What is Veeky Forums's personality? Also r8
What is Veeky Forums's personality? Also r8
Campaigner A
>All creativity goes towards inventing new insults and one-liners
Fucking on point lmfao
flavor of the week
>willingly participating in data mining
enjoy your botnet
ENTJ masterrace reporting in
Here's mine, the keys2cognition test says I'm ENFP tho
As always
As an INTP, I find this demonstration of vicious heteropatriarchial dismissal, of the diversity of cognitive entities on this planet, to be mendacious and milquetoast.
I try to take this test every month and I get both INTJ and INFJ. What that could mean Veeky Forums?
Take the Keys2Cognition test in order to find out your cognitive functions
Got that too with quite a bit of variance on the charts
pls user help me who am I ?!
Wait, I was INTP-A, nevermind
INTJ nerd rage reporting in
You're probably young and your type isn't fully developed yet, but you're most likely ESFJ or ENFJ.
When you took the 16Personalities test, how many % did you get for each category?
>You're probably young
I'm 20, not a khhv but still insecure and on a dry spell since a breakup
>feeling the feel
We are the 3%
Every time I see one of these threads, I notice tons of INTJs even though we're supposed to be the rarest archetype. I can only conclude that likes attract likes.
All of the benefits of being intelligent, none of the drawbacks.
Bow to me, feeling-driven drama queens.
>tfw ISTJ
hello fellow humans
20 is still considered as young in relation to this test iirc.
The Keys2Cognition one is more accurate and valid than the 16Personalities test, so you're probably either ESFJ or ENFJ. Look up some other information about this topic if you're interested or take some other tests like the big five test
If you count concealing lack of substance with a massive veil of brainlet epithets, fag
>0% feeling on all tests
why and how
already three ENTPs here, that's the first time I've ever seen so many in a single thread
My theory is these people grew up arguing over the internet and developed this way. Cold and only use logic, i get this result the most between this and ent p so im going to die alone.
>you think the first image in the comments is applicable to every individual with those characteristics
Oh sweety could you be more fucking wrong
INTP here
Content with little; enjoy thinking for its own sake
Gift of insight; deeply curious
Resistant to feelings of tribalism and group think
Socially retarded, but still long for recognition and intimacy
Neurotic as fuck
Suck at creating success out of abstract knowledge
this does not affect my life
dont take it as 0% feeling, take it as 100% thinking ;)
I'm ENFP-A "The Campaigner", my role is Diplomat and my strategy is People Mastery. It's pretty accurate for me, I think. Also supposedly the personality of Michael Scott and Willy Wonka, which is awesome.
This test i pretty much really accurate, the best one on the net so far. But the thing is it's mostly depending on your momentual situation.
Depending on what part of my life i am and how i deal whith the shit changes my mentality a lot. So, today i got ENFP, before 4-5 month when i did the test i was INTP. One time i remember when i was INFJ. So, you do the math.
I think it's just that internet spaces tend to attract this kind of person
When you're young you tend to fluctuate a lot (and by young I mean less than 30). You haven't really settled in to the patterns of behavior that'll define your life. It seems like N and P are pretty consistent for you though.
whenever we have this thread we always find that there are a lot of entps. i'm one too, i'm curious why you're lifting. for me it would be both the challange and that i simply want to be the best looking motherfucker in any given room
I lift for the journey of lifting; long term health benefits, physique gains and the approach to the peak performance that my body is capable of.
For me it's the latter one too. I also do it because I'm not really busy during the week, so I need something to spend time and lifting is the best activity to do so, because it's challenging and beneficial
>Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions.
This fucking statement stumped me, anyone else?
My life pretty much. This is a strange question to ask but do you get sports? Like being a fan?
It's one of those things that I just don't fucking get. I get the whole athleticism thing. I weight lift 3x a week. But I do not get being a sports fan. At all.
>All creativity goes towards inventing new insults and one-liners
literally me. Based.
INTJs make up 30% of the population faggot
ESTJ here
ima good looking istp i fucking hate emotional humans gotta fuck them somehow so its fucking frustrating...
Basically because it's a challenge like you've said. But also because I don't like being small, and because it makes me feel good. I'm
Didn't think ENTP was rare?
Just got the same
Where my ISTPs at
>Didn't think ENTP was rare?
Here on Veeky Forums I haven't seen many of them until now
I get it in the logical sense: most people are tribal and enjoy unifying under some collective. But personally? Not at all, I enjoy some sports for the athleticism involved but never for the comradery. It's not in my nature to care about comradery, it's probably not in yours. I like people but I rarely enjoy their company, if that makes sense
how do you do with socializing? I miss people, go get friends, and then neglect them. I can't seem to find a balance
ENTJ mustard race
also, mbti shit is an absolute meme and if you put any faith into its value as a predictive or prescriptive tool you're a fucking brainlet, full stop
Fair enough then.
Fuck with me
>taking a test developed by a random mystery-writing housewife and her daughter
>entertaining the idea that the results mean anything
>how do you do with socializing? I miss people, go get friends, and then neglect them. I can't seem to find a balance
Unfortunately that's me as well. I'm profoundly lucky enough in life to have a best friend who complements my weaknesses, and in turn I cover for his weaknesses. But otherwise...yeah.
I've had a hell of a time going through military and going through homelessness. I don't miss socializing with 99% of those faggots. But that 1% that seemed like genuine human beings...I kinda miss hanging out with them. As said, at least I have my best friend.
INTJ reporting in
I can accurately predict people's types within 1 letter after 20 minutes with them. The system is incredibly useful at broadly categorizing people. You're trying to be edgy and independent for its own sake- true independent thought is following what works, regardless of whether it's popular or not. Cleaving to skepticism is psuedo thinking, just as cleaving to anti-social behavior is psuedo individualism. You're still being guided by an external. faggot.
no one cares, go back to your shell
anyone else ESTP here?
I juggle between ESTP and ISTP, but only i noticed it mainly depends on my sex drive. If it's low im more introverted
Merely categorizing people does not make it a valuable tool in and of itself. People tend to think of MBTI results as a prescriptive measure, whether for use a job aptitude test or relationship compatibility meter or what have you, when in reality it's worth as one of those things is nil. It's barely better than abject cold reading.
Also, top laff at the guy with faith in pop psych bullshit having the gall to call others "psueds" [sic].
Myers Briggs is complete bullshit.
Intjs are just intps with sticks up their ass, but they are better at getting shit done
mein neger
>throws out a buzzword like "pop-psychology"
>not a psued
Pick one. You're letting general consensus and word connotation do your thinking.
My experienxe with Meyers Briggs has been overwhelming positive: it's helped me understand others better and predict their behaviors and desires. Take that how you will.
As far as Meyers Briggs not being prescriptive, you're half right. You don't have to follow your natural aptitudes, but it sure as hell isnt a bad idea. That said, I agree that you shouldn't define yourself as your type. Underneath the broad patterns your an individual. But you're still a part of a pattern.
I feel you man, I wish the best for you. I think it's our lot in life to be individuals, and our road to happiness is through the confidence to live according to our own idiosyncrasies. If you're anything like me: try not to worry about potentialities you have no control over. Commit yourself to your purpose and live it out.
my guys
INTP master race
ESTJ - the executive
Last year I was ENTP-A, now ENTJ -A
You're the one faggot that did everything in the group project
Let's feel together
fuck no dude. i was the one who leeched off of everyones work and dropped out from lack of interest and discipline
ENTP, but I wanna be an ENTJ
Somewhat accurate, but fuck it, no one usually calls me out on what I say. Thanks naturally deep and loud as fuck voice that people mainly remember me by!
INTP here
Do you guys also can't fucking stand ENTJs and ESTPs ?
>tfw ISTJ every time I take this test
>can go several hours without being noticed
FUG, pretty accurate tho tbqh. ;_;
I keep getting INTJ and ENTP depending on day.
Which one am I really, because it certainly is not either one of those.
People learn and change up to a point. I've had different results too but only purple people so far.
>brutally honest
>all personalities are terrible
>people with any redeeming qualities do not exist
real truths right here
Saw you on /pol/ yesterday
INTP, spot on description. Once thought how I would use portals to fuck myself.
The cloning is not for fucking, it's for replacing all your incompetent coworkers with your
>tfw too intelligent
>so you’re dying alone
personality type master race checking in
Fuck y'all I teach kids in an inner city and help them go to universities and escape lower class life.
i like the way you think, so i drew up a diagram
t. fellow intp
>here is a copy of your results:
>Your personality type: “The Debater” (ENTP-A)
Strength of individual traits:
> Extraverted: 58%, Intuitive: 61%, Thinking: 70%, Prospecting: 99%, Assertive: 72%.
>Role: Analyst
>Strategy: People Mastery
I have a better idea for the cloning:
You know how most have unrealistic expectations for work experience?
With cloning you can really get that 40 years experience in 4 years. Just have your clones work 10 jobs.
used to be ENTP, ISTP now