Mirin thread
Haven't seen one of these in a while. You guys have been getting mires, right? (because I sure haven't)
Mirin thread
Haven't seen one of these in a while. You guys have been getting mires, right? (because I sure haven't)
Other urls found in this thread:
I think I had one today (qt maintained eye contact with me) but I'm still too autistic to smile at them.
Ppl post mires pls
i need to self insert :^(
Fucked my girlfriend recently, took a snooze afterwards. When I woke up she was still naked, biting her lip and staring at my abs. She started apologizing for being awkward so I laughed and fucked her again.
Here's one I guess?
>be 3 weeks out from first powerlifting comp
> going for a new 1rm squat last heavy one before comp
>warming up going through the weights
>girl comes in starts working out, so is a guy we know from school, gym was previously empty bar me and friend that came with
>squat 227.5 kg the mires come in from girl and bro
>getting ready for 237.5
>she says woah well you could definitely squat me lol, starts clapping to encourage me, other bro is amazed
>squat 242.5 same shit
>finish at 245 more clapping and mires
>leave after being like h-h-ha ha, t-thanks
One of less attractive, late 20s gym receptionists mires me all the time. She smiled at me when she was there working out the other day. I just kept pacing around in circles between my squat sets
The full vid of this is hot as fuck
It's kind of the receptionist's job to smile at people
She does it when she's not actually working though.
>gym receptionists mires me all the time
>gym receptionists
she almost looks saddened by how much she wants the guys d
I'm not completely socially retarded. She checks me out all the time and is friendly when she's just there working out. It's enough to make me nervous about what I should do.
>one time in Bristol
>just finished 8 weeks contracting outdoors in the biggest heatwave ever
>2 months of solid 12 hours days plus gymming
>blacked to fuck by the sun
>massive beard from being too busy to shave
>hair bleached by the sun and looking like a surfer
>waiting at a level crossing and make eye contact with some absolute feckin qt on the other side
>green man comes on and our paths cross
>she smiles at me a bit, smile back
>swear to mary mother and joseph she actually bites her lip a little bit
>do that little turn around when on the other side shes doing the same
Somebody get her the Academy Award for best actress cause she was definitely Helen Mirin
Of course she will be friendly when working out there.
She is still in her "professional" persona.
Theres this girl that likes me
How do I cope with this, this is too stressfull FUCK
She's still an employee even if she's not doing a shift at that very minute.
I fill in on reception at my gym and we're supposed to be nice to customers no matter when. It's part of running a business, be nice to your customers.
where can I see the full vid?
Listen, I get what you guys are saying. She's for sure checking me out though. She's the awkward book type that isn't great at subtly. She wants my man meat.
i hate guys like this, they never belieave someone is mirring you
girls check alot of guys out even dyels
>lift weights
>testosterone increases
>testosterone causes confidence increase
>confidence increase causes delusion of thinking every girl wants to fuck you
Yeah because you get to see the guys dick right?
>you look different....... did you gain weight?
Thats all i get. Sometimes girls will poke my chest like they are investigating what is going on with me.
Of course random people don't compliment since they don't know what kind of progress was made
Nah not every girl. It's only her for sure. Jury is out on two others
>tfw young teen girls are looking at you
I don't think they're miring me, I'm not particularly big or good looking, but when I turn my head I catch them looking away from me. It's happened enough for me to notice at least.
Is people watching something they just do?
Don't you look at people?
Teens are impressed by any guy that an above average amount of muscle/strength. I've had a teenage girl gasp when I started doing pullups once.
>girls dont mire me
>nobody get mires
>Somebody get her the Academy Award for best actress cause she was definitely Helen Mirin
if this happened and you didn't do anything about it, you are an eternal beta.
thanks, been saving that line since 2010
I can’t do pull-ups...
Why pull-ups are so hard to do when you weight a lot? I weight 90kg and barely can do 3...
Bruh I'm 90kg and I can crank out 30+. You're just untrained.
But i can lift a lot... And do a lot of push ups... Do i lack anything except for technique?
How do I train...
>inb4 lat extensions and dips
Already do those...
Not really, I mean I look but I don't stare. If I'm checking a girl out I'm pretty subtle.
So they were soaking when I was doing weighted chinups today? Neat.
Got my first ever mire the other day. I went cocoonmode and saw some girls I know the other day. One of them felt my bicep for some reason (can’t remember) and they both started freaking out because I used to be a soft skinnyfat faggot. Felt really good to have my progress recognized
>be me at party
>dancing with girl
>all the sudden she grabs my arms
>with her mouth wide open she gasps "omg user, do you work out?! They're so hard!"
First mire from a girl, feels good senpai
I'm not the 90kg user.
Probably. The right technique makes it easier. For example it is easier (for me) if I have my legs straight and lower body, abs in tension. This gives me more control and there is almost no swinging in my movement.
There is this Navy Seal 40% Rule which is nothing more than mind over matter. If you think you can't do another one it is only your mind. Your body could do more. Force yourself to do more. At least try to do more.
And with some consistency you are going to improve. 5 pull-ups today, 7 pull-ups next week, 12 pull-ups next month...
>lat extensions
Is this a new meme?
theres no level crossing in Bristol m80
I can't remember the last time I was mired by a woman but my ?gay? ancient greek professor (literally the language) has been miring (?hitting on?) me a fair bit this term. At least by normie standards, I'm a pretty big guy.
>telling class about classics department trip to greece
>is answering questions and advising some people, encouraging them to, what to expect.
>I'm kind of zoning out because I'm in CS and take this course for fun
>"Of course if user went to greece, they'd be trying to force him into the millitary as soon as he stepped off of the plane!" (with a big smile on his face).
Was this a mire? What did he mean by this? I just smiled back and laughed, but I still don't know how to take that desu.
>head back to uni for football game
>arrive on Friday night and we go out to the bar down the street
>really bored so my buddy and I start playing pool
>drunk brunette with tig ole biddies walks up to me while we're playing and starts a conversation
>not really paying attention at all
>she starts feelin up my arm asking me if I go to college here
>say no and keep playing pool
>her cuter friend walks up and drags her away
>she looks at me while laughing and says sorry for her drunk friend bothering me
>brings me a beer later to 'apologize' and I get her number
>forget to text her when I leave the bar
>leaving the game
>all of a sudden some girl says "hi user!" And hugs me from behind
>it's this girl I met that was my friends ex's best friend
>she was in a relationship forever but i guess they recently broke up
>she asks what I'm doing tonight and tells me to give her my phone
>puts her number in iwith some dumb emoji after it
>get hammered that night and forget to text her
Oh well. I'll probably message her when I go back next weekend and hopefully bang her.
>mfw my general demeanor/expression has been described by many people as "aggressive" or "intimidating".
>"wow user before meeting you I was kinda scared of you desu, you are way more upbeat than you look"
>People will sit next to the kid with obviously poor grooming tendencies before they'll sit next to me
>mfw actually a teddy bear
I'd trade for a welcoming face in an instant. At least nobody fucks with me, I guess.
Rows help with pull ups?
>"Wow you could definitely squat me"
>"Only one way to know for sure"
Squat the girl and don't slip over the waterfall she's gonna make
no one mires me because i am scary looking
Same here. I fucking hate it. Nothing to really smile about and + don't wanna walk around smiling for no reason and look weird.
Ayelmao, this delusion sums up miring threads perfectly
>Helen Mirren
Would you, Veeky Forums?
>take the bus home from work
>pretty late, only a few people on the bus
>some really cute girl only a few seats next to me
>she starts doing her nails on the bus, starts brushing her hair, takes out a small mirror and starts to pluck her eyebrows
>everytime she does something different I look what she is up to
>she catches me a few times looking
>thinks I'm mirin
>I'm just disgusted
>a few mniutes later it's my stop and I exit the bus before she starts waxing her vagina or some other shit
>be me at friend birthday party
>all girls are 5/10 or 6/10 face and all has bf except one
>caught a girl with bf mirin at me a few times
>be me 4 beers later, alcohol make me super social
>the only single girl had 3 sigle guys around her during the night talking to her
>decide to have some fun, jump into the conversation, talk to her and make her laugh
>friend ask if i go outside to smoke (i don't smoke)
>grab her and go outside
>while with her and friend stay hugged to her, eventually she kissed me on the cheek
>eventually she leaved early, don't ask her number cuz already have a gf
She is literally prepping herself before she get off of the bus at chads place. Meanwhile you are boosting her ego by constantly watching her like a little beta. Stop it.
>a woman can't check you out at her work place because she has to be professional
O im laffing
I don't care about her ego, if she is doing disgusting shit in public people are going to look. If she is not able to interpret the reactions of others towards her behaviour it is her problem. Fuck off, I'm not going to be shamed because some roastie lacks manners and I was looking.
>tfw I’ve been told I look mad and angry all the time
>tfw that’s my normal face
How do I stop this?
yes you dyel, obviously building a strong back will help you perform a pullup how is that even a question?
Today was glorious, like legit 40% of the whole gym and it was overwhelmingly chicks And most were newbie ones as well. I think it's cause I walked over and started helping em with stuff, like the proper range of motion on pullups, and when doing them, purposefully did a stationary leg raise while repping out just to show off. I normally don't give advice at the gym cause regular gym rats and fitchicks hate advice, but I think it just happened to work because they were normies.
Feels good man, but I also feel retarded for not asking why they are all there and getting some numbers.
>Start new job at dry cleaners
>in the back there’s nothing but older Hispanic women
>they’re always starring and smile at me whenever I look at them
Good thing they can bearly speak English other wise I’d probably make myself look autistic
Things that didn't happen.
>How do I stop this?
KYS, now faggot.
But i don't feel almost anything in my back during pull ups. Its mostly my hands, user.
Everytime I get a compliment, I always think people are secretly making fun of me and I want to disappear. I get called "cute", "big", and whatever, but I just think my body is repulsive
There is no way I'd think a girl would ever find me sexually attractive.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Not anymore.
Those thoughts are toxic for your health and have most of the time no basis.
Lose your insecurities user. People stopped joking like that in high school... well most of them
I have a lot of toxic thoughts I guess. I remember first posting here years ago and being told every single thing wrong with my body, mostly shit I couldn't change. All that on top of my self-image issues.
I just want to be worth something to someone, because I know I'll never be worth to anything myself.
Sorry for dumping this on you, shit is just starting to resurface for me
Listen to this guys study notes. he discussed a few books regarding your problem. Read the books he discusses and take your own notes, with own examples and your own thoughts.
I'll look into that when I have an hour to myself to spare. Thanks a lot, man, this seems interesting
I will also look into later. It’s ashamed we had such bad fathers
Wouldn't you?
Maybe you need to cut a lil more user
How do you do? Just max out reps?
I would, with the power of million Suns
>not fucking her so hard she passes out after
you suck ass at sex tell your gf I'll fuck her better
I'm sure you will. Your Fleshlight looks like it survived WW2.
I think i got a mire from a 40-50 year old man yesterday but I blame myself. I'm not homo but I appreciate it.
>go to gym listening to my 80s list in spotify
>listening to some outrun music too
>get into the gym and go into the changing room
>always the same locker in the deepest part
>pull out my headphones and lay my phone on the bench
>some old fat man comes and begins undressing five lockers away, but we are alone in the room
>can subtly hear my phones blasting music
>wonder if it's my phone or if it is the gym speakers
>do my workout
>returning to locker room
>go to shower
>head back
>the man is there but only in his orange boxer shorts
>fat, sweaty and red and he looks at me
>my phone is again resting on the bench blasting George Michael through headphones0
>he asks me "did your workout feel good today?"
>"yeah it went well, you?"
>"oh it went sweet and I'll be feeling really satisfied very soon"
>continue putting my clothes on
>the cute new girl in the reception asks me
>"what did you work out today?
>"some of this, some that, I've just had a cold so I'm taking it easy"
>she smiles and looks at me into my eyes while tilting hear head "okay, have a nice day"
Did I just get double mired or did i raise their attention in some autistic way during my workout?
some fat girl looked in my general direction the other day, does that count?
i got a good one for you guys. i realized what happened like an hour later but still
you should know before reading this that my back is easily the most aesthetic part of my body. it looks fucking huge on me. good trap genetics and wide lats (thank u row gods)
> english lecture
> girl behind me flirts slightly sometime but nothing too serious
> one day in class watching some play
> wearing a tight shirt, back lookin joocy cause bulking
> she keeps accidentally kicking my legs
> then caressing my back and saying sorry
> literally feeling up my lats, might as well have been giving me a deep tissue massage
why didn't you fucking make a move holy shit
how does she kick your legs if she's behind you?
Damn she is miring but we consider ourselves autistic but arent girls even more autistic when they do dumb shit like that?
im not confident so never make a move but think every girl wants to fuck me
I think females are inferior, only use for mating purposes. They’ll leave you when they find someone else who is superficially better.
So... you just let someone feel you up without even responding? In any way? Just stared straight ahead, pretending it wasn't happening, fantasizing of the safety of your bedroom, a beautiful cartoon waifu and your well-worn fleshlight?
You're not alone user.
try to make it a little more believable next time m8
Well I don't get compliments. But I imagine if I did (and I do often imagine it) that I would feel flattered, not collapse into paranoia and crippling self-loathing.
Here's my 6/10 mire:
>DLing at college's gym (fucking will never call it uni on here)
>Recovering from back injury so pretty poverty, 365 lbs 5X5
>Older asian grad student doing situps near to me
>After set three he says
"You make that look easy!"
>I say
"Thanks man! I wish it was haha"
>He goes back to situps, I go back to deadlifting
Fairly pure but he wasn't a qt grl so lower rating.
Reposting one that I posted in a dying thread, but to not be a faggot about it I'm only reposting this one time.
>went out with my mom to visit grandmother's husband who is in an old folks home, I drove
>on the way back we stop by a local popular orchard that has a fall festival on the weekends every year
>go to buy some of the goods, gainsgoblin mom knows I love apple pie
>there's a much younger crowd than I remember ever going to this orchard, lots of women around my age, most of them with boyfriends, but some appeared single
>bought a few things at the store and go outside to where the pumpkins are sold because we do jack-o-lanterns every year
>pick the two most orange joociest looking pumpkins, take them to the table where the two highschool twinks weigh them and I pay
>they're both about 30 pounds each give or take, and much larger than what we normally get at the store
>mom already has a few things and >implying she does heavy lifting
>I take up the challenge, lift one in each hand, walk over to my car parked across the road in the field
>hold them in a semi-curl position, when that got too heavy I lift them up almost as if I was going to do dumbbell ohp
>arms are feeling the pump, and I was wearing well fitting pants after leg day yesterday so my glutes were bulging too
>keep in mind these are larger than my body when together and I'm holding one per hand
>while walking an old lady looks at me and asks if I'm going bowling
>grills moving out of my way and turning heads
>some dad looks and says "look at the size of that guy's pumpkins"
>some white trash fuck and his girlfriend move past me, the girlfriend looks back over her shoulder and smiles at me
>get to my car and just barely make them in my car without dropping them
Felt pretty good, the whole experience was probably my best mire aside from random comments from gymbros.
tfw only mire i get are from my sister, saying that i have big pecs and skinny classmate who goes to same gym, and thinks i'm big. i hate it when he mires me out loud in class.
one thing i have learned that it is easy to impress people who don't go to gym
did you get boners watching women bend over when you were a teen?
sum dat der funkshunal strenf
I thought this was German at first
Sounds like you're getting fat
>eventually she kissed me on the cheek
woah stud, save some for the rest of us