Is this a legit form of excercise?
Can this hurt me in any way?
Is this a legit form of excercise?
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If you've ever had a European longsword they actually feel pretty heavy(they aren't but the center of mass is far away from you so it feels heavy as fuck) swinging one around would be a pretty good workout.
do it with a sledge hammer and a tractor tire. won't make you huge but you'll learn to punch or swing or throw a baseball etc hard as fuck
Well a real sword doesnt weigh shit so its not very effective. Just do tricep extensions
What said. Its a really common exercise for those purposes.
Or you could chop wood, which is dangerous because you're literally swining a sharp axe and if you go too forcefully and uncontrolled you can easily swing it into your own leg
I've been cutting wood since I was 13 and I don't really understand how you could fuck up enough to hit your own leg.
Because you've been chopping wood since you were 13.
Get some random cunt who's never done it before to do it and I'm sure you'll instantly be like "whoah dude what the fuck are you doing" with how they're positioning themselves.
Are you polish?
Ye already tried that one , including swinging it into my leg
Can i do it with a barbell lets say?
You can do it with anything, but a 45lb barbell held like a sword... unless you are really strong good luck. Most longswords were 4.5lbs and even those feel heavy because of the center of mass being far away.
I mean, if you want to get really good at swinging a sword overhead, swinging a sword overhead would probably strengthen the muscles associated with swinging a sword overhead. That said, doing exercises that work those muscles separately would probably be more efficient. Similar to how your clean and jerk would improve faster if you included deadlifts and OHP.
I don't mean to be a functional strength fag, but you're wrong. how the hell would you be able to more efficiently train for a particular movement by doing an exercise that's only similar in the large muscles used.
>deadlifts and OHP
>more efficient at improving the clean and jerk than actually doing the movement
He said include them, not replace the clean & jerk
>tfw took the bait
>working out more makes you stronger than working out less
youre a fucking moron
Not wrong lol. If you train your deadlift to be higher than your clean and jerk then the speed off the floor will be a lot faster as what you are cleaning is way less than your max deadlift. Similarly having a better OHP makes the jerk easier when you are using push from legs in addition to better shoulder strength. One of the best ways to break plateaus is to increase strength on assistance movements
if you dont know about olympic lifting why do you bother posting about it?
there are various training methods, the Russians for example trains squats, OHP, push press, jerks, deadlift, and only c&j and snatch a few times a month.
They are
Training the different areas of multipart movements improve your performance faster than the entire process, although obviously that is the foundation
what shitty point are you trying to make that's related to mine? If you say training something plus something related is better than training the single thing, you're a retard for thinking something that obvious is wisdom. If you say training something related is better than training that actual something i.e. you'd get better at push ups if you just do exercises that target your triceps than if you just actually did pushups, then you're just classically retarded. Either way, you're a retard.
shut the fuck up
my point was, the Russians as an example train c&j far less often than accessory movements.
and again, how is that in any way related to my point? unless those russians you're talking about is a group trying to go solely for world clean and jerk records, it's irrelevant. you're literally retarded.
[spoiler]Gonna fuck up your elbows[/spoiler]
how so?
Yeah but you'll get memed on by gym normies for doing it
if they were going for world record c&js then that method would be effective? So basically you are saying prioritizing accessory lifts to taxing main olympic lifts is the best way to improve olympic lifts
basically youre a fucking retard stop replying to me
Yeah it's called Indian mace training, chaos and pain did a great series on it. Shits fun for conditioning. Play the Conan track while you do it or some synth wave and pretend you're a street sam
Holy fucking shit even in /pol/ I don't have to deal with people with reading comprehension as bad as the people on Veeky Forums. I'm saying that you get better at something, whatever that something is, if you directly train by doing it rather than by doing something only somewhat related to it. god damn it, I really can't blame people who look at me and assume i'm dumb given the shit I deal with when i'm on Veeky Forums
but thats literally wrong because to get better at c&j, once you already know the motion by heart, you do accessory lifts to strengthen the shit you need to strengthen.
Alpha destiny says that doing 100 fast reps with bands helps strengthen the tissue. I dont wanna buy bands so Im thinking of trying it with bungee cord and a long wrench or swing a hammer one handed in mid air
not even a gorilla could wield a barbell
>I dont wanna buy bands
stop fucking up bands are godlike
While Veeky Forums cultivates its muscles, you'll be mastering the blade
>Is this a legit form of excercise? Can it hurt me?
Not sure what you referring too. (Playing vidya? No it can't hurt you.)
The motion seen in the gif is pretty identical to the standard Kendo "cote" attack.
The Shinai is much too light to practice anything but speed, but a suburi booken is good to get your muscles working.
What's important when doing the motion is to quickly stop the slash midway down. As seen in the gif he doesn't follow through, but stops the sword from falling low (to make sure the pointy end is always towards the enemy and not towards the ground).
The "Tenuchi" (stopping a quick slash at the right angle) can wear down your ligaments (elbow, wrist, fingers) unless done correctly. You need to stop it with your muscles, and not with your tendons.
>Grew up in city
>Move into country house with wood burner
>Have to chop fire wood for warmth
>Get to it
>Set up
>Swing axe at wood hitting it splitting it every time
>Never have missed and hit my leg
Come on now. Like other user said you'd have to be fucking retarded or a women to miss such a large target and bash yourself in the leg
Shit wrong guy. meant for
You fucking weebs man
>Get a mace
>Pretend to be a Paladin smiting undead all over the yard
Best of both weebshit and effective exercise.
watching anime is not an exercise user
>using a shitty meme sword.
Real combat sword have a counterweight, but that doesn't make them look cool, so holliwood skipped that part.
Go to your bricodepot and buy elastic rope (the one used to attach things to the roof of your car)
>it's never happened to me so it never happens to anyone else
You're swinging a fucking sharp axe around, greentext and
All you fucking want, you know its a danger, all it takes is for an awkward impact, poor stance, not paying as much attention as you should, etc., and you could easily end up with an axe in the foot.
I've chopped wood and never even been close to going into my own leg or foot, but at the same time, having actually done it I can easily see how someone could do it, and if you've actually had to chop wood, you should be able to see how too.
>they actually feel pretty heavy
No they really don't.
>stop replying me
Ohmaigod plz stahp.... nooo
Stick to the fucking thread or get you woodcut e-peen fags
yes it works forearms and will give you pumpkin delts
bands are legit. Its worth the money.
>centurr of mass is far away from u
Acrually its at the cross of the handle sp that it easy to handle.
are you fucking mental? Why should a gorilla wield a barbell in the first place? If somehow in someway a gorilla would do that, it would be easy.