What should i say lads

what should i say lads

im tryna make some social gains

Other urls found in this thread:


"Nice nose"

melissa me like pizza


Have you ever really looked into 9/11?

what did he mean by this?

She looks like Anduin from the newest expansion trailer.

How do you guys get good photos for this? Just selfies?
All my Facebook photos are in groups or are 4+ years old.

I just have selfies and one picture of me with a girl that was taken as a joke first week of college.

She looks all of 16. Either you’re a pedo or you’re an underaged poster. Given th moronic non/fit/ you asked... I’d bet you’re underaged.

I bought a tripod for my phone off Amazon for like 10 bucks and shot pictures of myself that could conceivably not be selfies, even though I'm alone in all of them. Taking pictures of yourself from further away gives the photos a local focal length, which tends to be more flattering. I still need more pics of myself though, of the 60ish I should only one or two look usable to me.

t. ugly autist

“Lul chris hansen! once bitten, twice shy senpai”

trips for
>ooga booga Chattanooga, where the white women at?

>all of 16
I would be not even all of it


This is helpful. I'm probably going to get one. I could just take my dog for a walk and take a couple with him, just for starters.

Can I borrow your dog for a few pics? None of my friends own a dog because we all live in tiny apartments.

My phone camera makes my face look way too narrow. Will taking the picture from far away fix this?

yep, that's literally what it does


This was a surprisingly helpful thread.

Sure thing! Just make sure you bring him back safe and sound. He means the world to me.

Das a cute dog.
You have brilliant dog gains user

(Google has a cute dog)
I have the same kind but he's fatter.

Why don't you just use "we both swiped right?" zero effort, If anything Tinder should just give generic openers you can copy

she ain't qt

She's hiding a big forehead

"Haha can you make that face while you jerk me off? haha"

Works everytime

several of them in fact

How to proceed

This is awful. Abandon ship

I dont get the joke pls halp

Ask if she's an archaeologist.

No matter what letter she replies with, the conversation will be dead.

an hero yourself

>no social proof
Bad advice, show off your friends...
...y-you have friends, r-right user?


>How about we yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

R= Arrr
C= Sea

You're literally a faggot if you try to do a cheesy pickup line.

Just say "You're cute, I just had to say hello".

Argh, I'm lookin' for some booty and I'm sniffin for treasure

what the shit

This isn't spongebob, I won't give you mr krabs

>be me
>face looks good by the side
>looks ugly front side

i installed tinder, got a few matches and realised im even too beta to start a conversation with them. im never gonna make it

say you're here for the booty

kek mirin

"What do Pirates of the Carribbean and Henry Clock have in common? Dead man tell no tales. April fools! Henry Clock's cadaver told many tales by leading the detectives to his killer through complex blood splatter analysis and leaving teeth marks on his assailant's hot juicy cock.

angle your face slightly to the right or left, make sure theres good lighting and take the damn pic.

its like a body pic, all angles and lighting

>online messaging
>social gains

Pick one


Spending all my teenage years on omegle and Veeky Forums and online messaging in general really fucked up my social skills and made my real life persona v different to my texting persona which took me years to realize

This is going to sound retarded but try hitting some religious communities/churches to practice socializing. They're always looking for new peeps and you feel kinda confident if you're not into it because you dont care, and there can be some surprising cuties there, and even if not, you can start forming a social network that can evolve and later include people you actually like

Tell her that you don't want a short term hookup and want to find a wife that will mother your children and if that's not okay to just end it there.

Do you like [insert something you are passionate about]?

follow it up by inviting her to partake in an activity related to said passion immediately after

if she's not into [activity], ask her what kind of shit she does in that realm, and then deduce if she's basic and should be dropped, or if she is cool and there's an activity you can do together. If there is, swiftly move to propose you do said activity

Don't waste time with small talk on Tinder it's literally pointless

>not just telling her "let's fuck"

I have friends, but we don't take pictures of ourselves when we hang out because we're all straight males.

Also, I heard that group pics on Tinder aren't really ideal. There's also the fact that my friend group is about half 10/10 Chads (no homo), so I won't really look great in comparison.

I'm stealing that the next time I talk to a girl (which will never happen)

Help guys, I got this situation
>profile just shirtless me, face cropped out
>Match girl
>spoke very little on tinder.
>Asked for my WhatsApp.
>Spoke very little on WhatsApp too, about movie n shit
>Asked for a pic
>She sent one laying in bed
>Asks for one of mine
>Send just face now.
>Paronoia that she will ghost me now
>Fuck it, asked for nudes
>"You send nudes"
>Don't actually send her anything, think of sending dick pclic. Next day just send shirtless pic with face.
>Sends 1 boob pic barely showing areola, about half hour later, I'm sleep then.
>What do today, haven't answered yet.
She is another city over, with her parents, only comes this city weekends

>group pics
No dude, I'm talking about you engaged in activities (generally in a group) to show that you're not boring and people like to hang out with you.

>get superlike
>messages me first
>never responds

I'm thinking in saying:
I like it, I would like to see more

t. soon-to-be kidnapping victim

"Well I'm going to ___bar_____ tonight, will I C you there?"

I guess you don't need those organs anyways.

incel to chad in nine images, holy crap

god damn this is one aesthetic dog

Remember to at least tell them to remember to sterilize their diy scalpels and to not leave any tool or rag inside you

I´m surprised she answered you

>Arrrr u got me there

Fucking sprayed oatmeal all over my monito


16 are adults. I'm 26 and fuck 16 year old teens all the time, they're better than old roasties in their 20's,

Tinder is trash. You match with 3-4 girls in a swipe sesh. You start chatting with 2 of them, the other two don't respond. Then you swipe more and get 3-4 new matches, stop talking to the previous two matches, and the cycle continues.

White trash pug nose

You live in fucking kansas.

>white trash

t. shitskin

>White trash pug nose, the Jew said

>pickup lines
>long-form conversations on tinder

You are fucking doing it wrong if you are doing either of these. Just say hello or hi or something then arrange the meet/get the number, then you get off tinder.

Unless you're ugly, then sorry, not really much you can do about that.

This is the better advice you could get, OP. You seen like a faggot who.stays bs'ing in the chat for too long.

>I just had to say hello
Imagine someone actually saying this out loud. Holy fuck thanks for the laugh buddy


Any idea where these antiwhite cucks are coming from? Don't they know this is a white men's board?

Matched with a 5'10 thicc qt from uni
Is this a sign that she wants to go out with me?


is this that weird language rihanna speaks?

I am so white my parents met on nantucket and i have an ancestor who signed the declaration.

That bitch is trash


/leftypol/ mostly

What is this, Ugandan?

What? No
I'll translate
>Her: do you watch marvel movies
>Me: yeah i guess. Hyped for Black Panther and Infinity War.
>Her: mom and dad saw the new Thor movie and they didnt tell me
>Me: what? That sucks. What about your friends?
>Her: they already saw it with their families, boyfriends and girlfriends... I dont want to see it alone so I guess I'll just wait for the torrent to come out.

Also told me earlier on tinder she swiped right because we often see each other on campus and thought I was interesting and not like the usual guys she hangs out with

filipino? tang ina

Are you from West Chester OP I think I matched with the same girl one time.

And you're a self-hating cuckold using derogatory terms agains your own race.

A 5'10" pinay? Is this bizarro world?

>match 10/10 french qt
>send her "je rêve de tremper ma baguette dans ta soupe" which translates to "I dream of soaking my baguette in your soup"
>she replies "Non merci"
What do fit

not a """man""" over 5'7 there lmao

I don't speak bix nood

This is the saddest thing I’ve read in a long time