>do you workout?
>he looks like he could fuck someone up
>he looks like he jerks off a lot *couple proceeds to laugh*
>his muscles, like, pop out
>oh, my, god.
>he looks strong for his size
>he'd probably just cheat on me
>so like what do you eat?
>do you workout?
>he looks like he could fuck someone up
>he looks like he jerks off a lot *couple proceeds to laugh*
>his muscles, like, pop out
>oh, my, god.
>he looks strong for his size
>he'd probably just cheat on me
>so like what do you eat?
>how much you bench bro?
>he could eat anything and not get fat
Look at that loser haha
>it's not fair, you can eat anything!
no. so wrong.
>how much do you lift?
they don't know that to answer when i tell them on what exercise they meant
Just fucking say one, pick your best and say that line, don't fucking spam us with 10 sub par lines that you think are so funny they absolutely have to be read by everyone.
>I work too much, I could never have as much free time as he does. I have responsibilities
I hate this one the most
you read them by choice.
you chose to see them as trying to be funny.
people have said all of those lines multiple times to me.
>you are huge
>that means you have huge guts
>Socially retarded
Just say something like "I can carry a dryer to 5th floor". Not everything in life has to be scientifically accurate
>4 hours of tv/buzzfeed per day
>i would go to the gym if i wasn't SO BUSY
>classes from 8am-5pm
>doing the assignments take nearly 3 hours
>study till 11
>eating takes an hour or so
> sleep till 7
>arrive to clás at 8
I really don't have time user
You do this mon-sun, 365 days a year? They give you assignments every single day, that always take 3 hours and then you study non-stop until 11 every single day?
Damn you really don't have time. Fair play, you can take a rain check.
pshh... nothing personnel
Man hate 8-5 classes
I don't hear anyone say anything about me
barely anyone says anything to me
I used to have the same schedule at uni. Last class would end around 5PM.
-5PM to 6PM: workout at uni gym.
-6PM-6:30PM: eating at school cafeteria
-Home by 7PM. study/chill/go out etc
They don't say anything because no one fucking talks to me
>Why is he always alone?
Literally me
>Why does he even BOTHER? Doesn't he know it's all about HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME?
>So user what are you taking
"Oh nothing, I've just been eating a more plant-based diet"
>*Dyel/hamplanet begins lecturing me about estrogens in soy*
Every time
>girls on the left not even acknowledging presence of supplicating black tshirt dude
guy on the right is the alpha
>Do you do crossfit?
>You're lucky you can put on muscle so easily
>I'd still kick your ass because I take [insert martial art] classes
nice try faggot
Sup dyel/hamplanet
found a pic of you
>look at that sad weirdo in the corner
>Is this the guy from the uni that nobody speaks to?
>Why is he eating that bullshit ?
>You must work out a lot
>No I just do some pushups and situps
They will never know I workout 6-7 days a week with a broken wrist. I miss compounds bros
>you look like you played a lot of sports in high school
Dunno how I feel about this
>do you play football?
>you look like an athlete
the face they make when i tell them i dont like sports is priceless
The other night a drunk said to me "you're a rugby player aren't you?"
No love just a careful combination of monthly periodization and no gf.
this one actually happened
>visiting salon i go to often
>talking to one of the girls
>leave, but remember i forgot to leave a tip
>about to round the corner when i overhear
>"omg he's like sooo hot"
>"yeah but he's like socially retarded or something"
>keep walking, hand her the tip and wink at the one who called me hot
>then choked back tears on the way back because she's right
23 and still an autismo virgin
winking is never an option
>gee user why do you always have so much energy?
>Oh, well I just stopped eating meat bec-
> (As they're starting into my well developed chest) OMG BUT MEAT IS SO DELICIOUS HOW DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN!
the feels...
The ol' tiparoo...
>"I can carry a dryer to 5th floor"
>not retarded
lmao, wtf are you me?
what game is this from?
wtf is that thing and how can I find more pics of it to feel better about myself ?
>you know those Monster: Zero Ultra™ energy drinks are bad for you, right?
he's LIKE hee's LIKEEE arghrgrgrhrhrhrhrhrhr
the key is to say things to other people, then they will talk to you
i used to study while i did bw workouts.
looks like a gta 5 character
i don't say anything to anyone and people talk to me in public often.
Easy, respond with
>Nah, I played a lot of videogames and jacked off to anime instead.
but how am I to know that they will be okay with me saying things to them if they don't say things to me?
Yurop mode:
>you play rugby?
I've been asked this several times
Yeah who the hell needs a dryer
think of it more subjectively. WHAT is to be said. WHEN is it to be said. HOW is it to be said. then why and what if.
I don't know any of these things
i think you did well user. women waste their thoughts in gossiping all the time with other women. if given the chance, theyd wanna bang. just try to get with the one when you return
>wow user, you're huge! Can I feel your chest? It's gotten so big since last time. And your arms are too big for your shirt now!
T-thanks mom
you have to first want to engage in receiving or starting a conversation. if you don't have this desire things will be harder. this was my problem as a teen. i didn't have shit to say to anyone. but i started to be more normalized in my late teens and for a decade now i don't get that same social awkwardness. when i do it's usually a girl my age who comes off as she has something against me or is super shy around me.
i have learned to identify with a role of not being one of the more awkward ones in any given community. you learn to blend. for me how people say things is just as if not more interesting than what they are saying. so i focus on that.
one thing you could do is get more practice forcing yourself to do normal errands. example going to the grocery store by yourself and having to be around others alone and check out alone is a different experience than not even ever having to go. having to open an account and going to the bank regularly is another thing. getting a new apartment and talking through all that and setting yourself up is another it's just that things are different when you engage yourself vs identifying with being more on the outside of things and not engaging yourself. so when you have to do something, it only makes shit that much more real, and up to you as to how you conduct yourself and behave.
reflect upon what you've experienced. how smooth was this interaction? how can that kind of thing go smoother next time? what risks am i really putting myself under? how do people see me, how do i see them?
>all i care about is looks!
th-thanks mom
>going to class
>you're fat
>you're just puffing your chest out
>zero sugar
>2 for 4$
how can coffee even compete
>the muscles I get from working are way stronger than gym muscles
>your looking extra swole today
I literally heard this today
>>eating takes an hour or so
haha what
When your mom's not around to cook it and wash the dishes, yeah, it takes about that long.
>you're trying to get bigger?
>lifting weights only puffs up your muscles, it doesn't give you REAL strength
>only BW exercises make you strong
Both said by my cousin's gf. I wanted to clean and jerk that cunty womanlet into oblivion.
you should've just had her clean and jerk you in front of your cousin, if y'nomsayn
>I don't want to get THAT big
>I just want to TONE MY MUSCLES
what do they even think muscles are...
Pull up bar + kettlebell in your room
Do sets of different BW/kettlebell exercises during brief breaks from your work
Not every form of exercise will make you a powerlifter, but as long as calisthenics exist nobody has any excuse not to be some kind of fit.
Pick her up overhead involuntarily. Duh.
Shit women say
>I don't like fit guys anyway. I like them soft
>he looks like he would cheat on me
>I bet he's real dumb
>guys that look like that are probably bi curious or something. Gross!
>he's probably so ripped cause his Penis is small
Tfw all of those about me are accurate
>yeah i would work out but I have bad metabolism
>I wish I could lose weight but my thyroid is busted
I didn't sign up for these feels
being lean you dumb fuck
they want to gain muscle but not fat
Soy boys are out here today
>wow user you've been making fast progress! Are you training differently?
>No, I've been consistent with my routine, but I did go vegan a littl-
>So steroids huh?
>woah you can lift that much? But you don't even look like you lift!
>you look like the michelin man
>user, all that pasta and rice is going to make you fat
These were said by my coworkers. Keep in mind my job is to prepare food
>good thing that you don't grill the meat all the way through user. This way you get all of the calories.
>You see, I always eat it well done, so all the calories leave, and that's why I'm so skinny
"Hey, do you want mayo in your burger?"
>Eeeeh, just a little bit, I'm gluten intolerant
>proceeds to grab beer too
Either stop taking so long to eat or get up and lift at 6am like I used to when I was in your place. I'm in grad school now and have loads more time. You can make it if you try
Lol what kind of slave school are ulyou going to?
>Thinking soy is the only way to replace meat
Literally retarded, never gonna make it
It's certainly the most effective way
If by most effective you mean most unhealthy then you're right
My dad's gluten intolerant and he can drink a beer or two in a week.
can he down a burger, fries and a beer every day?
also according to him, gluten exists in foods like mayo, eggs and pretty much anything with "high fat" and "preservatives".
>watch that vein showing on your shoulder thats not healthy
>i bet you wont be going to gym after work today(work a physical job)
>skip gym and come to the bar
Bitch please
On one hand, you're here on Veeky Forums so they're probably right that you're socially retarded.
Luckily for you, you're hot so you can get away with a high level of retardation.
If your goal is to get laid, there are plenty of qt sluts who will hook up with hot guys and basically don't give a shit about personality or lack thereof.
General social advice for someone in your position, take a second to think about what you're about to do/say before you do it. Just think to yourself, "would a normal person do/say this?" before you do it. Don't try to do stupid shit like pick up lines or winking or whatever you perceive as 'alpha', just focus on not being retarded at first.
Try to not feel the pressure to respond to things instantly. It'll take some getting used to.
Anyways good luck
wut. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You should just put cyanide in his burgers.