>living a healthy lifestyle will pay off eventua-


>implying boogie even has a life outside of shitting himself and eating

Using steroids isnt the epitome of a healthy lifestyle

neither of those are healthy.

>roids + dysmorphia + attitude which accompanies it
>healthy lifestyle

pick one

Rich piana was way healthier than boogie yet still died first.

Neither have/had a healthy life style.
But just go on being fat and blame others for your short-commings.

Injecting yourself with synthol and tons of steroids while doing no cardio is definitely not healthy.

Still healthier than eating 20000 calories of mayonnaise per day

Nice, easy (you)s

>Healthy Lifestyle

Seriously, trolls are getting desperate.

the evidence says otherwise

>faggot on the left is literally dead
>"still healthier"

fucking delusional /fraud/-faggots

>bodybuilding and steroids, cocaine, and other drugs
Pick 1.

Did he inject himself with synthol till the end?

>gluttony, heart disease, and absolutely zero exercise other than walking to the refrigerator
Pick one.

Where did I say doing what boogie does is healthy? Nice try.

Nobody said it was healthy either you dense fucking retard. You're just picking someone who had an extreme lifestyle consisting of abusing heart-killing substances to conclude that being fit isn't healthy. Either you're an hypocrite or a sub-80 IQ shitstain.

Extremes in each direction. As far as I'm concerned, both of them had an equal chance at sudden death, but God is cruel and took the wrong one.

>taking the drug dealing scumbag is a bad choice

This. Boogie is a good person compared to rich piano.

>bodybuilding is unhealthy
Only on Veeky Forums will I find such a retarted statement

I love how even when boogie is actively improving himself Veeky Forums still gets mad, who are you gonna bully when hes chad?

I mean he was older than boogie so we will see. Gastric bypass is a SERIOUS fucking thing and many many people die after losing all the weight.

bodybuilding isn't exactly the healthiest thing in the world but certainly miles ahead of being obese. However if you add in RIDICULOUS cycles, and recreational drugs, its seriously unhealthy.

Yes, body building with steroids is unhealthy. Retard. Bodybuilding is gay, with or without drugs. It's an endeavor for men with female instincts.

hahaha. Once a beta always a beta, Im sure you with your skinny ass body is so manly and has zero female traits.

>only bodybuilders lift weights
Bodybuilders are weak and nonathletic. It''s for show, you'd get fucked stomped by anyone that has done MMA training for 6 months.

>prancing around on a stage in g-strings in front of men
>looking in the mirror constantly
>training to make yourself look pretty
That's what women do, you closeted faggot.

Lot of hypermasculine dudes in mma and the militar end up being total shit pushers and closet trannies bro.

what the fuck makes you think i do any of that you fucking faggot, you projecting a little bit there, buddy?

>doing buckets of steroids is a healthy lifestyle

>Bodybuilding faggot coping this hard.
Bodybuilding is a fucking joke and a waste of time, literally no benefit in doing it when there's powerlifting and olympic lifting.
Only metrosexual and closeted faggots do bodybuilding. Or clueless idiots that don't know how to train. You look good, but you're weak and nonathletic. Like a woman.

>You look good,
Most of the time guys that do pure bodybuilding also look weak, so not only are they weak, but they also look it. Unless they're roiding. Evem then I've seen countless casual roiders that do bodybuilding and look like shit.

It is quite amazing how a person can live for all these years with a lifestyle as shitty as this. Our bodies really are resilient.

Okay I would never say Rich Piana was healthy, but didn't Rich die from head trauma? I remember that he passed out and smashed his head on the counter. Sure he most likely passed out from his lifestyle, but its not like he died of heart failure.

How is he a good person? He's a social parasite that exists to stuff his place and play video games and he's a manipulative cunt.

Yes. He was snorting OxyContin and OD'ed and slammed his head on the table when he passed out. The retards in this thread saying it was roids are dumb.

boogie has 2 years to die

My digits say he has 2 months

He had a heart attack brought on by the stimulants he snorted.
What caused his gear and hgh heart to stop? Probably a combination of the plastic in his body and cholesterol building up into huge lumps clogging his roid ravaged heart.
He was dead before he bumped his head on the table.
And the shit he was on made his ribs really hard and plastc in his manboobs basically prevented his latest nordic fuckbunny from performing ultimately pointless cpr on him.

Stop pulling facts out your ass.if people die it is usually during or following the next couple weeks after surgery, after that nearly nobody will die to complications anymore.


Y'all so fucking negative

Boogie has a whole other decade to enjoy.

The difference is that Piana was much older than Boogie, and secondly, Piana was a hardcore coke addict thanks to his druggie girlfriend.
There was nothing healthy about Pianas lifestyle.

Using steroids had nothing to do with his death, nor anyones really, considering in history there have been less than 20 deaths caused by steroids, despite millions of users.

No you fucking retarded faggot, you clearly have trouble reading. What we are trying to teach your retarded ass, is that Piana was not healthy which is why he died first, also he was OLDER, meaning the lack of health takes a larger toll on the body at an older age.
You're a fucking retard if you think steroids had anything to do with his death. He passed out and smashed his head from overdosing on party drugs moron.

>Rich Piana