Jason Blaha isn't jack...
Jason Blaha isn't jack
And guess what: he's even BIGGER IN PERSON
Jason is alright, it would help his cause if he didn't sound like he was about to have a heart attack everytime he spoke
>flex as hard as possible whle you have a pump
>still look like a doughy retard
nigga who tf is jack
thats classified
Bro really? He's looking absolutely great there, no homo.
>that one fat user
took him 20 years of natty lifting to get that "big"
I got that big in 4 months with this one simple sustanon trick
doctors hate me
Anyone looks good with a HDR filter on you moron
Don't they call him The Monster?
I'm sure his local mcdonalds does
>t. bloho
23 years of lifting and gear
he's as big as ryback
>20 years of lifting, not natty
>can barely squat your body weight
>can't even OHP anywhere near your body weight
>body weight bench
>dogshit physique
>trannyesque gf with a criminal record
>lives in poverty if I'm to believe ExposedTV
Apart from his deadlift he is a joke, why does he have any sort of following?
that's because you only see 15% of him in this picture
high bodyfat, solved by cutting, which he is in the process of
correction: 4 years of natty lifting, then 4 years of gear use before getting severely sick and losing all gains bedridden for over a year, then rebuilding back his previous strength and size as a middle age while still being disabled.
>20 years of lifting, not natty
wrong, see above
>bodyweight bench
275x10x3 jn his latest videos?
>believing anything the fake merc says
>unironically watching blaha
you'll never make it
>body weight bench
bloho benched 550lbs for 2, said so himself
hello jason
>believing a CIA nigger
Blaha is a cuck