/cgl/ here

You guys are actually pretty cool. Our mods are whales that bought into the body positivity meme, they do not represent the rest of ue.

We could really use some tips on dieting and working out, we would really appreciate it.

Thanks for listening.

read the sticky

also leave

things that aren't in the sticky
>bulking: +1lb/month
>cutting: -1.5lb/week
>do your cardio at 60-70% of your max heartrate
>, high carb, low fat, low sugar, enough protein is best (or go keto)
>you actually don't need that much protein
anything else?

>hit every muscle 2x/week

you could just squat and deadlift but if you don't like big quads and hamstrings along with big glutes you need to focus more on hip thruts, aBductor machine, donkey kickbacks,...

>bulking +1lb/month as a female
>cutting -1.5lb/week without being motivated enough to eat clean and do cardio
try +0.5lb and -1lb instead

what happened?

>bulking 1lb/month
I was about to meme you up until I realized the OP was a girl(male)

bulking 1lb a week you mean

hell no thats way too fast for aesthetics. 12lb/per year of wich is 6-10lb muscle is perfect

you know cutting fucks with your hormones right? You should cut maybe once every 12-15 months

I browse /cgl/ too, but only for lolita. I havent seen any body positivity. /cgl/ is the place to go to call out fatties you see on COF fb.

Most lolitas I know hate hamplanets and how they ruin precious brand by stuffing themselves into dresses.

Just the other day someone was upset about a fatty that sold a skirt and had strectched it to oblivion where it wouldnt even stay on.

who's KaeRun?

1.You'll lose weight if you're burning more calories than you consume no matter what
2.Diet is the most important factor when losing weight
3.Progressive overload is the key to progression
4.Soreness is not an indicator of muscle growth
5. Most supplements have a very limited amount of use
6 Stay the fuck away from bodybuilding.com
7.Good advice can be found from people like Greg Nuckols, Bret Contreras, Stu McGill, Chris Duffin, Brad Schoenfeld, Eric Helms
8.Lifting heavy will not make you bulky, lifting light will not make you toned
9.There really is no such thing as a hypertrophy rep range, muscle growth can be achieved with all kinds of rep ranges
10. And like said, you should hit every muscle at least 2x a week, though for a beginner 3x a week is preferable

That's what I could think of off the top of my head that hasn't already been said

have you stopped being liberal whores and embraced conservative lives? no? then fuck off.

Gotta eat big to get big. Creatine works. Lift weights every day. Run around instead if you don't want gains.

Why does she look so sad?

Curious why number 6..I use their store but not forum or plans or anything

I guess it would've been more precise of me to say ''never take advice from bodybuilding.com'' but I really just do not want anyone, especially beginners, to spend time there as it places them at risk of taking the broscience there seriously. I genuinely believe bodybuilding.com is the most destructive force in the fitness industry right now

she's an ice queen

Read the fucking sticky

Too angry, got a girl that's more cheerful?

Her eyes are way too far apart

Oh shit, I remember that web anime but I forgot the name.


check the sticky but here's some shit it might not tell you

>cardio is not optional but even just 20 minutes of brisk walking can get you your daily cardio
>your routine is determined by what you have the strength & flexibility to do without injuring yourself THEN what muscle groups you need to work
>don't bulk over 300 calories unless your workout intensity is high
>you must adjust your calorie intake regularly while cutting to adjust for the weight that you've lost
>if you do an exercise that hits your front delts hard (OHP) always follow it up with something that hits your rear delts such as reverse flyes or face pulls
>do ab work 3x a week

If you want to get american fat

post other better girls


Listen here babygirl, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, just know that you are perfect exactly the way you are.

>mfw thinking of u hurting
