I am too afraid to ask strangers to spot me.
Can you solo-que at the Gym and still make decent gains?
Spot for what? If it's bench you're just an autist. Just make eye contact with someone and make a benching motion. Not that hard
>Doing bench
Define benching motion
why the fuck would you need a spotter? ego benching with your real 1RM+50lbs?
Make a fist and move it forward and backward with an open mouth.
Got it. Thanks brochacho.
Basically this, sit on the bench and cut an absolute fucking rug.
I usually test the waters by asking people to spot me for a few sets of sit ups.
If they agree to help me, they are clearly a DYEL parkour fag that doesnt know you dont need a spotter for a simple set of rigerous situps. I just lay down looking at them untill they call me a freak and walk off.
If they say no i just say “okay” in a super beta forever alone voice then go to the sauna and spend 15-20 minutes shit posting about how selfish chads are in my gym
P.s this all takes place im my home gym. The people using my equipment are squaters, i am not alpha enough yet to get them out. My sauna is a constantly boiling kettle inside of a beach towel over my head. My dumbells are tins of paint filled with wet t shirts.
My roid tablets are 85% cashew nut meat inside of pistashio nut shells 15% H2O syrup.
I collected the call,
But hew iz foan?
What happens if you actually fail a bench though? I've been cutting it pretty close going for an extra rep with the thought process that if I can't get it up I'll just do the roll of shame. Is this a bad strategy?
drop a bit of weight till you can comfortably do the exercise, or find something beyond a bench for your chest. Fuck nerd use the internet.
>Working out in gyms that don't have safety bars in 2017
you die. this is the dyel filter
>grab bench
>move it to rack with safety bars
>bench in that
I do it everyday. I've had people comment on it
I just stare at them with my earbuds in pretending my music is too loud to hear
replace barbell bench with the much better DB incline bench press. EMG proves the pecs are better activated doing DB incline.
Flat BB is strictly for ego powershitters
I do this all the time, I just yell "HELP!!" until someone does, I love it when a cute girl lends me a hand..sometimes literally I had a 9/10 walk over and rack it with one arm and she wasn't even that big
if you're not benching like a retard you can just roll it down your body and stand up
I just don't go to failure, then do some dumbbell flat presses to failure later on. You can pretty much go to failure with dumbbell press and just drop the weight to the side. I LIKE benching, which is why I still do it alongside dumbbell press.
if you fail a rep you deserve to die desu
Just ask them. People don't mind in my experience. I asked the dudes squatting 4plate to spot my 175lb bench yesterday.
Btw is "lift" or "liftoff" commonly used to ask if you need help with unrackong the bar in your area?
The first time someone asked me to spot them I was actually confused because they said "no lift", but literally everyone has said no lift if asking me for a spot or asked if I wanted a liftoff if spotting me.
Lolno. Barbell bench is way superior to DB press in terms of increasing your absolute pectoral strength, which then can be translated into any other exercise for pecs (db flies, cable crossover etc), which results in much greater muscle gains.
If you don't focus on getting a strong bench press, you won't be nearly as strong on your accessory lifts, which will hinder your pec development.
Answer me! Please.
Wake up.
Please wake up.
Why do I only ever see jacked dudes doing cable crossovers? Is it something you have to graduate to?
I am doing lmao 2pl8 now and I have never had a spotter. Every time I am feeling like I am going to fail fear forces me to finish.
>How can you move faster then possible, fight longer then possible, without the most powerful impulse of the spirit?
(learn how to get the barbell off yourchest so if you fail you can get out from under it and you're good).
>Replace barbell bench with the much better DB incline bench press.
>Not doing both.
you can start with low weights.
Instead of 'waiting' to be jacked and doing something, just do it with the weight you can handle.
Copy the jacked dudes, so you will get jacked yourself.
Nobody has ever gotten jacked while doing other stuff compared (you guessed it) jacked dudes.
well maybe you could think of your own training exercises, be a pioneer and all, but since you ask these kind of questions i assume you have down syndrome. Goodluck user.
imagine being in the gym seeing some faggot making eye contact with you and then starts to bench press in the air while looking at you