Anyone from South America/Brazil here?

Anyone from South America/Brazil here?

Are supplements supposed to be this expensive? 80% Whey from Growth will cost me almost 100 bucks a month if I take only 30g a day

How the hell am I supposed to get my protons on that price?

Other urls found in this thread:

eat food..


Don't buy from growth then, buy another brand on mercadolivre or somewhere else.


Any recommended brands? Everyone seems to be shilling for Growth nowadays

I've only used Probiotica 100% pure whey and a no name brand that some dude sells on ML.

Probiotica is in the same range as Growth. Hook me up with the ML links, please

Cheaper but not by that much.

Vaca in Mexico for 8 days. Hotel had gym. Alright. See a GNC. Sweet. Gonna get sups. 75 bucks for 2 lbs of whey. WTF!

15 bananas cheaper, I'll take it, thanks man

Meu jovem tudo no Brasil é caro. Compre comidinha pra ficar fortinho, que sai mais em conta ;3

Tem um limite de quanto ovo e frango eu consigo comer e a cada dia esse limite fica mais próximo, queria dar uma variada

Jovem peixe existe, se não me engano no nordeste deve ser super barato mas no país todo é barato também. Se não me engano existem vegetais ricos em protons, nozes e coisas do tipo parece que também. Feijão e lentinha são boas fontes também. Uma dica que eu achei massa foi hamburger, mas caseiro, se você for bão da pra fazer um com boas quantidades de gorduras e proteinas. Varia de semana em semana, vale lembrar que os preços podem variar conforme de acordo com o momento do ano.

Hambúrguer eu já faço em casa, geralmente uso patinho porque tem pouca gordura (uso um pouco de aveia e sopa de cebola em pó pra grudar tudo). Eu não gosto de peixe, por isso evito. As vezes como peito de peru pra dar uma variada mas os fatiados da Sadia e similar tem muito sódio, queria que peru fosse mais popular aqui pra comer peito/bacon natural mesmo

Vou dar uma olhada em nozes e lentilha, não tinha lembrado desses e acho que a lentilha dá pra colocar no lugar do feijão comum

Is there any place you can buy imported supplements and it doesn’t cost you an eye from your face?

just do what the brazilians do and slurp tranny cock

Not Brazilian but used to live there. Your supplements and whey prices a are a joke desu.

But your steak is god tier and way cheaper than it is in Europe or America. Just eat steak, fatty mince and eggs for gains. Fuck whey. Whey is a meme anyway.

The only reason why people eat whey is cos it's supposed to be a cheaper alternative to meat. In a country like Brazil where meat is cheaper than whey it makes no sense to eat whey. Não faz sentido cara

Eu cozinho umas caralhada de carnes (uns 3kg) de uma vez: frango, costela de boi e de porco e pintado
Cozinho tudo na panela de pressão por uma hora
Tiro todos os ossos e jogo fora
Cozinho lentilha no liquido q sobrou (q é uma canja riquissima em aminoacidos, pricipalmebte glutamina e glicina)
Guarda tuso numa panela e quando for comer é só pesar pra ter uma noção

Just rob the store its completely normal in brasil

Anyone else here put whey in their SOPA?
Name a better way to increase your T-levels
Pro TIP: [spoiler]u can't[/spoiler]

Try few months back a few anons got like 12lbs of protein for $30 today I ordered 4lbs/60 servings for under $19.

Not sure if they'll get you with shipping cause even in the US it's $5 shipping, also you might've never heard of some of the brands they're selling. Like the one I got is called catalyst grass fed you might have heard of it, but I hadn't so I checked Amazon and they have good reviews.

US $75 or Peso? Cause in Peso that's like $4

I'm in Chile, 5 lbs of ON 100% costs about 80 USD, 10 lbs bag about 150 USD in expensive stores, no discounts or sale periods. There are other brands ofc, Ronnie Coleman king whey 10 lbs bag is 100 USD, don't know if it's a lame ass brotein that happens to have that dude's name on it, like the arnold brand with MP.

You got cucked by import taxes and intermediaries getting their cut so stick to eggs, milk, chicken and fish

Rapaz, jeito é se acostumar com galinha mesmo, 9$/kg.

I'm going to fortaleza for a month, I bought whey the previous time but it feels like getting robbed and the quality probably was shit.

So what meat or fish has the best real/protein ratio over there? Maybe something local to look for?

inb4 panelada ou sopa de macaco

also I am going to creampie your fertile women

You people are the niggers of South America and you've ruined my gym. Go back to your favelas.


>um dos únicos países onde ptn/R$ de frango é mais barato que whey
>quer usar whey

vcs merecem tudo isso