Trap Boyfriend

Fit what is the deal?

I'm in the best shape of my life, get mires from women all the time, and now all I want is a qt trap boyfriend. I never had any interest in anything other then women before getting in shape.

I just want to go home to him serving me a warm meal and a blow job. He goes around the house cleaning, bottomless, until I eventually ravage his ass.

Before I wanted women non stop, now that they want me I'm no longer interested.

Pic VERY related.


seems like lifting really does turn you gay

I get nervous when I read those greentexts about Anons first time with traps and it being horrible and them not being into it at all. What if that ends up being me?

well you should make an appointment with a mental health specialist

or go back to r9gay

How much porn do you watch? Could be desensitization.

I remember watching to much porn and I got into weirder things because of so much exposure.

Went away after no porn for a month.

That’s where I’m at now. I really don’t think I’m gay but since starting tren I’ve had a bizarre interest in traps. I really don’t want to start fucking one in the ass and then become overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, regret, shame, disgust, etc

Enjoy sucking on that dick OP.

Yeah I'm a little concerned about acting on it

I have an opportunity to do it with a decently attractive one but I've been putting it off because it's probably going to go like pic related

>that chin

Just imagine fucking a regular dude. Imagine grabbing his junk and jerking his dick and him sucking you off/vice versa.

A trap is just a man at the end of the day. No matter what fetishes he and your are into, he's a bloke and its gay. Once the dress comes off and he's just got the body of a skinny teen with gangly limbs and a dick, how would you feel?

>trap boyfriend
sorry friend, you can go to a red light district or craigslist and find a more reliable women there, even the nastiest of the sluts dont get close to how filthy and low standards the average faggot is
If you believe modern women are shitty partners, you never saw the modern homo

yeah its gay but who cares

OP here is the hard truth, what you want doesn't exist or is impossibly rare.

Veeky Forums has these impossible fantasy standards for twink boyfriends.

If you can find it you're lucky until he hits like 25, I suggest you give up.

There is no perfectly feminine guy with the body of a women except his dong and is of sound mind. If it exists is one in a million

4 chan standards for this is unreal

Worried about this

>I never had any interest in anything other then women before getting in shape.
are you on Tren?

what is this pic, some kind or russian aids related cancer?

honestly I would fucking destroy that in two seconds.

sauce now
asking for a friend about >her name

No but I do have abnormally high test levels, last blood test was about 2800, I've never used roids.

tbfair that's a pretty natural reaction to trying to boink maggie gyllenhaal

it doesnt turn you gay. it just makes you appreciate the male aesthetic because you finally see how much hard work it takes to acquire a good looking body as a male. before i started working out i had this simple mindset of just going to the gym for half an hour and lifting some weights. now you see how complex it is and how much work it is to get a good physique as a man

This is too true. People turn gay for traps because the idea of a dude with a woman’s bod is so much nicer than women themselves. Don’t fall for the meme, feminine guys are almost non existent

OP I knew this guy in college that "knew" he was gay, he wasn't gay, he was just so repulsive that women wouldn't have him, so he was convinced he was gay.

That happens on boards on Veeky Forums, a bunch of guys go prison gay. So they post all this shit about how traps are great and the best and all that. I think you've just been swarmed in this trap shit so long you now think it's what you want.

Veeky Forums has gotten gay as fuck over the past 10 years I've been on it, it's just a bunch of guys fetishizing something that doesn't exist because they can't get laid.

I recommend 90 days of no/fit/.

Traps aren't working hard for a good physique, that logic doesn't apply here.

Veeky Forums is it possible to find a real mentally stable girl with short hair?
Also why are captchas so fucking dumb ever since they switch from typing

i cannot say if its russian or not

Don't remember

that better just be a tomboy who stuffs their pants to troll people

Man if I had a
>girl_friend(penis, male);
that looks like your pic I legitimately would want to smash HER PUSSY 24/7. Fuck that's hot, no homo

kek, you're an idiot

Jesus fuck, SAUSE please op.

>no homo

What is up with traps/shemales and Brazil. Why is Brazil so gay?

the googleimage search was very russiany

No it's a guy, he's Brazilian.

where can i find qt woman who likes to pretend to have penis as joke?

multiethnic society

Thats a good question
I went to a certain capital and they had designated tranny streets

regardless of gender, I'd bury my dick so deep inside it'd turn pregnant either way

Sorry bruh, don't remember. I agree though, would impregnate.

LOL what is the context here?

improvised scene because the actor couldn't handle it anymore, but they decided to keep it in the movie

I would DECIMATE that boipussy

s-shut up

Was he repulsed or exhausted.

Who here would actually fuck OPs pic given the chance and aren't just saying it ironically. REALLY think about it, would you fuck that guy?

Any more like this?

In a heartbeat.

The thing is, a trap would probably have a manly voice and that's a huge turnoff.

I would. I'd suck his dick, too.

If I could get it up, absolutely
>tfw porn induced ED

I think the voice is something a lot of guys don't think about, but on occasion it can be girly.

count me in lad
>I'd suck his dick too
nah man, that'd be kinda gay

low supply of women because they are undesirable/get killed
causes men to become faggots

God I would love to suck his cock. No homo of course

Anyone here ever actually fuck a trap, how was it versus expectations, how did you find him?

I would for sure

I don't know what it is, I'm into this shit pre climax, post I find it disgusting.


nah, this guys is gay.

thats fucking nightmare fuel. imagine someone kidnaps you and turns your penis into a vagina and you wake up and realise that you have a vagina now.

I wouldn't call that a trap, pretty obvious it's a man.

Veeky Forums thinks of these girly looking traps, but I'd imagine real "traps" are pretty fucking rare.

Make a Grindr account.

Looks like a dude with a wig, I don't think that's what he meant by "trap"

I would, but with in mind

man reading that you can tell it would go bad from the start.

>first time having sex

he thinks that guy looks good???

but this is a r-real woman, r-right guys?

It is, some korean cosplayer i think.

It's not even a vagina. Just a gaping wound trying to heal itself shut if you don't force it to stay open.

Shits really fucked way.

Better question is why is Veeky Forums so gay?

thank chriistman I'm fantasizing about leaving her a bleeding sore cum soaked mess

i cant imagine how mentally ill you have to be to even consider getting your dick cut off. and its even more disgusting that the majority of people support this shit. there should be institutions to try to treat these kinds of people instead of just saying ok lets fuck this guys shit up. our societies are getting filled with degenerates and the majority of people accept this because muh freedom of speech. these are just symptoms of the start of the downfall of first world societies and its sad that people ignore these kinds of things. being too far left leaning is just as much of a cancer as being far right. hopefully people will start realising that we are on a downward spiral and start to act

lmao you're an idiot man. what difference does it make to you how their condition is treated? notice how you retards only care about mental illness when it comes to trannies. you never voice any opinion about the electroshock or medication treatment debate in schizos or personality disorders. if these people want to crossdress or take hormones then so be it. it's no different from your mentally ill ass considering steroids every single day because you're not happy with how others perceive you. anyways, im not gonna get into it. leave them alone, we need more qtmtfs in this world

He hired her as an escort and had too much to drink

you already got into it, just showed you're a moron.

I'm just waiting for the transabled thing to catch on.

I want see how deep down the rabbit hole the left wants to go.

Would fuck in a heartbeat

I've never seen so much strawmaning, ad hominem, and hyperbole in a sentence before.

When you are trying to troll, don't go so hard.

I did, it's pretty much the same honestly. You feel more powerful maybe.

No one has sauce?

nice reddit spacing faggots. can already tell you're underweight beta dyels. im fuckin you queers next after im done with OP's trap. pucker up

This is (you) now
what do Veeky Forums?

Why go after them when you can just go for round 2 with the trap?


Isn't anal sex really dirty? like what do you do, enema every day?

Hollywood nepotism at its fines. Her face is so incredibly unfortunate, and they'd have us believe Batman would do her.

It's a lot more likely that Batman would do the twink in the no. 10 speedos.

is this a chrischan? disgusting. who let this retard to remove his penis?

They are all too manly looking, I want like OP's pic.

Hell no. Not even paper bag would make me want to stick my dick in him.

Also just trying to imagine how he sounds like makes me want to throw up.

My dinner came back to haunt me. That's fucking disgusting. Did he lose his dick due to some unfortunate event or did he get that done out of his own free will?

You wouldn't have sex with the girl in OP's pic? You don't want to ravage her?

What are you? Gay?

The guy in the blue and yellow speedos looks remarkably like Zyzz.

Yes, its not clean nor has natural lubrification unlike a vagina
your colon isn't made for this so fags end up with ever growing internal micro-fissures, others arent micros at all and will cause proper wounds with bleeding
Its one of the reasons aids is so prevalent on gays, they turn into a disease sponge

What's her name?

>blaire white
>semi passable (getting there)
>alt right views

I want to knock that nigga up

Looks like a boy. Just look at this I'm not into women who look like boys. If the one in the picture really is a girl, has a pussy, a nice voice and i have an ample supply of paper bags at hand then maybe.

It's a guy, you were trolled.

Begone, goblin!

Thought so. The face and hands are way too masculine. Why have the people here become so weird during the last year or so? So many people are up to fucking mentally ill boys these days. What the hell?

this is chris chan
and dont worry mods, pic is not an anus nor a vagina, just an infected open wound due to the piercing
free will, its still a penis, just from the inside out
penis implants already exists

what has more traps, grindr or tinder?