Are Veeky Forums girls most attracted to the biggest guy in the gym

Are Veeky Forums girls most attracted to the biggest guy in the gym

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>Those cheat reps

omg so hot lol

>not realizing cheat reps are a useful tool

Watch the Louis Theroux documentary on female bodybuilding competitors.

Now look at the kind of guys they’re shacked up with.

This one?

Why do women want muscles? Its the utter opposite of their very essence. Its almost a paradox. Makes me think they're usually high class lesbians or something. I'm 99.9% correct

>25lbs is strong

Dude she's just about taller than a toddler. It's pretty legit for a female her size

You are just a competitive faggot

I think it's just like how some men want to cross dress or be traps

Make that 12.5lb curls lmao

I exclusively like skinny pale guys. He doesn't need to be Veeky Forums.

because they got raped

is it so you can look better in comparison?

It says 5 kg. That's like 10 pounds

>be absolutely ripped woman
>higher muscle mass than than 95% of other woman
>lift 11 pounds

t. Low test dyel

jesus christ

No. I find thin men more attractive. Pic related is peak male beauty.

jason lee is doing a new show?

How the hell does she have better arms than me doing 12 kg curls?


ikr. i do 40 lb curls and my arms are depressingly small. help me Veeky Forums.

>bad form

You've got very strange tastes user

Not that strange if he's a model for top designers. I'd say he's conventionally attractive.

I would gladly stay a virgin without a girlfriend ever while keeping my current body than look like that.

So basically they're with the only kind of guys who would date them?

Cheating has it's place after you break out of intermediate level there SS-chan

Can you imagine being one of those skinny fat guys married to female body builders?

She loses a competition, comes home one evening with roid rage, beats you to shit before raping you violently. The next morning you tell your friends you walked into a door, knowing none of them believe it.

How much do you curl?

Is dating a girl you met at the gym a mistake?

Stop cheating the rep faggot


Every single guy that I know that got a GF from the gym has then started training with said GF and lost all ressemblance of gains.

The gym is for lifting. Find a cutie somewhere else.

You can't find thicc cuties anywhere else though. It's either skinnyfat or just skinny.

The Veeky Forums girls are actually after the same kind of girls the Veeky Forums guys are or they're after cuck/wimp dudes to dominate.
The straight Veeky Forums 5% go after skinny dominant dudes, or average agressive normal dudes who will treat them like a normal chick/be their normality anchor. Or Huge dudes who make them look like only technically legal highschool girls in comparison.


This is amazing. It made me realize that I am getting big to attract skinny little sweethearts, and women are doing the same thing.

>Can you imagine being one of those skinny fat guys married to female body builders?
Every day
>She loses a competition, comes home one evening with roid rage, beats you to shit before raping you violently. The next morning you tell your friends you walked into a door, knowing none of them believe it.
Instant diamonds

So, I figured I had 2 months of cutting left to do, but seeing how this guy is the beauty standard of today...
I need to stop the protein shakes and cut way more.

The plate is 5 kg, so 2x5 +2 for the bar, so 12 kg but yeah, not very heavy.
But I doubt she's doing the vid to show off her strength.

Now wait a second.
Is that really how you count the weight on a dumbbell? Isn't that the total weight of it (minus the handle) ?

>Total weight on the side.
I'm pretty sure it varies depending on country, but since it looks like an old plate stamped "Sweden" I'm going to presume it follows old Swedish/nordic customs.

Gyms here never printed the total weight on dumbbells, but I think I've seen it on some imported stuff.
The dumbbell bar being 2 kg is an old standard here, but I can't be sure the small/big ones in the webm all filled/hollow to reach that standard.

you mean just from looking at his body or cloths too?

they're 5kg weights are they not?

ARE you saying they prefer skinny guys over fit ones what have I been lifting for

Lesbians, feminists who want to be stronger than men (lol), girls who got into lifting to get a bigger ass and then get caught in the trap of seeking gains for the sake of gains, to hell with their beauty.

yeah. nobody wants a mutated female

>OMG stacey did you see user just now, he's so hot
>i know, i heard he works out at the library. check out the size of his textbooks

Here's what heterosexual women want: Men. Manly men.

Part of that is personality and responsibility. No woman would be caught dead dating an immature boy. It lowers their social status and makes people think less of them.

The other thing is straight up strength and power. Women want a man who is strong and powerful. How do you do that? You lift heavy-ass fucking weights. It's that simple.

Be responsible, smart, well-read, and lift weights. Have a hobby that makes you attractive, such as playing an instrument or being an artist. Being strong, intelligent, and creative is the ultimate trifecta.

Why are you posting;
>Sigrid Bye Skille?