Can we have one?
I need something to motivate my wife.
Ass edition deluxe
Women progress thread
Holy fuck I didn't know Natasha had tits before...I am...conflicted
she could have been instagram model hot but she crossed the line long ago
All look better before
Only one that looks better after
muscular girls are like fat wide hipped men.
You guys are fags
She was way hotter before.
I liked her before she started roiding.
when i see things like this i always wonder how women come up with things like feminism. they literally live life on easy mode. just dont eat that much and train ass and legs every day and you have a good body. not complaining its just the way it is but i have always wondered why some of them are complaining about everything. i dont see fat men creating body acceptance movements or being delusional in general.
>just dont eat that much and train ass and legs every day and you have a good body.
This. Hell, just don't eat like a big and be a good little cardio bunny and you're better off than probably 90 percent of western women.
Your wife will make literally no progress, you cant substantially build a bigger ass in the gym, its genetic. Why are we getting so many of these shitty threads lately?
Of course she can. She did already good so far and i knew other girls who did this very well too. Its called Bodybuilding for a reason probably
Here we go again: men put on multiples more muscle than women, look at frauding male bodybuilder asses - they aren't big. Look up olympic female lifters. Female asses are 95% genetic fat placement and skeletal structure.
You are just desperate for your wife to not be an ugly plank so you try make yourself believe she is making progress and start threads like this to maintain the delusion.
Not him but even if the ass isn't going to grow into a huge bubble but at least exercise will tone it and fill it out a bit. Look at OPs picture, that ass transformation is obvious. No cellulite, fuller legs, and rounder ass.
>inb4 pose and bottoms are different
>Ugly Plank
She has to and will suffer too anonkun
The best asses i had where very fit and big. They all did some form of weights
> no cellulite
Cellulite is a natural form of female sexual fat due to hormones, you dont get rid of it unless you lose fat, which is antithetical to gaining ass. She just photoshopped it out, alongside the underwear and pose change. Also instagram sluts are big fans of shopping and injections. It's a totally useless photo to use.
I don't deny that you can help reshape an ass, with mild growth and thighs make a big difference, but substantial size gain will never happen. If a girl doesn't genetically have a big ass she never will.
>tits relocate to her shoulders
> Liking women without male hormones and exaggerated male bodies makes you gay
That can happen for guys too right? Right guys?
So squatting is basically a meme and if theres progress shown its lighting or shop?
She just has to eat more and lift to stay in shape though
Squatting is a huge meme if we are talking ass, its great for thighs which is the only place you'll see a real gain and it can give the impression of wider hips. For what ass gains can be had you want dlifts and hip bridges but really just eating and hoping for the best.
I'm not a grill but I've had huge ass gains just from squats.
You've had some, but men gain much much more muscle than women.
you sound like you know a lot about asses. i trust your information.
legit all she did is learnt how to pose and take photos in better lighting
bare minimum is not be fat, but guys will not go for an anorexic chick over a girl with an ass or titties
Yeah hitting puberty is so much progress.
Really fucking impressive.
Are you a chick?
Don't waist your time.
He's not going to believe you.
Let him torture his wife until she's so fed up that she quits working out all together.
The cellulitis is "gone" because the light is completely different in both pictures.
Light that comes straight down shows every little flaw.
>thinking thats what puberty is
>implying the girl on the left hasnt already hit puberty
>being this retarded
Don't embarrass yourself man.
what about that picture tells you her body only improved because of puberty?
this thread makes me so depressed
where'd the excess skin go?
Not if you do low bar
So this is the power of hard work and dedication...
>look up olympic female lifters
okay done. now I have an erection. what now
i think this is partly true and accounts for many pictures like this. angles and pose are a big deal.