Start talking to 8/10 Qt online.
Cold turkey for hours then she post on twitter ignoring my messages
>feels bad man, what am I doing wrong
Start talking to 8/10 Qt online
Did you try a bit too hard maybe ?
Chicks need way more time to get attached and attracted to anyone, pushing things would make you look needy....
x1000 this. Nothing kills attraction faster than being needy. Don't obsess over text conversations.
t. someone who was a needy faggot in high school
Move on with your life.
Exactly these two posts.
Sure you're not stalking, my man?
Obsession leads to depression, boy-o.
you are alive, that's the problem.
Go outside and find a qt for yourself IRL. Talking to girls online never works out well, she has thousands of Chads at her disposal while you jerk off to her across a screen
Not stalking, just monitoring
Fuck off
I think it goes both ways. This girl I was talking to online recently started acting super needy, and it put me off to a point where I didn't want to talk to her either, even though she was a qt3.14. Needyness is just all around bad.
Don't put your eggs all in one basket. Talk to multiple girls and you'll get the hang of things.
You did nothing wrong, but you worrying about it is spreading yourself too thin.
Girls are fucking retarded
>be me, drinking with some friends one night
>one of my friends puts me on his snapchat story
>his female friend says Im hot, asks about me
>literally asks him to tell me to message her on insta
>message her
>talk to her for 10 minutes
>she stops responding
sorry Im not a word-chad you stupid bitch youre pretty ugly anyway you think I fucking care?
Yeah you care, still moaning about it. Let it heal user
How do I come across ”not needy” then
I just noticed that I sometimes do this and fuck it up
Well your first mistake is caring
Your second mistake is assuming she's ignoring you when she could easily be playing hard to get. Which is what you should be doing to her, as everyone has already said. It sounds kinda messed up but you will be perceived as more sexually valuable if you are less available.
There's your problem
>worrying about women
>not worrying about putting $$$ in your bank account and just buying women you like outright
more LARPing for weekend attention, ugh Veeky Forums y u do dis
If you are about to go do something gym/school/shopping etc and she gives you a message. Don't respond till after you've finished what ever you was doing and then say you was busy.
I started doing this now I'm getting way more attention. I was initially needy as fuck and was getting ghosted for days.
>ITT /fit autismoissimo's give out advice about not being needy and feigning being 'busy' or reply slow when that by definition is the idea of being needy through strategic "conversational" stratagems to not seem that....needy.
stay chill /fit
If you send twice as many messages and they're twice as long her hers you're being needy.
Basic Jonny Bravo syndrome
>2much of an autist with the bants
Girls want iffeminate beta-males these days. Seems like it comes and goes in trends but it's definitely much more desirable to women to be thin and scrawny with fragile facial features..