When did you realize that lifting has nothing to do with being an athlete?

When did you realize that lifting has nothing to do with being an athlete?

this thread again? shoo shoo

zyz i a pusi, and the other is hearts going to explode

Probably when I started bodybuilding

from day 1

ok thats great, but i dont respect people who cant run a sub 18 5k

Depends on what you mean by lifting.
If you mean doing homosexual bodybuilding faggotry that most of fit does for 'aesthetics', then you are correct.
However, doing squats, Olympic lift variations, push presses, anything that has a combined power, strength, and muscle building component will make you a better athlete, depending on your level and weaknesses. That's why Olympic lifting and squats are used in various other sports like wrestling, throwing, cycling, etc.

>Gets an answer to his questiom then proceeds to spaz out about running
As always. Op is a faggot

That's a great theory. But this posts highlights why mental coordination, a top tier central nervous system, and talent, is what's important in sports.

so lifting for aesthetics is bad and I should just lift for strength?

I'm a noob so I always thought they could go hand in hand if you tried.


Except my post never said the things you mentioned don't matter. The question was solely about the use of weight training and I answered it as such.

Depends on what you want. Things in training are 'bad' if they won't help you get what you want.

FMVP, reigning champion, better shooter the lelbron, better rim protector (inb4 blocked by james, chasedown blocks are rare and durant is leading the league in blocks right now), better FT and 3pt, better defender and scorer, etc. Cleveland won't even make it past boston if hayword comes back after all star break which is what's projected since he didn't break tendons or blood vessels

>going to explode

Well basically I just want a V shape torso and also want to be able to handle my own strength wise.

Been doing Reg Park's 5×5 for like 2 months or so

Get out of here Kevin

Lifting will not make you an athlete

being an athlete will make you want to lift

These are elite athletes in skill positions, they're great because of their techniques. Strength, especially core and compound lifting strength, makes you a better athlete at most sports.

Form and technique > pure strength for basically any sport.
In most sports, too much muscle mass just weighs you down and makes your body too inefficient at regulating internal body temps.

More strength always helps, but you've gotta find the golden zone between muscle mass and strength for your particular sport and body type.
>Implying Olympic lifters, power lifters and strongmen aren't athletes in sports that just favor high muscle mass

lol manlets get btfo

lol Jimmy Pedro got that crazy stare, I wouldn't wanna get in the ring with him he probably start speaking in tongues and shit

Christ Wally must slay

Does anyone ever wonder if selecting for height is a coded method that women use to select for race/nationality? The average height for most countries on earth is ~ 5’8’’.

Maybe. Lots of lanky ass Somalians where I live.

>implying listed athletes don't lift