Can we have a deadlift bad form thread?
Can we have a deadlift bad form thread?
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He lifted a legit weight. Who's to say that's bad form?
there is no proof that rounded back deadlifts are harmful. In fact, they make you even stronger because they allow more weight to be lifted
You are so fucking retarded. Any deviation from standard joint angle of the vertebrae from neutral spinal position acts as a multiplyer of pressure on that spot. Round or flex at your lumbar/thoracic spine and deviate with only 5 degrees and you have essentialy doubled the pressure on those areas. Do not underestimate the importance of form. This is your warning. Heed it.
shut the fuck up nerd
Youre gonna snap like a KitKat friendo. Please tape your lifts so I can fap to your inevitable screams of agony.
Stronger yet he can't even lock out properly?
Lumbar rounding and yanking the bar is how you get injured you numbskulls.
request but could someone make a video of people breaking there backs in deadlifts, but it's done to be exactly like a KitKat commercial? (So snap sounds and videos going along with a similar tune, and then something like "Deadlift : break time, anytime." at the end)
Oh, I'm confused on what good form is. OP can you post a video of you doing that weight with what would be good form?
Implying increasing pressure means risking yourself. There is no proof about that.
Although I cant prove it, it is very much possible that being used to high pressure allows you to adapt, so slight accidental pressure increase wont injure yourself.
Do you get off on people permanently injuring themselves?
whoa slow with the fancy talk smartass
Seen too many ppl preaching good form like Canditoe and Omarisuf getting injured, while Eric Bugenhagen can round his back all he likes in max effort Zercher deadlifts and never even injured his back in his 19 years of training experience.
doctors know fucking nothing about lifting
that either has to be set up, or the guy doing the squats has one of those wacky diseases that makes your legs go all silly
someone should make that a webm.
>muh single anecdote to refute physiological evidence
>Single anecdote
Must I mention all of Erics followers who train similarly as well?
You cant even refute my point that the body may adapt to pressure.
First one looks fine. His form is just breaking down a bit because it is a maximum effort weight to him
Dude the entire fucking weight was lifted with his back. There was absolutely no leg/posterior chain/hip involvement at all. Its supposed to be a single, fluid motion utilising multiple muscles at once. You can see the guy trying to lift the weight off the ground with his back.
Found the brainlets.
>This is your warning. Heed it.
Reminder all these people pull 245 for a one rep max
good fucking lord
whats bad about the first one?
Snapcity here we come!
Elgin pls go
If you watch Eric pulling a 700 sumo dl he has a perfect form, no rounding. Never seen him doing conventional dls but on jeffersons he does a little bit of upper back rounding which is fine (even ed coan says it is fine), but no lumbar flexion, and when he does behind the back he rounds all his shit up. The guy was a pro wrestler and has been training since he was 11, tendons of steel. I would never take him as evidence to back me up on bad form.
unironically r8
whenever i see people pulling sumo with toes almost to the bar i remember candito smashing his foot
careful user
you should lock out your knees before your hips
better than my 405 sumo form.
I went to a physical therapist for some orthotics and told him about my lifting, he told me almost all of his work on young patients who lift involve disc herniations due to lower back rounding or knee issues from bad form oly lifts and squats. By that info you can probably guess his office is near a bunch of crossfit gyms.
He told me all I needed to do to stay off his table was keep the lower back neutral during squats/deads and never forego a neutral spine for a bigger lift, just consider my 1rm the weight at which my upper back rounds but my lower does not.
Yeah maybe I could hit that 500 if I rounded the lowback but I don't mind adding 5-10lbs to my dead each week at 455 not rounding it.
You put your legs too wide. Your legs should be between your arms.
Even the fucking start position is wrong
Eric keeps a neutral lowback when he lifts, I think the only time he foregoes it is on a lift like the zercher but compare the weight of the zercher to the weight of his Jefferson, it's nearly 300lbs less weight which is a lot less pressure being put on his spine, if the rest of his back can handle that much less weight in the awkward position then he's fine.
But to imply eric could do like a 700lb conventional or sumo dl and round his lower back without consequence is foolish. Upper back rounding is fine though.
good post
4th one is staged as fuck lol. pussy pad, belt, and retardedly bad form for a weight that a starving african child could handle. come on.
Nothing, in the first one the guy can't get his upper back straight due to his weak back muscles but his lowback is neutral.
Every old woman I've trained is the same, they literally can't straighten their back fully until months of training and their traps/rear delts/etc get stronger and they stretch out their chest.
>hook grip
this kills the thumbs
You can round your middle/upper back a little to brace but not the low back. But his biggest problem is that he jerks his spine trying to lift it
>mixed grip
this kills the bicep tendon
>tfw no gf
this kills the user
>Doesn't look like worst form ever.
Think they included the horrible ear-splitting "music" into the equation.
Holding your ears while doing a deadlift would certainly make it bad form.
You're probably correct since the lifter is wearing a belt, and it doesn't seem logical he would invest in one.
(Unless he likes to dress up like a pro to get that extra daydream motivation.)
Studying his movements from removing the weight, squatting and putting it back, made me think he has an artificial leg and the guy sitting on the bench is sneaking a film because he figured it looks funny.
This is the master race?
kill yourself
Form check?
About 6 months ago I was pulling 140kg, went overseas for a few months, etc. Now even pulling 70kg my lower back has an uncomfortable tight feeling after a set. Gets worse if I continue.
Looks ok to me.
>tfw 260 1rm max
>in kg
Your ass is too high up in the air, putting unnecessary strain on your sacrum because your ass is too far away from your centre of mass.
Pic related, do you even SS?
Fuck off with your shit advice. His starting position is completely fine for his build. His hips don't rise and his shoulders are directly over the barbell.
Yeah I was questioning their advice also. Hip position depends on your levers as far as I know.
Your dl is fine, just lean back when you go to lift it so you can use your body as a counterweight, it's like the easiest way to cheat some extra pounds since the bar is pulling you forward with so much force, leaning back can take some of that weight.
You'll fall backwards if you do it on low weights but for like 3pl8+ it helps a lot.
His ass, is on a straight line with his back.
He is making a 90 degree starting stance with the corner being at his ass, and that is wrong anons.
You dead-lift with your legs mostly, and not with your back.
Hips too high. You want your back to be more upwards.
t. 5pl8 18 year old sumo puller
Right, makes sense. I was just watching my bar path and it's not very straight, I will up the weight next session (I have been but just recently concerned about the discomfort in my back) and it might actually correct a few things.
The prime movers of the deadlift are your glutes and hamstrings. His form is fine and I bet you have a sub 4pl8 deadlift.
Show me your source.
Plenty pulling for Rip do it this way.
watch this
t. 6pl8 deadlifter
You're rolling the bar across your body on both the way up and back down. It should go up in a straight line. Seems like people probably told you to keep the bar in contact with your body the whole time--this is wrong. Position yourself properly in front of the bar and pull straight up, and straight back down. Your hips are too high, chest too low and you have slight hyperextension. Despite what many people will say, put some fucking shoes on, and put decent inserts in those shoes. I suggest getting chucks or preferably the wide toe box rebok version of chucks. Over time you're going to overstretch your planar fascia (if you get to lifting with high weights) far beyond and far faster than the average person would, and give yourself over pronation problems which will carry over to your knees and back. Keep taking videos of yourself until you can correct these problems, you'll get there.
????? Not incorrect. Your back should be as straight as possible in the sumo.
looks fine to me. he's not lifting with his back. hammies/legs are clearly activated.
Thank you.
Thank you user.
form is fine but goddamnit those are some gay ass socks
That pic is wrong. A deadlift is not a squat, therefore that starting position is wrong.
We're done here.
Yeah wtf is that in the video? I've seen someone in my gym do this. Wtf does this do?
hear hear
Pull conventional. You started pulling sumo because it's easier and because you're a faggot, not because of muh body proportions, but they don't allow it in competition, it is inferior training and it is not what you should be doing
> me so tuff me pull conv because me like to pretend to be alpha. But me think anan compete with no evidence so he need to do conv. Me right me train one way so everyone train like me. Me big and stronk
>they don't allow it in competition,
In ipf they do, what shit company ate talking about?
no one cares about your uninformed opinion
anyone have that meme gif where some dude struggled like shit to do a deadlift with god-awful form? the words "Veeky Forums" kept flashing in the image
try having your arms perpendicular to the bar while keeping your lower back flat then everything would fall in place
Damn what a beefcake
Shoulders look in front of the barbell to me..
Just get around the risk of snapping your shit up by doing Jefferson.
the only correct answer
>you can't lift that much so anything you have to say is wrong no matter how clearly not wrong it is