What's she up to now/fit/? Will she ever have a career again, or will she star in d-list movies and shitty tv cameos until the dementia sets in?
What's she up to now/fit/? Will she ever have a career again...
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She was never good. UFC didn't start allowing woman until after it started, and she was the first ex-olympian to hop on and start destroying randoms with her judo. Now woman train specifically for UFC, and they're all still so bad that there's a new champion every 15 minutes.
She's got a WWE match scheduled. She'll never be relevant in MMA again because she has the worst coach in the business, who has her walking face first into punches from the best strikers in her division.
the public saw her as great of a fighter as she was being sold as. truth is everyone should have been on her level. this shouldn't have been rousey gets a ton of spotlight shots and ends up destroying girls left and right. those girls should have been at her skill level for this women's mma in the ufc thing to pop off. saying that, i think it's still too early to keep showcasing women's mma like this. they show it as bigger than what it really is.
not only that but take men's mma fighters for example. who the fuck has time to do movie roles and hold the belt? not many. also rousey was never hot. the most attractive thing she has is healthy looking tight skin. she's always been a pre-ogre with her manly feminine figure. 2017 rousey is full on ogre. she should just gear the fuck out.
Truth. (especially healthy looking tight skin hnnnng its enough for me anyway)
The standard is slowly picking up. There are one or two who I would say have good skills and spacial awareness....
But that's where 99% of women fighters fail. They legit don't have any spacial awareness when it comes to their own limbs colliding with a moving target... Just by watching for a few minutes you can tell they are aiming where they want their punch to go and then throwing it in that direction.. Rather than instinctively anticipating where the target will be and punching there without any conscious thought.
That fucking paige vanzant (?) though. Holy shit. Especially her earlier fights when she was a bit younger.
That fucking tiny ass in those tight shorts, riding right up her crack. There's a specific fight I have downloaded on my phone that I watch while drinking my preworkout before I hit the weights. Every. Fucking. TIME!
Epic semi-erect motivation. Eyes on the prize. Eyes straight onto another girls tight ass if there is any cardio fucking bunny on my way from the locker room to the free weights. I just walk past and stare, hoping they notice that half hard bulge from watching some young 19 whatever year old try to thrust her hips repeatedly to get out of a head lock.
I fucking love womens mma
Her coach ruined her. Of course Rousey shouldn't have bought into her own hype but Edmond was enabling her. Even now, he still wants to put delusional thoughts into her head and have her face Cyborg.
I don't even know how anyone can consider Edmond as a good coach. Everyone that has worked with him got their career ruined
yes that paige is something else. like you said esp her earlier fights. ofc her face is more fucked up now and her body is a bit different. but also the skill/ability aspect of her makes her that much more attractive. and she isn't immature like rousey is.
i just walk past cardio bunnies and t-rex girls never making eye contact. except the other day i was doing curls and one of them kept standing right in front of me and the mirror. fuck i love me some mature mexican bitches. but clear obvious teasing can be intense at the gym.
This is a clip of the fight I have downloaded on my phone.
This is literally my favorite ass in the world. It just looks so firm.
this has nothing to do with fitness you clueless retard. fuck off.
reminder: do not engage shit posting morons. sage, report and ignore.
>absolutely NO ass at all
t. testosterone deficient bitch with a hilariously tiny penis
She should have never broken up with her Asian boyfriend as he was the one who made her into the fighter she was
>She should have never broken up with her Asian boyfriend
He is a MMA coach and he was the one who made her into an elite fighter and top the ranks in the women's division.
>>She should have never broken up with her Asian boyfriend
After she reached the top and because of her physical appearance / looks, she started receiving attention from Hollywood, and they broke up. Then started her downfall
Her looks went into the toilet too.
I hear she got on that dere masculanizing test and went full dyke soon after.
Yet another White female in Hollywood with an Asian guy
I forgot young people these days are into the whole "thick" thing. AKA fatties.
Fat =/= sexy
Heavy squats and nothing else for 3 years and then only taking pictures with glut pump and incredibly arched back =/= a good ass
I don't blame you for your ignorance. My best guess is that you've simply never been with a girl who has a super tight, firm as hell ass. Even skinny bitches usually have flabby asses.
thick =/= fatties
This was excellent, thank you
>they're all still so bad that there's a new champion every 15 minutes
Pic related begs to differ. I'm rooting for Rose this weekend but she'll probably lose
>Yet another White female in Hollywood with an Asian guy
Why are you so butthurt and jealous?
I don't think Rose will take it. JJ was right in her mentality. She doesn't seem that hungry to become champion and just seems like she is trying not to make herself look like an idiot if she does happen to lose. Also, i feel like JJ's striking is better.
This is what millennials actually believe
Fit petite blondes are true patrician tier, but one wouldn't expect the proletarii to appreciate the finer tastes in life
>my perception is reality.
>anyone else is a millenial
Generation X motherfucker.
Generation EEXXX!
>inb4 the millennial claims to be 20something thinking it qualifies him to have an opinion because it's an adult sounding age
>even if you are 40 something years old, my perception is still reality
>doesn't know how to green text
>thinks his perception is reality
Oh boy
lol, real cute.
You are either having some difficulty comprehending whats being said or you are desperately trying to change the subject.
do you realize he is mocking you? are you retarded?
so are you like a 30+ year old fag hanging out on Veeky Forums?
He doesn't know how to greentext.
Oh yeah, I forgot that when you age you need to stop doing "cool" things because they become "uncool" for you.
Woops. Better go do gross old people shit like fucking my dough in a bag over the radiator
okay......... do your kids know how much of a loser you are? You sound like a legit narcissist.
Did you hear that word in a netflix documentary?
Moral of the story.. Millennials on Veeky Forums are cool. But "old people" on Veeky Forums are losers because they JUST ARE GRANDPA
you trolling or what? Its not your age that makes you look like a loser, its the way you are acting right now...... its fine if you still play video games and shit at an old age but you are literally like a child on COD
is this you?
Ah, yes. The sudden "i'm acting mature and you're not" stunt. Classic.
I bet you learned that one from your mom. When she used to shout at you as soon as they came home from work for no reason, then when you get angry she pulls the whole "i'm just trying to talk to you" bullshit.
Classic elma.
I don't have sound. But I skipped ahead a few times and it just looks like some sort of cry for attention by a low test beta phaggot?
Is he the narcissist? If so, it's not me.
no one is saying they r more mature than you, you idiot.......
6/10 troll if trolling
>worst coach in the business
Every fighter under Edmund goes to shit. All of them.
Denial, another classic.
It was heavily implied and denying that is kinda pointless.
lol, this guy
>There's a specific fight I have downloaded on my phone that I watch while drinking my preworkout before I hit the weights. Every. Fucking. TIME!
don't leave us hanging bro, could you share the link?