Berserker Barrage!!

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What is he sniffing at the start of this?

Smelling salts. Like ammonia and shit.


that white consuela

why not

allegedly it promotes adrenaline response or something. adrenaline helps PRs
I've never tried it, so I don't know from experience, but a lot of big league lifters seem to do it, so there must be something to it.

Instantly puts your body into full alert similar to the absolute maddest you've ever been in your life where you could punch a house down.

Instead of putting all that effort into psyching yourself up with music or mindset to get adrenaline you basically sniff that for a minute's worth of pure rage.

this. also inhibits golgi organ function, i.e. self-protective measures body has against exerting too much force at once. also silly fun, like poppers without the buttfuckin


Just to clarify something about the OP webm:

The first attempt was a failure, but the second attempt was correct*. You never, ever drop the fucking bar. It is not a deadlift unless you maintain your grip all the way back down to the floor.

*The form was pretty shit for the most part, but obviously that is an impressive amount of weight to be pulling so whatever. I just think a lot of novice lifters see shift like this and think they should be trying it.

the first attempt would be a failure in competition, but he wasn't in competition

it's a fucking gym lift, it counts just fine

No, it is a failure of form, he didn't do the exercise. Your attitude sounds like you are one of those ego-lifters that trains to failure using momentum lifts, but in reality your first rep is failure because you aren't performing the exercise or enlisting the muscles you are actually supposed to be using for a full repetition.

>it counts

This is the worst way to ever think about lifting.

It’s kind of a meme honestly and most people don’t give it a good sniff or sniff from dated bottles. The pop open packets are weak as shit. But yeah, a strong sniff of a freshly opened Nose Tork will fuck you up. It’s a violent and cerebral “shock” is the best way I can describe it

Can you please post one of your lifts senpai?

we could all really learn a lot

I don't have any videos of my own lifts, but I would recommend this video for a pretty good guide to deadlifting:

what a strange racking mechanism. why?

not even going to give you a (You) 43456748

i'll give you a 2/10 out of pity at best, work on it

straps aren't neither so aren't his clothes either, does also doesn't look like competition plates either

So they don't have to step back



i wish it was obvious that this was bait but i really can't tell
called a monolift, don't need to step back

Notice how DYELs (probably samefag but there are a lot of idiots on this board) offers absolutely substantive counter-argument.

ya, cheaper than a monolift.

guys that compete in feds where they don't walk it out get to practice how they play

Why do powerlifters do less than half ROM? Why is that considered good?

>why do people use an arbitrary metric that is different from the arbitrary metric i use

because they need to execute in a certain way for their sport I think.

whether you line up 1 inch beyond the three point line or 2 feet, it still scores the same

it's bait lad, don't give the guy (You)s until he gets better

Where to buy salts?

anywhere, amazon sells em

>be 5'5
>take absurd amount of steroids
>move bar 2 inches