Numale hate general

Because of the current numale epidemic were all suffering from, and as we have other hate threads such as FPH, I took it upon me to make a numale hate thread.

Now for story time:
>Be me
>Have a sister heavily involved with MUN (model united nations) fagotry.
>All my sisters MUN guy-friends are either numales or literal fags.
>On a fateful weekend my sister had to go to a MUN competition in some other university
>To get there she carpools with a numale friend of hers who is in her MUN team.
>Numale's car breaks down on the way to the comp
>Sister calls my dad for help
>Dad asks to talk with numale car owner
>Numale tells him he has a "blue renault"
>Me and my dad go to the rescue
>Pass the street were they supposedly are multiple times, fail to spot the blue renault
>"Are we blind ot stupid user?" Asks my dad
>We call numale again, we need to confirm information, we were on the right street and he was on a "blue renault"
>Suddenly notice there is a blue PEUGEOT parked by the street
>We approach to the car
>"It cant be this car, user, its a peugeot, not a renault" says my dad
>Mfw it actually was the car
>We ask the numale fuck why the fuck he told us it was a renault and not a peugeot
>In bitchy, numale voice :"oohh i dont knoooow hahaha isnt it the same thing?? I dont know much about cars"

You should've seen my dads face.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry. What are Numales and Nufemales?

Is it possible he's just an idiot?

>tfw non-faggot MUN lanklet
we have a good time
about to go to a MUN event right now actually.

Tfw my male friend called me to change his tire to a donut on the highway. I never thought of him the same since.

Nope, scrawny, beard, faggot glasses, dresses like a hipster and constantly talks about his feelings. Fucking hate the dude.

Theres some pretty cool dudes that like that shit, it just happens all of my sisters mun friends are low test fucks

My problem with numales hasn’t nothing to do with the way they look really. You can be a DYEL lumbersexual bearded fuck, I don’t care. It’s just pathetic that they resign themselves to this feminine approach to the world because they realize they can’t compete with the big dogs, which takes effort of course. As a result, they act like herd minded faggots incapable of individual thought. It really is the worst type of person

Any germans here? What do you think, how many Andre Teilzeit's do you think you could beat up? I only started exercising recently, so I think I could take 3



I don’t give a flying fuck about cars either. I never understood the big deal behind actually knowing all the models and their names. Still to this day don’t have a huge interest in getting one aside from whenever I wanna to on a road trip or something. I appreciate them for their incredible usefulness but it’s just a car. I don’t see why people expect others to have encyclopedic knowledge about them.
Granted, I DO understand the importance of knowing the model of your own car for identification reasons.

what are peogeots and renaults

squeeze and drink every last drop mkay?

ahhh warum hat Deutschland auch numaler

I don't give a fuck about cars

Because you lost the war, and (((they))) are in charge now

Anyone else gets motivated to go hard as fuck in the gym after watching some nu-male videos?

Also why the fuck all the nu males make such stupid faces when taking pitures?


they are so EXCITED they must OPEN THEIR MOUTHS

Yuropoor car makes

I don’t fucking know what it is. It’s likr they’re begging for a cock to fill their mouths.

Thanks, I just got fired for "looking at porn"

Its not about being a petrolhead. A man must know basic shit like what fucking car hes driving.

this is stupid story

> I'm near the blue Hondo

>caring this much about people you have nothing to do with
never gonna make it. literally this entire thread. Go back to redit fucking crybabies

You pointed out exactly the problem. I'm no where close to how skilled my dad is under the hood, but I know enough to manage basic maintenance and repairs on my vehicle. I couldn't tell you every model of Mustang, but I could tell you about mine and its problems/advantages

this is what happens when society lets women raise adults,which had always been a man's job.
I was a numale in my late teens bc single mom,but even kids from married families suffer from dads that check out from educating their kids which either results in numales or savage with no decency(this is bc women find it easier to let the kid do whatever he wants since disciplining him is somehow "hard" nowadays). Most arabs/gippos in europe fall into that category bc in their culture the man works/steals whatever and the woman raises the kids

Lol my sister had a numale bf once
> His foxbody stang broke down at our house.
>Me and my bro we're there and he's trying to start the motherfucker over and over
>We go sounds like it's not getting any fuel
>He ignores us
>Calls Daddy who lives 6 hours away
>I'll come up numale user
>Numale user tells dad I think it's the spark plugs
>Daddy drives up, is white trash. Weird.
>4 days later of it sitting at my house and several frivolous repairs they finally replace the fuel pump and wa la starts right up

lol this chick fucks numale gooks, stpeach


maybe you shouldn't have been looking at porn while at work then, user.

Raising your children has lost its value in todays societys mind. Truly unfortunate.

U mean chick in pic?? Seriously? I dont know her name

have you lads seen this?
first time a buzzfeed video has legitimately disturbed me and made me redouble my commitment to getting swole

Who is this semen demon?

Fuck man thats disturbing as fuck holy fucking shit the cringe is too much

No idea dude. Saw her on some other thread and saved pic for later.

> four of the five mincing """dudes""" have the testosterone of a 12yo boy

all of them look vaguely jewish, it's like they're trying to create mini-hlaf baked version of themselves to eliminate the competition,since none of these drones have the witt shrewd intelligent and amorality of a proper jew

I saved it too, amazing that this person exists. 11/10 is possible...

>going on Veeky Forums at work
Yeah you should have been fired regardless

Someone needs to do a reverse image search, we need her name

I went and bought a metal water bottle after I saw it

This is a blue board tho

Spot on

Yetis are fucking great (no lid)
>use the small one for coffee mug
>use larger one for water

You don’t make enough money for that thot. She “deserves” only the very best of everything ‘cause daddy said she was a princess when she was and even though her body has matured, like most women, her brain is still at the six year old’s level.

It's voila, not wa la

yeah right. every dude "into cars" you have no fucking clue how to make one. you're taking credit for "car knowledge" and being a man when u really have no clue, u cant build that shit, u cant repair it. fuck you


You're on Veeky Forums, you're a fucking autismo.

"Building a car" is less complicated than "building a computer" you just buy shit thats compatible and put it together. Most people who know a lot about cars are poor.

>change his tire to a donut


>gets fired
>still lingers around office for a several hours browsing Veeky Forums


Ooh, that's a tricky one.
I'm sure it will be that the first one you leave crying in a pool of his own blood will make the rest of them flee, so it's more of a case of how many you can run down before they get too far away.

A donut is man-speak for a small temporary tire you can fit to an automobile when you get a flat. It's not a replacement tire--rather a quick fix to get you on the road (and to a tire shop).

Got anymore brainbusters?

I guess Satan doesn't Veeky Forums

>A donut is man-speak for a small temporary tire you can fit to an automobile when you get a flat. It's not a replacement tire--rather a quick fix to get you on the road (and to a tire shop).

Oh, okay. I don't know cars.

>not knowing how an internal combustion engine works

Literally pathetic

Pic related is her boyfriend

>Pic related is her wallet


It's just the fucking replacement wheel that's in a car, for god's cock

muhamed al fraje isn't happy with this situation

wtf man

what the fuck is he 5'1" to weigh 145 in that photo?

A lot of really attractive women do this because ugly beta dudes are easy to string along. They don't fuck him... but they can tell other people they don't like, "I have a bf."

iow, she's single

Youre just trying ti virtue signal that youre a mechanic or some shit and for some reason that makes you better than everyone who likes car and everyone who likes car is no better than some fuck that doesnt know his own car make because they aint a mechanic like you. Kys

Ugly chink must be rich

I can't watch, it sounds too terrible. Who was ranked as the most attractive or least unattractive?

Yet somehow *every* modded car is a shitshow on wheels. You can’t just bolt on up pipes and bigger turbos and hope you have a worthwhile result, but people do.

what the fuck they're like women in men's bodies. I'm eating even more tonight and hitting my lifts harder, society is degrading.

How does this happen, he is ugly, she has the money (from twitch whoring), she could probably get anyone she wanted being rich and attractive wtf

post more pics of sister

>It's the social rejects virtue signal how they're better than everyone else again.

Let's be honest, most of you are less than a year lifter DYELs who project their insecurities into other people while thinking youre smart because muh internet cynicism.

If I had a relative involved with those gayshits I would've just told them fuck you and hung up.

@lisapeach on ig

This is really sad, but as a fellow chink bro, this gives me hope. I'm only into non-orientals, it's fucked.

Tinder has been a struggle lads. I'm Veeky Forums by normie standards so I think I just need a main pic that shows my wide shoulders/back.

Maybe, just maybe... Now hear me out, this may seem a bit outlandish or even obscene to say, but maybe she likes him for his personality and it's hard to judge from one akward Instagram picture.

>I'm only into non-orientals
dat self hatred

Disliking numales is altright?

nice projection

>Caring about politics at all
>Need to cling to an ideology to give yourself value

Doesn't matter whether you're far left or far right, it means you have major dissatisfaction with the current society and you expect the government to fix it like mommy or daddy did when you were a kid. Grow the fuck up, there is a reason why there are barely any feminists and nazis above 30. People who invest deeply into politics from both side are massive losers.

virgin cope

>people who aren't served by the status quo try to destroy the status quo

Good observation faggot. If academia wasn't corrupt I would be happy living my life as a professor; instead I'll be writing traditionalist propoganda and polemical tracts against modern society

>Pipes and bigger turbos.
If by pipes you mean exhaust manifold then that's absolutely the two things to make a great power mod. (Unless you really want get crazy and get after market intake manifold with eccentric cams too)
Most kids can't afford a turbo kit so they're just roasting a oem until it breaks. If they have one. If it sounds loud and goofy they just removed the muffler and made no actual performance upgrade.

Raised in a western country, so I imagine it's to do with my upbringing and being surrounded by non-orientals.

You're just a brainlet cherrypicking quotes that fit your agenda.

right, sure

I think I just broke my back by looking at this pic.


Oh God

>...if you want
lol pathetic faggot


>that hapa kid

Sorry next time I'll cherry pick quotes that go against my agenda. Do you fucking think when you speak? You have a belief system that directs you just as I do, the question of who's right will be told by the passage of time.

>I'm only attracted to non-orientals

Why would you hate nu-males? Out means less competition for sex.

You could probably fuck most nu-male's gf/wife and have them thank you for it.

tinder sucks for chink bros, I'll confirm. Have had 6 dates on it this year, they were all shocked that I had a normal sized 7 incher

basically I went from 1-2 matches a day to 5 matches a day when I had my main pic of me wearing spandex pants like pic related with my dick hanging out. worked wonders.

also go for Latinas, here in LA they fucking love asian dudes for whatever reason. and lastly, just go out more because that will get you laid a lot more than tinder does, just go out to clubs and bars, then again I live by koreatown and everyone here is either asian or obsessed with asian culture. good luck dude

>it means you have major dissatisfaction with the current society and you expect the government to fix it

No, I think the government should be torn down and built anew. I don't want anyone to fix things for me, but I know they need to be fixed.

>no feminists above 30
Have you been inside a school? A university? Do you have a job? Because then you'd know that a lot of the screeching harpies are above 30, and are fucking with younger girls heads as some sort of twisted revenge.

>no nazis above 30
How would you know really? Besides a group of a half dozen or so friends of mine nobody knows I am a "nazi". Don't get me wrong, I discuss my views openly when asked, but you have to walk on eggshells around certain topics, and you certainly can't openly call yourself a national socialist, or you would literally be fired or kicked out of whatever educational institution you are in.

>don't invest deeply in politics
So that the massively powerful governments of today can lead you wherever they want? Being laissez faire with an organization which thinks and acts like they own you isn't gonna work out for you long term pal.