What dose Veeky Forums think about Mary Jane? I normally use after workouts...

What dose Veeky Forums think about Mary Jane? I normally use after workouts. Make the muscle pangs go away and let’s me eat more.

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it's good. makes me super horny, creative and helps me sleep

makes my breath smell like shit tho

Smoking will decrease potential oxygenation, primarily a factor during actual exercise, but could have a minimal impact on recovery if you smoke a lot and it hinders average breathing.

There's only two other things I'd regard, considering smoking isn't the only way to ingest THC/CBD/ other cannabinoids.

>potential detriment to motivation
Obviously this comes down to individual lifestyle and mentality, but there's studies that show actual chemical changes in regards to dopamine pathways and motivation.

>Blocking CB1 means an increase in appetite
Amazing for bulking.

Any other effects are purely mental.

>slowed heart rate

I only vape the purest concentrates.

whether or not it limits the maximized potential of my cardio, I find that I can run significantly longer after a long smoke. Has to be all mental, or maybe it stimulates my organs to work real hard like my dad.

Take the bong out of your mouth and replace it with the cock we all know you want

I'm gay married, Veeky Forums and smoke a gram a day

how upset does that make u

I eat an edible after my workout, makes resting easier and means I can sleep for 10+ hours

Im about to get lit

it doesnt make me mad, it just makes you have a very unique kind of autism

I've noticed that too. but I have only ever smoked while hiking. fuck son I never stopped moving while I was high was just too pumped.

never gonna do it while at the gym though get to paranoid

Expensive hobby that has no real benefits something cheaper and better for you couldn't give you, but so are a shit load of hobbies in this country so who cares m8

Been there to, I guess you just forget? I think we may have just stumbled across some thing

As somebody who has smoked regularly for many years, I can say that my heart rate is seriously above average. If cannabis has lowered my heart rate over time, I can only thank it.

>a gram a day which is considered chain smoker by many is $1500/yr


Anyone else get weird knee and ankle pains when they get super high? What even is that?

Weed effects everyone differently, I don’t like it because it makes me paranoid and uncomfortable.

After work outs its good because you can relax.

Also you eat massive portions of food so just make sure you eat healthy food thats high in protein and you're on the train to gainzville

he mad

It's good if you're a worthless fuck with no ambitions.

life doesn't mean shit, we're all worthless no matter what we do.

After a heavy leg day stretching and foam rolling while high is GOAT

Let me just say: there's a reason it's called dope. That's my thoughts on it.

Nobody calls weed dope. Dope is heroin

Only in America.
In the UK dope is cannabis, smack is heroine.
And blow is weed, not coke.

I have partaken of the devil's lettuce, but it's not really something I could get in to.

That statement is a performative contradiction since you wouldn't have written it if it was not worth your time and if it was not adding some sort of value

I'll have the odd bowl in the evenings, I'm a lot less interested in it than I used to be since I quit drinking and smoking cigarettes though, my mindset has changed from 'fuck it I'm a wreck anyway' to not wanting to smoke at all. I might get a desk vape and just keep it for weekends

im stoned 24/7. i dont feel motivated to workout unless im high.

do you feel motivated to do other stuff?

Have you gone a week without smoking just to try it?

Its really good for afterwards when you just want to relax and watch some shit on netflix. I don't know how peope do it before, I would get too paranoid.

you must have shit weed bruh

I like to use a dry herb vape in bed while I'm winding down for sleep. Then I'll watch Star Trek and chill out for a while before passing out.

My cats also seem to cuddle me more when I'm high. I don't know why.

Makes the squat plug feel really good. I always get a raging boner when squatting stoned so I make sure I'm alone at the gym.

i play video games and eat

yeah, il go a week without it and il have no appetite and wont workout

>i play video games and eat
is that it? well at least you manage to workout, I know others who can't even do that, it's sad they make grand plans about doing all these things and they just let them fall by the wayside. :(

I'd smoke it if I was able to acquire it

Nah does that me no matter what weed I've had.

Smoking for 10 years on and off has made me realize

1) it can be addictive
2) it destroys motivation
3) productivity goes down the drain
4) alters brain chemistry
5) your IQ drops 20 points while high

but if you can use it recreationally, go for it.

If you can´t use it recreationally, you might be addicted without realizing it.

I wish I never started. I lose weeks or months because I go back on a weed binge from time to time and am just too out of it to function.

you sound unintelligent. I function fine while high on weed. Really, its a really tame drug, pretty much on the same level as coffee or a bar of chocolate.

>you sound unintelligent
no u
weed is known to harm the brain

>correlation / causation brainlet

You know that mate. thank you, Fuck all this hippy shit that its gr8 cuz it groes in mud wot is natural

nice ad hominem broseph.

take an (online) IQ test while sober and while high - compare the results.

Functioning fine is not the same as functioning normal.

Cheers mate.

did you read the study?

If you can live a healthy, productive life while using recreational cannabis, there's no reason to stop. It's a fun, relatively harmless activity, certainly less damaging to your body than alcohol. Only issue is, yeah, it can be addictive. Not neurologically, but it's just a very easy way to have fun without actually really doing anything so it can too easily become a go-to way to just have fun and relax. I'm trying to cut down myself, because I know I smoke too much, but it's absolutely something that can be enjoyed somewhat regularly if you're responsible. Maybe try once or twice a week, and only do it at night in the two hours before you go to bed? Avoids the groggy feeling of coming down because you just go to sleep, and infrequent use makes each high much much better because your tolerance won't be high at all.

It's all about finding a balance.

I vape before I go to work, during lunch, and on the drive home.

$420k/ year

I love the devil's lettuce.

But it's too expensive.

Just vape, you use 1/10th the weed

>be me
>use almost exactly the same amount of weed

you're doing it wrong or have the wrong vape. Which vape do you have

sorry im very high

arizer solo 2

solo 2 is mid tier. Move onto a concentrate box mod like the sai/pico

Op it is fantastic

I mean I spend about half that on my TWO hobbies that keep me completely entertained all year

Increased appetite is mostly mental too, I don't know what exactly the effects of blocking CB1 are but it's a very exaggerated effect. The munchies is literally a meme.

>Increased appetite is mostly mental too
what else could it be, retard?

I smoke around 2g every day. Usually will have a joint before and after workouts and before doing chores and going to sleep.

Its amazing for the pump and to get in the right mindset for working out. And the physical benefits to your body healing and stuff blow the mental side completely out of the water.

Weed is pretty much the best thing ever if used correctly.

pic related

It's fun and helps with DOMS but don't overdo it. I prefer just getting like an eighth or something every couple weeks and smoking only at night, if I wake and bake or smoke during the day I turn into a lazy useless faggot and watch TV all day instead of getting shit done. If I've been to the gym and gotten all my errands for the day done though, then it's a nice way to wind down .


Way too intelligent a post for this board.

enjoy your horrible midlife crisis

How do you get the most value out of your weed? Using a bong? Glass pipe? Eating mango?

microdosing concentrate in a vape

You should probably get a job mate

i smoke popperoonays

Growing it yourself and smoking big playa blunts all day

I went cold turkey on weed febuary 6th 2017.

Best decision i ever made.


o he mad

I prefer Black Cat but she's better than Gwen Stacy.

Same, makes me fucking hyperactive as well even though I'm not when I'm sober.

calculate how much THC you can inhale each hit and design your joint around those calculations.