of course) and still make solid progress?
As long as I consume protein the same day that I lift, does it matter what time I eat? I work closing shift and don't get out of the gym until 11:30-midnight most nights, and then go to bed immediately when I get home. Will protein I eat *before* my workout still contribute to my muscles during sleep?
Might I ask some quick questions as a hungry skeleton and a beginner trying to make it™? I finally escaped NEET status for the moment (short term contract job) and I thought my first investment with my check was going to buy something I could use at the house to workout with. It’s not my house and there isn’t really much space so I thought I might ask you fellas for some advice on what to get.
Due to limited space I can’t really get a bench or squat rack or anything of the sort. I only have 2 paychecks coming in so I don’t want to get a gym membership because income is limited. My first thoughts are going to be a pull-up bar for a door frame and either a set of resistance bands or a set of kettlebells. Which should I get bros? I’m sure bodyweight and resistance bands aren’t ideal for bulking but how can I lift heavy without a gym memebership? What about a kettlebells?
I know that kettlebells are dangerous for beginners due to improper form, but they really seem to be all inclusive tools for a full body workout. Are they memes? Can they substitute for lifting heavy for a skeleton bulk??? Help bros I want to make but I need help…
Fuckers in SQT won't help so I'm asking here.
RTFS, and protein intake timing shouldn't affect in the grand scheme of things, but you should hit your macros daily.
19 year old male who keeps getting injured in arbritrary ways and requires a disproportionate amount of time to recover. Is there some sort of deficiency responsible for this? Sholders back and wrist still fucked a month after a particularly long kayak trip. Is there something wrong with me its so disheartening to skip half your routine every month because your too fucked to do it.
Are you eating enough? Resting well? Too stressed? Low testosterone?
Probs the latter 2, how do i know if im low test and how to fix?
What's the essential book on posture?
I can substitute chin ups for pull ups right? Sry I'm new
Is lifting three days per week enough, or should I be doing more? I keep hearing about how great PPL is but I don't like the idea of going to the gym 6 days per week.
when i do 5x5 is it a good idea to do the first 2 sets at a heavier weight and then deload a little when i cant finish a set anymore?
Alright boys, I just found this routine and I need thoughts on this. I lost 70 pounds total since last year. Im at 190 at I want to put on muscle and lose more fat at the exact same time. Is this a bad or good routine?
What do I add to it? Or remove if needed?
Just put deadlifts on pull day and front squats on push day if you're gonna do it like that
Why would that be a good choice? Just wondering why, I see a Deadlift being more core and legs than a pull lift
diddlies if done right work back more than anything
I started working out with the wife recently. I'm slightly more experienced with lifting weights, but we're both pretty much beginners. She's having trouble keeping her back straight for dead lifts and squats, is there any tricks for helping newbies learn how to keep a straight back?
Also, she has an oddly strange time doing sit ups. She can do other ab work outs just fine, but sit ups she can barely do five, and those with much effort. Can anyone tell me why?
Situps are difficult for most people, even fit ones, because most people overestimate their core strength. For deadlifts and squats, try to keep your shoulder blades pushed together a little bit, which will force your chest to stick out more, straightening the back.
Snow's coming and running on ice is gunna be ass.
Treadmills are boring and the elliptical feel awkward as fuck, but which of the two should I do to kill an hour
He's 40 and 6 3. Taller people usually have more back problems than us master race manlets.
Pros and Cons of aspie girls?
The girl I'm currently seeing is giving off strong aspie vibes and behaviours.
How to make lateral delts really pop? I'm doing lateral raises 25-30lbs. DBs 3x10-12. I feel like my anterior delts are overhadowing my laterals.
I've been knuckling my ass cause it itching on n off, am I homo?
What's the fastest way to catch up my hamstrings? I tried deadlifting for the first time yesterday in a year and it turned out terrible. Couldn't do 345 and it was entirely directed at my hamstrings. I can squat more than that and I can hip thrust 345 easily and could glute bridge 365 x10 when I did glute bridge, so it's not my quads or arse.
If you can do it, and get enough protein and calories afterwards, I can't see a downside.
Only problem is you might be weaker than if you went in fresh.
Best exercise for hammies are SLDLs and GHRs...if you couldn't dl a weight you used to then reduce weight you dingus. Also to note, Straight Leg Deadlift will make hammies explode not regular deads.
Probably going to go with sldl, but what would you say are better for hams between them and rdls?
Straight Leg 100%. All of the weight is being placed on your erectors and hams/glutes. Do SLDL I guarantee your hammies will pop.
Do em on an elevated platform preferably, if you are flexible. You want a real good ROM
I'm around 10-12% BF, which makes me able to see my abs a bit more, and I can see that they are uneven. My upper abs are really well defined but my middle + lower abs aren't nearly as defined.
How can I target these specifically?
I do weighted decline crunches (30kg) for example and most upper abs have a burning sensation.
Depends on how much rest you are giving those bodyparts afterwards and your intensity + how long you've been lifting seriously. Also depends on your goals ( endurance or strength)
If you've been going to the gym for a couple (2-3+)of years and you do this (going 3 times a day) for no more than 3 times a week i see no problem as long as you eat right. If you do it more (or your kickboxing training is intense and more than once a week) i think thats way too much volume and fatigue will build up too quick leading to suboptimal results.
Most people dont need 3h+ workouts and cardio for good results. They make sure the intensity is sufficient not to have to workout longer than 1h30 a day. Unless you're and advanced trainee i dont see any reason to. Plus unless you're getting paid for the kickboxing, why would you?
Doesnt matter as long as you meet your calorie goal at the end of the week. Calorie dense food like nuts help if youve got trouble meeting your requirements. The usual guidelines (high protein moderate carbs and fat) still apply tho. Oatmeal seems to be a popular breakfast when bulking, high carb and a decent amount of protons.
You could try cardio to improve your max work capacity. If youre already doing some, try hiit for a few weeks.
Other than that dont get as close to failure, so either reduce weight, reps, sets on your previous exercices.