alright we're gonna meet up for drinks
what did you do this week Veeky Forums ?
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She's disgusting.
Banging 5's>>> good on you OP I love it too
smashed the granny out of my GF 3 times today, went to see the fireworks.
Your attitude is disgusting
What the fuck are either of you trying to say? I can't decipher a word of this shit.
Got any full body pics, OP?
She's kind of cute.
>emoji after EVERY message
you deserve each other
fatty sounds free just don't be yourself and fuck it up.
she's fat bro
OC reporting
I haven't gotten matches in weeks, fucking sucks. Probably going to delete my profile and remake for the noob boost.
Is this bait? Those girls are fucking ugly dude
>He doesn't slam the pig
Low test beta pls leave
No I slam good looking women.
If you wanna fuck fat ugly women thats fine but own it instead of deflecting and pretending ti makes you high test.
you do kinda sound like a faggot. unless your'e chad you re not getting hot bitches all day every day, you gotta slam some pig in the meantime.
Post body.
>virgin detected
Average looking women need sex too.
Post tinder bio broski
>i feel you an inch from touching any part of me you'll see
what did she mean by this?
post face my dude
Whats with all these fucks calling her fat/ugly, none of you clowns are doing better
>Roiding for this
>linking to imgur on an imageboard
No offense but you look like shit. Hopefully this is a troll
why are your nipples pointing at the ground
I dont im saying id rather go without than fuck a whale
that wasnt me
again i never said iw as a 10 im saying id rather go without than fuck a whale.
I score cause im older and a veteran. Girls seem to like ti thats about it.
26, navy vet, got pictures on there of me traveling and in uniform. I go to a big school tahts nowhere near any military presence to girls there eat it up.
>26 yo
>fat, looks dyel
>>fat, looks dyel
again, that imgur want me but im sure reading is tough for you. Not sure why youre mad, cause you only get fat ugly 27 year olds?
How does one get on tinder if they have no pictures of themselves and no one to take any? Do I just post a bunch selfies with my shirt off like those thirsty losers on Facebook
uh huh. first you post your pic then you deny its you once everyone bullies. hilarious.
I am sure spelling and grammar is also difficult for you too.
it wasnt me, the guy who said post body did that so he could reply to himself with that imgur and get a good laugh. It was funny but that wasnt me. I have no reason to lie.
Your write, Veeky Forums is a very serious place after all
Yeah, try to get creative and use a camera with a self timer.
No, I spell check before I post anywhere. Anyways if that's not you post your body then. No excuses your body will not get you doxxed
>No excuses your body will not get you doxxed
Youre 100% right but what do i get out of it? Again, you completely missed my point. I never claimed to get laid every night i just said i never go slumming. For the 3rd time id rather go without than fuck a fat whale.
You better unleash your inner bedroom bully on that cave troll if you're somewhat good looking. Haram.
don't listen to the retard, she looks cute, maybe too much makeup for my taste but else she's cool in my book
I miss big cities. Was so convenient to fill up a week with dates, coupled with clubbing and pub hopping. The holy triad combo.
Currently my masters program is in my small hometown. My weekends are just family and books. Don’t have the time or energy to deal with small town tinder girls.
Pic related was entering Seattle in the summer
And Seoul
Never bothered with tinder if I wasn’t in a big city.
I just moved to a tiny city and while I can still get puss it's night and day.
In Beijing I was fucking one or two different hot chicks a week. Now I'm stuck with one every month or so.
Seoul is BY FAR the best city for fucking the hottest Asian girls in the world.
The percentage of hot women there is just incredible. I was an average white guy dating and fucking these model-tier women. I felt so out of my league.
Here in China I've had to settle for 7s
Lolll. Pro tip bro the girls think you’re gay. Although maybe that’s a genius move.
>I score cause im older.
>Navy vet
Nigga please im 25 and in the Navy. Don't delude yourself with age and think you came out of the modern military like your better then everyone else. I bet you were some Aviation dudebro who worked with planes and thought he was cool.
The vet thing is true tho some reason people eat that shit up. Anyway try some chubs man it aint bad. Having an elitist attitude about sex makes you look like an asshole and we know what assholes look like to everyone else. The military is full of them
Indeed. I can’t wait for winter vacation so I can refresh outta this tiny town.
I was more impressed with Busan but I agree they have some serious qts in Seoul. Busan showed more legs(my weakness), weather thing I guess.
Tokyo and Osaka are nice too in my exp.
Russia had some tinder but I was in Vladivostok so it wasn’t significant, but the clubbing scene made up for it.
You know the marines are department of the navy right? Out of the one gay guy on our ship he knew 10 gay marines. I think they are too stupid to know anything about genders, those lucky bastards.
Should I make it seem as though I have friends?
Unfortunately I never made it to Busan during the 6 months I lived in Korea. I was in Seoul the whole time. I might visit during my winter vacation. You an English-teaching bro, too? These paid month-long vacations in China are fucking awesome.
>Tokyo and Osaka are nice too in my exp.
Yeah, they're not bad at all either. China is definitely the worst of the three countries tho.
Korea is just insane when it comes to the sheer number of hot women. Nothing beats it in my opinion. A lot of them like to drink and party, too.
>tfw no average korean tinder date
God bless your soul friend. I couldn't stand the
That and no THICC
Korean girls look really uncanny to me desu. Their faces tend to be more or less featureless and I can't help but seeing them as men in wigs despite all the talk about asian girls being feminine.
because 99% of them have plastic surgery
Yeah, they're not going to win any "unique snowflake" awards there but that doesn't take away from how hot they are.
Their skin is fucking pristine, too. Hygiene is impeccable with Korean girls. Chinese girls on the other hand...
I taught in a legit school for 2 years near Busan yeah. But it required teaching experience. Living there changed my life. I got independent, fit, and fa all at the same time. The foreigner advantage just was icing on the cake.
I definitely made use of my vacations. Allowed me to visit Japan New Zealand and Russia. Still so many places I wanna see, China included.
Once I graduate this masters program I’m looking to get into professor gigs or international schools for math/English.
>drinking and party girls
Yes that was quite nice. Some of those girls could drink soju like water. Had more than one night drinking until the sun rose in a Noraebang then banging in a motel or dvd bang.
I miss the nightlife so much. And $1 soju, fuck. It’s like $10bucks a bottle where I’m at. I’d kill for some good Makkoli and Pajun on a rainy day.
She's clearly very fat
>legit school
Public school? Did you have to apply through that EPIK program? I love the country but I refuse to teach spoiled young kids at a hagwon again. If I could have a comfy high school position I'd go back in a heartbeat.
>Some of those girls could drink soju like water
haha I know right? Those dainty small girls can definitely drink. I was a huge alcoholic in Korea.
>I’d kill for some good Makkoli
My negro
I believe in you user. If you have a 6pack they’ll consider you to have an incredible body, otter mode is king in Asia
lmao this
OP is in for a rude awakening
>navy vet
This guy gets it.
Objectively pig-disgusting chub chasing closeted faggots
>Get matches on Tinder
>Never send any of them messages
>Never unmatch them
Who /anxiety and unwillingness to step out of their comfort zone/ here?
It actually was a Hagwon but it was one-on-one style story book lessons with a coteacher always in the class. No stress. My boss lived and traveled in Australia so he was familiar with western work expectations. Me and him would go drinking and was just a cool dude. No hagwon horror stories from me. I couldn’t hang with the other hagwon teachers usually, they were mostly complaining when they drank. So I’d chill with the EPIK teachers in Busan or the locals.
fight me semen man
>get one match out of 500 swipes
>its a bot
any alternatives to tinder?
bro treat it like a joke and send them ridiculous stuff
You will actually get replies and then you can do nothing or go fuck them
I just send something like "my #1 goal in life is to feed you sushi and slap your ass" and it works wonders getting replies compared to reading profiles and making relevant responses
>I can't help but seeing them as men in wigs
I think the problem lies with you here bud.
That sounds great. I had to deal with unruly shit kids with a boss that just gave me more and more classes. I was teaching 32 hours a week without overtime pay before I did a run.
>matches start following me in instagram
>they get jealous seeing eachother and start mesaging me on whatsapp about it
>Be talking to a girl on Tinder
>Seems like we're having a nice conversation
>Suddenly she unmatches
Well, shit
Ah ya that sounds rough and typical for those hagwons. I wish it wasn’t like that.
Add me on IG if you ever wanna chat about Asia or travel. Gonna hit the books now. Glad to see another chill teacher on this Azerbaijani knitting forum.
let me guess, you don't like being too forward
Youre right launching tomahawks into syria and spying on the chinese and ruskies doesnt count.
Enjoy your blown out knees and back. Infantry for life!!!!!
>Nigga please im 25 and in the Navy. Don't delude yourself with age and think you came out of the modern military like your better then everyone else.
I never said that faggot calm down. Im saying most girls around me are in their early 20s so they like an older man.
> I bet you were some Aviation dudebro who worked with planes and thought he was cool.
OS on CGs, did 2 deployements. Calm your autism please.
IM not trying to sound like an asshole at all, again i didnt say I score a lot, i said when i score. That might be once a year. It isnt im just saying youre readiing into things im into saying.
sounds good
Pretty much
I think going forward the goal will be to get off the app and get her number within 10 messages
Staying on the app too long is a deathtrap
>imgur link
also even with the angles you look fat
This all makes sense now.
this is gonna be fun
this will never not make me cheese
>He doesn't slam every possible woman in sight
You are low test if you're not attracted to thicc, fitt and thinn bitches.
Mad you didnt have an awesome job?
You a snipe?
That girl is thicc and yes shes hot, the ugly women in the OP and the other post arent thicc theyre fat.
I am from Ottawa and have seen these goblins on dating apps.
Fck my sides.
But they probably think 5'9 guys are 5'11, r-right? Because of guys' lying
my ottawa nigga, what it do
Question, so I meet up with females and we fuck, immediately I start not caring about them, or they ain't exactly giving me the attention I want, and I end up saying "hope you have a good day" and then I fuck off. Fuck is wrong with me?
Hah engineers are sad fucks but smarter then OS. An OS couldn't troubleshot a system for their life. Or stay awake long enough to do their job even. IT is smarter then your rate but just as autistic which makes sense.
>but smarter then OS
got a 95 asvab senpai
>An OS couldn't troubleshot a system for their life
probably cause thats not our job.
> IT is smarter then your rate
well we had 100% advancement up through E-5 so you tell me who made the better decision the IT or OS.
> just as autistic which makes sense
Mate are you baiting? OSs are the least autistic rate. Cause its full of blacks which is what made it fun.
I had 5 OS1s and 4 were black and all cool as fuck. All other enlisted were a mixed bag and we all got along amazingly. Only hated a single person in my division of 25 and it was a white guy who had back to back shore duties some how and was a complete incompetent cunt.
You imply that your rate requires a 95 lmao. OS have to be the most intolerant cunts I've met BECAUSE they can't fix their own shit let alone know how it works. You also say they are smarter because of advancement? That's not how that works! IT is nearly 80% to IT1 because there is a massive gap for lifer E6 ITs. It's called BBD and quotas not smarts. CTN is more autistic but when you have a rate which is 'stand watch underway and fuck off in port' you get laY shitheads who spurg out when something actually happens. But it was so cool that's why you stayed in yea? Ahahaha go tell the children in college you fuck once a year all your amazing sea stories mate. Glad all that time working on shit systems that apply no where else is helping you in college right now.
Thanks mate. I needed the giggle.
>You imply that your rate requires a 95 lmao
no i didnt i was just saying i got a 95 thats all LMAO XD!!!! 420 blaze it faggot
>You also say they are smarter because of advancement?
I didnt say that at all you mis-read or mis-understood it
>Glad all that time working on shit systems that apply no where else is helping you in college right now.
Buddy i have no clue why your autism is acting up.
I loved being an OS and dont regret it one bit. I got out after 4 cause i wanted to. And now im going to college for free so that whole civilian transferability thing is a complete meme. You can re-invent yourself when you get out for free easily.
>Thanks mate. I needed the giggle
I have no clue why again i loved being an OS and you are clearly jealous and wish you had been one cause of how good we had it. Notice you havent said your rate yet. Say what you were gay boy so i can make fun of you.
not the user you replied to but I just used this and it fucking works. thanks bro.
>I can't help but seeing them as men in wigs despite all the talk about asian girls being feminine.
Korean girls have absolutely 0 qualms about being two-faced bitches and abandoning all sense of restraint around people they're comfortable with. Complete turn off.
t. gook
Is speaking Korean a bonus? Not talking about 100% fluent, but just enough to converse generally
Pussys pussy bro
did you go to clubs and pubs/bars by yourself when travelling
what you doing in china?
Feminist girls with blue hair
Yes or no
Keep in mind I'm a big trump guy
She works at the "women's resource center"