Okay Veeky Forums give me some hope. You are normal and prefer physical tangible flesh right and not drawings?
Okay Veeky Forums give me some hope. You are normal and prefer physical tangible flesh right and not drawings?
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2d are only for greasy dyel nerds that couldn't get girls irl. It's hilarious how pathetic they are
>m-muh waifu
I prefer "physical tangible flesh" as you call it, I'm no chad but I have had sex plenty of times before however I occasionally jerk it to hentai.
Death to 3d
I choose neither
the final black pill is lifting for a loved one that has already passed away, with hopes they will see you making it while in heaven
Having a gf die at the peak of the honeymoon stage is the best possible outcome desu. They can never cheat on you or disappoint you and the naive love you felt for them is immortalized
you're asking the very wrong people
No, I’m not retarted of course I only like 2D.
>roasties can't compete with good stylization, line art and screen tones
call me when monster girls exist in 3d
>You will live to see women completely replaced by vr and sexbots
feels good
Honestly id go for 3D if that pic wasnt so painfully accurate. We live in such a sad world where a shy virgin cutie who embraces her femininity and treats you like a man exists only in fantasy. I prefer 2D to the girls I fucked in highschool whos vaginas were already hollowed out bags and it only gets worse as the years go on. Hotdog down a hallway? Try hotdog out a window for any girl above the age of 22 whos rode the cock carousel for years and has nothing genuine of herself to offer you and is just trying to set up camp in your life under the premise that you are stupid enough to provide for them in exchange for fucking their worn out meat flaps when they permit you to.
>inb4 hurr durr you're just mad cuz you cant get real girls
First off this is untrue. Secondly becoming the 67th tally mark in a thirsty roasties diary doesnt make you a Chad.
lol baby dick
I don't get any of the memes about women being like that. Sure, I see plenty that are. I've never fucking dated one remotely like that though, because why the fuck would I? I mean I know it's all memes and shit but it's like I see these threads, and then look at my girlfriend, or any of my exes, like nah there's plenty of quality ass wife material out there.
Lmao no, it's not at all, you guys just go for roasties at a bar or a club. I took my exes virginity when she was 20, insanely feminine and sweet as fuck. My current gf lost hers to her ex bf at 21 and I was lucky enough to meet her a few months after they broke up, and she's as feminine and sweet as they come.
I’m not autistic so I took this to mean men prefer the personalities depicted in anime. ie women that aren’t cunts or sluts.
>I've never fucking dated one remotely like that though, because why the fuck would I?
Nobody dates them, thats why they are the way they are.
Exactly, and yet dudes on here act like if they date a girl she's going to be like them. Like nigga avoid these trash ass girls, and if your with a girl who starts turning to trash tell her flat out or gtfo. Why is any of this so complicated?
Real talk, I love my gf but it's pretty much because she behaves like an anime despite being a normie, and every other woman I've dated was such a piece of garbage that I'd given up on the possibility of outliers like this existing and was genuinely sincerely considering dating men.
Real life anime unicorn wives > real men > anime women > anime men > real women
For relationships, obvy; real women are the best slam pigs because they self lubricate
Can give unicorn hunting tips on request.
Literally nothing wrong with having a small penis.
>roastie getting buttmad because guys prefer objective perfection to the disappointment that is 3d
why fookin not m8
lay me down some advice to find myself my dream girl
pls gib advice
What was this perfect girls name again?
>Having a 2d waifu
To be fair it is incredibly hard to compete with Chitanda.
Look for
- supporting herself. This is best indicator that they're not a financial parasite. Poor background is a plus, it usually fosters prudence and a desire to be self-sufficient.
- decent communication. She doesn't necessarily have to be good at explaining herself, but she has to be willing to try; the difference between an argument and a fight is whether you're both trying to address the issue.
- paki/middle eastern/indian background. As best I can tell, they've basically evolved to be good wives over centuries of having it hammered into them -- even third generations who've been entirely detached from the culture. They're genuinely happy to do things for no reason. They also have a libido at least as high as yours.
- a personally-unintimidating sexual history. This is going to vary wildly from person to person; you don't have to be her only sexual partner, you just have to be the best one. If you're good at fucking, you really don't have to worry about it.
- prone to addiction. Yes, smoking is gross and gambling is stupid etc, but she'll also get addicted to the dopamine and endorphins and oxytocin releases you trigger in her brain by doing things she likes and making her cum a lot.
- not outrageously attractive. See Hodge Twins on this youtu.be
You should be
- supporting yourself. Women hate parasites as much as men.
- willing to communicate
- good at fucking. When you're good at fucking, confidence kind of comes naturally, and that makes the whole game/courtship/whatever process a lot easier. If you're not good at fucking, practice, but don't lead anybody on about your intentions. As established, plenty of women are trashy sluts who just want a fit dude's dick and there's like thirty apps to find them. Be safe.
Basically the idea is to find a well-adjusted, high-libido girl with an addictive personality and hack her brain with your dick by fucking her really well and often and flooding her head with oxytocin so she gets addicted to you. Which sounds horrible when you type it out, but such is the cruel reality of nature. As I'm typing this, I'm realizing it's basically like writing a tutorial for a video game exploit and that's not an inaccurate analogy. Reality is a dating sim and you can powergame it just as easily if you learn to read the endocrinological source code and dump your stat points into fucking and being a good boyfriend.
Please don't be mean to your animes or slam pigs, this is manipulative but it's intended for mutual benefit because you're basically manipulating the other party by making them as happy as possible.
Don't forget don't get attached to her, she only attracted to you as long as you're useful to her....
This is bad advice. This is fear-based advice. This is advice based on a fear of emotional pain. This is very cowardly advice and you're not ready for an anime.
>Superior to anything.
Know an irl 11/10 grill who knows what love is. Sweet and humble. Insanely hot body but still cute.
She's taken and not having her will be my biggest failure in life.
>try hotdog out a window
2D. I got a job only so I could afford more and better merchandise. I am picking up pic related in one week or so from a post office.