Guys should I be worried
>be me
>never really do that much cardio
>training for the army cardio is a must now
>do scooby's boot camp prep because he's a G
>run 45min get around 10miles
>come home relaxing start doing shit feel light headed but not like fainting
>this is familiar
>feel like I'm high from smoking a weed
Will I die? what the fuck is this?
Guys should I be worried
Also got the weird paranoia like when I smoke weed anyone know what I'm talking about?
>run 45min get around 10miles
Either you need to check your math or you're running at the 98th percentile.
runners high buddeh
You mean km?
This was for OP. I'm high.
I thought that was fake imma be okay right desu?
He's only off the world record by 36 seconds so once he starts getting used to cardio he's going to smash it.
Idk I did an elpitical just going based on what it said should also mention I had a five minutes walking warm up and 5min cool down sorry like I said never really cared for cardio
that's not running, that's riding an elliptical
omg you retard
go outside and run. that's what you do in the army
They don't use ellipticals in the army
Ellipticals don't count. Get outside and run. Preferably in the early morning, so you're used to running when you're fresh out of bed.
That's nothing
>Temple veins get pumped af
>They look like they are alive
But it still feels good and I reap them benefits.
This is very common,stop weed.
I am aware I have to run in the army scooby's program actually said that I could use an elpitical or stationary bike also I live in Wisconsin and I don't have any jogging pants too cold for shorts and I refuse to run in jeans.
>.never do cardio
>run 10 miles in 45 minutes
fuck off you faggot
wow, you've got a bunch of excuses, but you can't afford any pants to jog in. you're gonna get your ass smoked in the army, and you could have prevented this, but you chose to get smoked. go ride the elliptical, kid, smoke another joint while you're at it.
Your story is full of trolls
Didnt say never you dumb nigger just never got very into it I've used it as warm ups and shit but never to this scale
read your second > you stupid cunt rofl is this baby's first shit post? they're going to ass rape you in boot camp i can tell because you're a little bitch already posting on Veeky Forums about real life problems they're going to eat you alive. Have fun :^)
google endocannabinoids, basically instead of endorphins being released which was the accepted dogma for a long time its actually the chemical equivalent of taking a fat joint to the face
Fuck Scooby. Nigga you have to run.
An elliptical does not train your body the same that running does. Your joints need to be used to the pressure caused by running.
You will also be running with with many pounds of gear in the army. Get your fat ass on a treadmill if its too cold outside.