thoughts on Juuling/vaping?
Thoughts on Juuling/vaping?
vaping is gay, but i do it to help me stop smoking. ive been a smoker since i was 14, and im 24 now and want to quit. i havent had a smoke in over a week now.
this desu
vaping is like a direct nicotine delivery mechanism
>vaping is gay
I vape cannabis was, never been higher desu
because if you inhale carcinogens you're a tough man apparently
It's just another drug delivery device, always has been, always will be, and anyone that claims anything different about it is in denial. It's not 'healthier' than smoking in any significant way, it's not going to help you stop smoking (you're just smoking something different), it's just another crutch that keeps you doing the same thing as before, only in a different form. If you want to stop smoking entirely the best method is COLD TURKEY QUITTING, smash all of it up and throw it all away, never buy any more, and suffer through the withdrawal symptoms. You'll be better for it in the long run.
>It's not 'healthier' than smoking in any significant way
but it is
>smoking veggie glycerol is the same as smoking gas, tar, isolation, and other chemically altered/infused tobacco
nigger what?
Faggot, YOU ARE STILL SMOKING SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T BELONG IN YOUR BODY. PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE. Claiming this isn't true just proves you are in DENIAL. Get correct, stop wasting money on this shit, stop punishing your body with chemical crap that doesn't belong in it. Or are you a drug addict?
>vaping is just as unhealthy as smoking
>but it's not
ye, no shit you dumbass. it's still not as bad as smoking other things though
life is a balancing risks and pleasures. vaping doesn't have many risks, and the pleasures are nice
I am willing to make that choice to risk minor health concerns for a good time. since I already eat well and exercise, most of the health risks are null to me
6 months off this cigs this month after nearly 20 years, vaping is excellent for smoking cessation. Plus I barely even use it now, just after meals or waiting for a train etc.
I and everyone I know who rep!aced cigs with vaping tapered off it quite quickly, so it's not just replacing one vice with another.
dope, all my frat bros got em
>people who say vaping is "gay" are 40 y/o virgins
>cites anecdotal accounts like those mean anything
>"it's worked for me so it must work for everyone else too, LOL"
Nope you are just in some combination of denial and utter stupidity. VAPING IS JUST ANOTHER DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE AND THEREFORE A CANCER ON HUMANITY. Throw it away and stop being in denial.
what flavors do those come in?
Vaping is for low T soyboys
wow really?
you mean this thing I use to get mind altering drugs into my body is a drug delivery device?
wow that's a real eye opener.
>not embracing drugs and using them as tools to advance yourself further than you ever could before
Well I can base my opinion on what has actually happened in reality or on someone screaming their pet talking point in all caps on Veeky Forums, and I think reality wins this one sorry m8
I like vaping but not the fact that it looks like I'm sucking robot dick
fill them with whatever juice you want brah, but to get super buzzed make sure you get salt based nicotine 50mg nic. is the shit
Two months off the cigarettes with the Juul. I have one of the chinese vapes but I ended up smoking cigs and vaping at the same time until I was back on the cigs. Only problem is I go through Juul pods pretty quick. At least 2 pods a day and shit's expensive as balls. I was a pretty heavy smoker though so going from a pack and a half a day to two pods is probably about right. Feels good to not be coughing and wheezing though. Also my teeth are getting whiter.
Used to be addicted to that shit a couple years ago, I wasn't even as addicted to regular cigarettes before that. I kept moving on to higher and higher nicotine content juices because I loved that spicy feeling in the throat. I'd hit it every second all day like a lab-rat being administered unlimited quantities of a drug. It suppressed my appetite a lot too, I'd barely eat and looked like a meth addict. Not good for you.
Because you're taking something already degenerate and making it techno degenerate. The things are just toys. Between batteries and liquid and all kinds of unnecessary parts and little LED's on them to make you feel like you're at a rave or some shit, the whole thing is just obnoxiously overcomplicated for something that's a trademark characteristic of scumbags and white trash. It's like a teenager who just discovered they can by a 20$ battery powered light strip for the underside of their car at autozone and now their 2001 Saturn ion has neon green under lighting.
I'd not heard of those before, interesting that there are different kinds of nicotine. I actually failed a few times on the ones that are meant for smoking cessation but quit right away on one of the sub-ohm vapebro things, no idea why.
You are absolutely, positively retarded. What's in the oil is a big component (usually a bunch of garbage) and you're still inhaling shit that's bad for your lungs.
You're talking about people who treat it as a hobby or enthusiasm in itself, which is admittedly pretty gay. Whenever I go to buy coils there are hipster guys lounging around the shop on sofas acting as if they're getting high, it's very strange.
Oh and I forgot to mention I think I always had nicotine poisoning because my hands were always sweaty and they would shake. Quitting vaping was a bitch, it was like itch that builds up after only a few minutes without a hit that you can only scratch with that fruity, spicy, nicotine kick in the back of the throat.
>life is about balancing pleasures
Get your fedora and get the fuck back to le r3ddit you enlightened gentleman.
my vape has a screen that shows useful/needed information and nothing else. no color even, all white text.
most vapes I've seen are the same, or have a button that lights up to show battery level and nothing else.
sure some of them are hella gay, but that's just like people. some are hella gay and stupid like you and others are not. can't group them all together like the spiteful autist you are
>it's bad for you!
we know
but not as bad
read that part again as it's the key phrase
not as bad as anything else
>it's just as bad for you
>people who use it to "quit" smoking end up just vaping more often, since they don't have to step outside to smoke
>it's maximum edgelord/fedora core
>going to be the new way big tobacco shills nicotine
>has none of the "cool" factor of cigarettes and none of the social aspects
>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
I remember being this nervous about fitting in but that was in 2004
>has none of the "cool" factor of cigarettes and none of the social aspects
It may not be cool, but you can't say there aren't social aspects. There's so many varieties of juice flavors and equipment, you can make a hobby out of it. There are big communities built around vaping and a lot of conventions. I don't think there's any cigarette smoker conventions.
I heard about it on a Veeky Forums thread like this one. It work for me. I remember it being different from vape liquids because it uses nicotine salts or something. I'm just happy to be off cigarettes. Shit's much more expensive than vape liquids though so if you can get off cigs with vape liquids it will save you a lot of money.
Yeah I know that feeling. I would go to the vape store that I bought my vape at to get the buy two get one free deal they had on Sundays and there would just be people hanging out. I'm a get in, buy what you need, get out kind of shopper so I always found it kind of weird. I mean it's not a bar. Why would you spend all day at a vape shop?
you're right, and that's because people who smoke cigarettes are functional human beings
>go to a bar
>step outside to smoke
>have a conversation with a stranger, while you both share a cig
>go your separate ways
Do you guys suck each other off as well?
clueless retards.
>>has none of the "cool" factor of cigarettes and none of the social aspects
nigger what?
>smoke cigs for years
>literally only ever had one girl ask to bum a cig or use my lighter, and it was some crusty old hag
>start vaping
>every other girl who sees it asks to bum a hit, asks what flavor I have, or just shoots the shit about it
>acquire qt hipster gf after talking to her at a vape shop
fuck off cigarette shill, cigarettes arent cool they just make your breath smell like ass and give you cancer
sounds like you are meeting only underage and underdeveloped women
I don't even smoke you asswipe.
>cigarettes arent cool
And vapes are? Stop kidding yourself faggot.
nigger how is that a bad thing?
>smokes cherry-mango-maracuya gimmick while it is charging via usb
sorry but you aren't allowed to pick more than one
>Smoking something that doesn't belong in your body
I swear you better be most straight edge faggot in the world, because I could list a dozen things that don't "belong in your body" that society find acceptable and I'm sure that you partake in. Caffeine "doesn't belong in your body". Pain killer drugs don't "belong in your body". Christ alcohol literally kills people and is totally acceptable. And you want to run off some nicotine and vaporized veggie glycerol being the bane of humanity? Jump off your high horse and kys on the way.
>baseless assumptions
>good argument
sorry but you can't use these two at the same time
pick one
ok your turn
>your opinion
>every single person i see at bangers has one, why wouldnt it be cool?
to the fags in this thread: there is no combustion, its not smoke. its vapor. the liquid is the same stuff they use in IVs put directly into your bloodstream at a hospital. it's harmless.
Juul and smoking blocks est and boosts test
Vaping is pretty gay
I drink only the finest waters from Swedish springs imported in blown glass. I raise my own chickens which I coral on horse back. My vegetables come from my garden which is chicken manured and free of pesticides because I spend 23 hours a day picking the bugs off of the plants. I lift rocks. Any other way is for pussies that put chemicals in their body against The Lord's plan.
m..may I lift wood?
>only people who x do y
>topkek do you think cool people x
>blah blah blah
I bet you're the same guys always whining about how superficial and image-obsessed girls are. Not that any of you will listen but read through this thread and see how much of it sounds exactly like thots on twitter trading putdowns. I mean exactly the same. Get a fucking grip.
Only if you've chopped it yourself in your bug picking breaks. Not going to get a good diddly without rocks though.
>as long as you dont buy a bulky piece of shit like pic related vaping is pretty cool
i recommend the phix,juul,suorin air,bo,aspire breeze, etc.
>picking bugs
>takes breaks
never gonna make it
>pic related
if your gunna vape get two of them
one big one like that for home use or for parties where you aren't really going anywhere so carrying that around isn't a hassle and has tons of battery life and juice storage.
and another for everyday carry that's much smaller and convenient.
snuff > cigarettes
>ad populum
Mindless sheep.
fuck off faggot, if i see something people genuinly enjoy then i cant enjoy it as well
>sucking robot dick
Lol holy fucking shit. The anti vapers in this thread are insane.
> "vaping is degenerated and immature"
> completely lose their fucking minds on an Asian image board because anonymous randos disagree with them
I'm fine with the vapes that resemble cigs, but all the other ones just look like metallic juice boxes for adults.
Vapers get it from both sides. Smokers who think vaping is for faggots and real men die at 45, and the non smokers who think everything is unhealthy.
>do you wanna get doooooooooooown?
>coming to your tooooooooooooooooown
Yeah man, right on, in fact it'd just be better if everyone ran everything by you before doing since you're obviously the arbiter of cool.
Who is worse, the dude who enjoys doing something harmless with his money and time or the guy that gets bent out of shape about it?
nice, the same way you can defend also furryfags and every single degeneracy
Would it kill you to think for yourself for one second instead of just being a mindless empty vessel repeating shit you think sounds good on Veeky Forums?
nicotine is not a carcinogen. the other garbage in tobacco is
I thought about it and that's the result, I can dislike you for doing something retarded even if it's not harmful against me or anyone else
>'muh degeneracy'
You puritanical faggots are insufferable. I bet you're a solitary little quim as well, sitting alone because you're an intolerable buzzkill to anyone who has the misfortune of straying into your sphere of influence.
Are you genuinely autistic? Usually autists get this mad about stuff like this. They can't separate out one activity from the next. So if you vape you must also drink starbucks, have the test levels of a 90 year old tranny, watch your gf get railed by black dudes and vote Hillary. Your kind can't fathom anything beyond absolutes.
If you really base your opinions of people on such utterly shallow flavor of the week things then you've got problems, but I don't believe you. If the prevailing mood on here was that vaping is good you'd be in here defending it to the death
You are reaching new levels of projection, noone implied any of these bullshits, you seems to be only one mad and salty here
No projection. An educated guess. The dude was throwing around 'degeneracy' as an excuse to shit on vaping. I know his type.
It's not even that. I mean go ahead and have your opinion but fuck I literally have no idea how they could be this retardedly animated about it. Theyre sitting here screaming at their computers and taking the time out of their day to argue a uselss point.... like they actually think someone who vapes is going to go "huh I never thought about it that way" and change their behavior. i mean good lord guys have some feel and ask yourself what you intend to accomplish by getting buttblasted and talking shit about others habits
Yep I am pretty shallow but seeing anyone vape won't make me hate him as a person, he will be just less likable to me. Noone is really that autistic about it as you guys defending it think
>being hurt by insensitive word choice on mongolian cheese shredding forum this much
Lmao dude I've been here since 08 I don't feel anything anymore.
I'm just pointing out that coming into a vape thread throwing around puritanical judgements about peoples' choices is gay.
Don't go ape on a harmless activity and not expect to get taken up on it.
Pent up anger and self-loathing vented onto the enthusiasm and enjoyment of others. That's my guess. Dude just needs a big hug.
it's just
>your thoughts on vaping?
>"Looks retarded/degenerate"
>"Oh wow I know people like you, you are sitting in your basement bashing on vaping right now because you are always hating on everything slightly different and that's why you'll die alone and you probably have zero friends and less than zero parents"
OP literally wanted our thoughts on vaping, here they are
You missed the part where this spicy autist rocks in calling people drug addicts and degenerates?
If you don't think this place is rammed with bitter spergs who desperately need to hear each other whining about everything to convince themselves being in such shit mental health is normal, you're either blind or you just got here m80