I really wonder this as a white
Why BLACK MAN is best at bodybuilding while whites are worst?
high test
low intelligence
go back to /b/ where you belong
Probably because there's more genetic diversity in Africa than the rest of the human population combined.
Genetically speaking, blacks get the worst of the worst, and best of the best.
Go away Turk
Because white man selected only the strongests slaves to breed, so their sons would be strong, and work harder
black man in capslock lol
>I really wonder this as a white
But you speak/write in ebonics
Really makes you think
Whyte bouz on sooweeside wotch
>Turning complex DNA into a simple Black & White question.
Pygmees - Super-Leet Bodybuilders?
They must be according to OP, because they're black.
Dude, just suck a nigger cock already and leave us out of it.
You're not black, you're a brown monkey. You're not better at lifting, look at bodybuilding, powerlifting, srtongman...
>Implying i didn't do it already
It seems like this is fate of all white people
so white man is bred himself out of existence lol
Pick 1 and only 1.
they are not. Statisticly speaking white men have more testo. Black men, specially in bodybuilding tend to take steroids.
>best at bodybuilding
slave body, to bad they have low iq's
>being the best at getting fake useless muscle is good
>kill off the weak specimens of their via slave labor
>niggers aren't even grateful
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Jew plz go
Strong cope whitboi
>le fake muscles meme
Try again lad.
Why do black dudes have long ass arms
that explains why women are smarter than men
scuse me panda boy
Bad bait
>brown sub-saharan dark skin=looks like literal shit
>curly pubes on head
>wide af shotgun barrel nose
>thick bushy eyebrows
>neanderthal forehead
>big red nigger lips for sucking the chicken off the bone
>dark mongolic eyes
>dark mongolic hair
>pubes on upper lip and chin
nice try shlomo
wh*Tes are pathetic
Blacks literally dont think twice before going on steroids, i saw it as a uni gym manager. If a black guy lifts for more than a year he will jump on gear.
BC Black culture frowns upon overthinking a hobby like bodybuilding. this prevents them from being memed by rippletits and armchair physiologists. instead of putzing around with % and progression schema, they just train their asses off
BASED BLACK MEN (TÜRKS) are far stronger than low test beta wh*Te """"""people"""""""
They really dont, as said i was a uni gym manager for years and they would spend most of the time in groups chatting, doing a couple of meme exercises and then standing near wherever girls are.
The difference in mental attitude towards lifting between blacks and others became obvious after a few months every new year. The black/white/indian kids would all come in scrawny and then stay that way for a year. Then by the second year the blacks would suddenly explode or stop going whilst the others kept working harder and growing slowly. They just roid the second they dont get a six pack after a beginners attempt.
Based black men (MEDITERRANEANS) always cuck white subhumans such as turks and anglos
>wh*Te """"men"""""
No such thing.