Can I still smoke weed when I start lifting ?
Can I still smoke weed when I start lifting ?
Indica strains create a level of mind muscle connection unachievable otherwise unless you are talented at advanced meditation. It would be almost idiotic to not intake the and CBD if you have advanced fitness goals. Also CBD stops inflammation
Yes, i doesn't matter. But only if weed doesn't effect your motivation.
Yes but please vape or eat and stop that smoking
Try adding some sterons to your regimen too.
Hell yeh, ripping a fat cone after a workout is simply incredible
Just don't.
Definitely. I find it easier when bulking, though. Self control is hard when you're high and cutting.
Yeah, it's just gonna take longer to be fit because of weed's anti-androgenic properties. Basically you'll still be a beta, but a lesser one.
>not doing meth as preworkout
>enjoy no gainz fags
>Yeah, it's just gonna take longer to be fit because of weed's anti-androgenic properties. Basically you'll still be a beta, but a lesser one.
prove it
>doing meth
>eating 150g protein a day
pick one and only one
>Can I still smoke weed when I start lifting ?
Only if you want to become a huge faggot
You sound like a real cool dude
Yeah but you won't make. Notice how all degenerate potheads are dyel? The only ones that aren't dyel are the /fraud/s
hahahahahah what a cuck
Just drink instead.
If you smoke youre a fucking degenerate. Never gonna make it
yeah but limit it to like once a week or you wont feel like doing shit
I miss that original Superpump 250
good stuff
>just drink a bunch of extra calories instead of that lame hippy shit amd get fat like me
sure you can.
just slow down on eating your munchies unless your bulking.
why are stoners such lame gradeschool-tier faggots
Stop dude, weed is shit. Seriously it has no positive effects
Just give it up. I gave up weed when I started working out again and feel more motivated and accomplished. Its kinda like giving up junk food. Plus smoking weed when you're out of highschool looks pathetic to some girls.
Dorian Yates mentioned on Joe Rogan's podcast that he dabs daily and many other bodybuilders smoke weed as well
i do it rarely now. i quit cigs, vaping, and stopped buying weed. i will only smoke it when a friend offers. i kinda want to try these edibles my brother has. all in all tho i dont buy anymore and rarely do it. it seriously fucks me up. i will binge, and get lazy, no matter how hard i try. the best thing though is the next day i do my best to get back on track, back then id just stay lazy the whole week.
I feel bad for that kid. He told his folks that he wanted to put some muscle on and no doubt told them what to buy. So they agreed to try to help their son so they bought him a massive amount of the stuff. Too bad that it's basically all garbage that won't help him. They just wanted to help
>feeling bad for a happy guy with loving parents who care about his goals/feelings and well-being