What race/class combo are you playing Veeky Forums?
It's time to come home
Dwarf Holy Paladin focusing on pvp.
>Above 16
>Playing Vidya
Probably NE Hunter, or Dorf Hunter, or Gnome Mage.
If my friends go Horde, probably UD Lock/UD Mage/UD Rogue like a true fucking edgy teen.
Reminder horde is shit
Alliance is natty
Nikka, im 38 and thinking about playing WOW for the first time. FUCK this soul-crushing reality.
>work at my factory/office goy
>don't you know videos games and NEET life is CHILDISH goy!?
>oh and while you're at it why don't you marry stacy? she's a nice girl, she's only been with 30 other men, but you're not a misogynistic pig who would discriminate women based on partner count right goy? she wants a nice guy now
>and while we're at it goy just for the record did you see that study that said not to work out if you're a white man? wouldn't want a heart attack now would we goy!?
I might try wow for the first time. What should I roll?
I started playing retail in TBC, didn't get max a char until Wrath. Been a Feral Druid main ever since, in the constant on and off again style.
I'll probably play UD Rogue, that's what I started yesterday on Lights Hope Vanilla literally an hour before the announcement lmao.
Probably Human paladin to start. Then undead warlock later. When's this drop btw?
I dunno, I remember getting my ass handed to by horde most of the time in vanilla pvp
Human anything, but usually a mage or warrior.
Troll protection warrior
Whatever you like but remember that healers get burned at the endgame because farming materials is hard for them and re spec is expensive.
oh and if your class has a healing option, that's all you'll ever be doing. Keep that in mind.
>go on Elysium to rediscover the joys of Azeroth
>go up to level 20, pure grind
>I already know every corner, every quest
>realize it's gonna be the same all the way to 60
>minmaxing white items out of autism and years of dps obsession
>the magic that first caught me in is gone
>there's no wonder, I am not enjoying this
How do I let go, Veeky Forums.
Video games are a distraction, not a hobby, nor a form of art. Those who disagree are butthurt manchildren.
>If you're not wasting your youth in front of a gaming console or PC it means you're a cuck.
Nice coping manchild
Pvp ret pally
maybe undead mage or troll hunter
>2017 vidya
i used to play runescape religiously about 2 years ago but then i started sociallizing more and realized girls>games
orc shaman since 05
Based BJ calls him a draft dodging commie.
They are obviously a distraction, they are fun and enjoyable
>thinking that to play games you need to see them as some deep art shit
When are they releasing the classic servers?
Either my Troll Hunter (stereotypical I know) or my Draenai Paladin
>playing anything but Nintendo 64 for the sole purpose of getting girls into bed
Wow is such dumb fucking piece of shit.
>kill 10 rabbit
>kill 100 skeletons
>walk a certain distance
Am I fucking missing something? The only mmo worth anything was tibia and that's only because you could murder in cold blood and steal people's items
sry not possible
are you trying to defend the worst mmo of all time? tibia was literally a ultima 7 clone (even the sprites were the same) bot farming shitty pay to win game
>when I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
That said it's obviously a waste of time if it's all you do like many wow players- I quit that drug many years ago.. But nothing wrong with occasional vidya
This, I don't understand the appeal of WoW other than exploration tbf.It was grindy and slow as fuck.
I don't play anymore since the alliance catering some expansions ago.
>play in vanilla and tbc
>crush alliance dogs 95% of the time in PvP, most of them are retarded kids
>if we lose a bg, we are usually outnumbered
>horde questing and zones take a backseat to the alliance
>outnumbered, but I liked it that way
>slowly blood elves are becoming more numerous, eventually the most popular race on horde side
>Horde/Alliance numbers balance out a bit more, but due to the b elf influx we are not better than the alliance anymore
>eventually all good pvp racials go to alliance
>I don't care much for pve, don't feel like grinding the same boss every week doing a simple rotation to get good gear, pretending I'm 1337
>complete disregard for pvp, all good pvp players go alliance for better racials
>quit in early cata
>meanwhile the alliance is whining constantly on the forums about how they think the horde gets preferential treatment
>they /spit on Thrall in cata, while no one bitched about the human paladin leading the battle against the lich king
>meanwhile they make Garrosh a villain and kill him
>despite this come back for WoD
>really liked the setting, but the expansion is shit, PvP is shit, etc.
>quit not long after
>fuck you blizzard
> watch the latest trailer
>Sylvanas out of character screaming for the horde but okay
>they make Varian's faggot son look like a badass
>the lore is just a circlejerk of "important" characters
>most boring trailer I have seen for an expansion
>after nearly a decade too late they announce vanilla servers
>tfw I will never be an orc warrior anymore during WotLK
>I never went past Goldshire
>not blowing out every AB 2000-0 with your pvp buddies
never gonna make it
>Alliance catering
kys horde faggot
No u cuck. Better respect your vanilla elders soyboy.