What is the final solution for the womanlet problem Veeky Forums?

What is the final solution for the womanlet problem Veeky Forums?

>reproduce with taller women
>taller offspring

I love short girls they're adorable

>year 4532
>humans are now at least 8'9''
>aliens invade
>they conquer the world by breaking kneecaps
Your plan is flawed.

eh I don't see it a problem.

My gf is a 5'2" hapa with an okay ass and side piece is 4'10" viet with no ass but a twig.

The latter is more fun in bed because lighter and can throw around easier.


>doesn't know that with higher height comes higher gains
>humans become 9 foot tall and 500lbs of pure muscle
>literally smash the alien manlets with their own bear hands

t. cuck that needs to date outside his race because he just won't cut it with his own women

>one man stands below all others
>the spawn of generations of refusing sleep with taller women
>his great great great grandfather was an average height mexican of just 5'6
>uses his manlet dickpunch powers and hit and run tactics hiding in ventilation shafts to defeat the alien armada
>this one man, known only as Pedro the savior of the universe
>still no one respected him

Stop dating spics, all the 15 year old white girls at my HS were like 5'7 at the least.

This. White chicks are fucking giant now.

You do realise that depsite the chick being 5'3 and you being 6'3, that doesn't mean the kid will be 5'8? It doesn't work like that. One of my best friends is 6'4, dad 6'2 and the mom 5'5.

Wrong, it's fucking Jose.

>tfw no q.t. short grill

hurr durr there will always be outliers, hint bell curves
and in your example, a 5'3" woman is about equivalent to a 5'8" guy, so the mean value for their sons would be around 5'11.5". Though, you'd need to get more examples from her close relatives to get a bigger picture

you have a point. I'm a hapa myself and because I'm 5'9" my selection does become limited.

No womanlets mean no manlets.

my best friend is hapa and 6'3 adn his dad is 6'2 and mom is 4'10

Point is, the chance of you getting your grandpa's height is 'equally' high.

lol @ using mean value

so? I'm 6'5" (also hapa mongrel btw) with a 6'3" dad and a 5'4" mom, doesn't mean shit because I'm a positive outlier, i.e. I lucked out hard. It's just too much of a gamble if you breed with a womanlet, in general

If you are a male(him) you will always be taller than your biological mother unless you are deformed.
Other than that it is just random

lmao @ you buddyboyo, as if there'd be autistic markers for exact heights on a genetic level, not even considering environmental factors etc.
mean values over a large enough sample size (i.e. also extending it to her grandparents, her sisters etc., while considering the 5"-6" gender difference) is probably the best way to assess risks

How sure are you?

>His dad is 6'3
You can still get genes from your dad user,
your friend is just guarantied to be taller than his mum.

Like "i paid attention in school" sure.

What if mom is taller than dad?


If you like small women, nearing child height, you are a repressed pedophile and it is only a matter of time before you act on your sick impulses. Disgusting.

Keep up the good work /fit

That doesn't change a thing.

So essentially you're clueless

So if mom is 6'2, dad is 5'0, son will be 6'2+


im 6 feet, what if i have kids with a 4 feet 11 inches womenlet

how tall would my kids be ?

How tall are your parents and grandparents?


without a bigger sample size in this example: mom is 6'2" (male equivalent 6'7.5"), dad is 5'0", giving a mean height of 5'8"-5'9" for the sons

>dad was 5'7
>mom was 5'11
>im 5'8

may them rest in peace

>mean height
That isn't how genetics work.
I hate to break it to you.

first of all, you need to consider all her relatives and all your relatives. Do the calculations as I said (add 5.5" on average to the female heights to get the male equivalent). With that method you could also figure out variances etc. to get a better overview.

my mother is short, 4 feet 10 inches, my grandparents by my mom side are short as well

5 feet 5 fee my grandfather, 5 feet my grandmother

i dont know who was my dad, so i dont know his height my dad is like 6 feet 1 inches or so

5 feet 5 inches grandfather*

my grandfathers by dad side was a very big and tall man, i didnt met him, but my grandma for dad side, was average, dont know height

The respective factors are spread over multiple alleles, but nonetheless it's a better approach than your retarded "hurr durr you're always taller than the mom" idea. Works in a first approximation, especially with a large enough sample size. Can be refined considering that e.g. a few generations ago the average height was a bit smaller due to nutritional factors etc.


do you know any page where i can do that ?

sounds like on your side alone there's a huge spread from tall down to dwarf-tier. If you choose a womanlet there's probably a really large chance of your sons being atleast a few inches shorter than you

any excel-like program. make your own spreadsheet, you're a Veeky Forumsizen so you should be able to do that

yea, i was thinking on that, i would really toss my male kids to death if they werent over 5 feet 7 inches

i think i was lucky to be tall, i could have been a lot shorter, my sister for example is 5 feet

where did they get bear hands from?

yeah, that sounds like you are kind of an outlier yourself. Better go for one of those 5'11" amazons breh

i dont like girls as tall as me, i like the qt face ones and tall girls usually arent in hand with a very qt face

5'8 is objectively and scientifically the perfect female height.

t.I don't know how basic genetics work

From the pub

Age has not done her well, holy shit