"Squats" everyone says when you ask how to get ass. Clearly genetics is 70% of whether you have a nice one or not.
"Squats" everyone says when you ask how to get ass. Clearly genetics is 70% of whether you have a nice one or not
It's about 90%. That pic is quite literally the body all the "fit" girls in my gym have, squatting just fave them big thighs and a tight but still small ass.
youre supposed to squat with a buttplug in to get a big ass it activated the FTP centers in the glutes to enhance hypermyopothy in the glute muscle to make is bigger
Pretty sure that pic from OP is a guy
>Squatting more weight won't increase the muscle mass in your ass and give you a bigger ass
wew lad
>somehow still manage to be flat
White people
>somehow still manage to lose it all from dying to cops
Black people
Because everyone is a normie. Maybe if you did like 1 hour of research you would find 5 exercises that isolate the glutes you retarted roastie. How the fuck do people still think squats are a good glutes exercise.
issue with squats is they also build blocky legs and core, better off doing high volume ass isos imho. Fat deposition is pretty much king of ass quality at the end of the day though
Because squats mostly work quads and glutes to a lesser degree. Want a big butt? Focus on good mornings, barbell weighed hip extensions, back extensions, lunges.
Still there will be a small percentage of girls without food butt due to bad insertions.
But squats=good ass is a meme
ITs true
T. Man with genetically big ass
all i do is squat, deadlift and cycle every day, and i went from extremely flat ass, to a really good one in a matter of months
Apparently I've heard women find that hot
Yeah I mean women have told me I have a nice ass but it’s not like that gets you pussy, especially when you’re a man and wear jeans or normal pants or whatever. Tbh i wish leggings were acceptable for men to wear in public cause i’d have bitches looking at my ass from miles away.
t. don't know shit about anatomy
What is the function of the quads, and what is the function of the glutes?
It's pretty easy to get an ass if you're a midget like the cockgoblin in your pic.
Quads: mainly straightening your leg at the knee joint
Glutes: mainly straightening/kicking back your leg at the hip joint
Lmao you just prove you don't know shit about training. Of course squads work glutes somewhat but that doesn't mean there aren't better exercises for it smug retard. Btw I am 100% certain I know more about anatomy than you.
Quads extend the knees. They're the only muscle group that does this. This means that whenever your knees extend under load, your quads tend to complain.
Glutes extend the hips. They're one of 3 large muscle groups that do this, and none of them tend to complain much as a result when the hips extend under load.
If your hips extend while squatting (which they do if you're actually going to depth) your glutes are being 'worked' regardless of how you feel about the situation. There's no secondary about it.
>work glutes somewhat
>I am 100% certain I know more about anatomy than you
t. the dunning-kruger effect personified
>check Veeky Forums
>see this
man imma go eat some oats or something fuck this
The lady I posted in the OP has clearly been lifting for a while and has a mediocre ass
>Ad hominem without any real counter arguments.
Yeah man you got me there. You definitely know what you're talking about.
squats = glutes is a meme you dip
What a weird post
Same here. I look very average from the waist up in a t shirt but I have a braphog ass
It is genetically but the best a girl can do is eat a lot and sport alot besides. There is nothing better than fit chubby mode.
i've been called an asslet for all of my life senpai, and rightfully so
so we can tell this chicks shitty ass is a result of poor squat form, or maybe just front squats?
Also depends on how low you squat.
Its sad that most women dont eat enough because some gayfag told them in their fashionad
Genetics determines your potential. Squats maximize it. No matter what genetics you have, if you sit on your arse all day, every day then you'll get a flat ass nevertheless.
What you said is an equivalent of "why diet, when genetics is 70% of being thin".
> if you sit on your arse all day, every day then you'll get a flat ass nevertheless
Not true, that's what genetics mean. One of my gf's friends has a ridiculous figure, beyond ridiculous - she's an H cup and has a big ass. She only ever leaves her room for nights out.
Squats don't do shit for ass anyway so i dont know why i bothered responding to an obvious 17 year old.
There is a big big difference between an fat untrained brappillow and an fat ass with muscles underneath.
Just because women gain slower doesnt mean they shouldnt do anything at all.
Chubmode plus a little lifting is best mode
Except lifting and gaining muscle can often raise testosterone which reduces female sexual fat placement - hence fitness models always needing implants.
If a girl lifts and still eats a lot then yes im in total agreement, it's better than doing nothing at all.
post pics
No, it's SQUATZ and OATZ. That girl is what happens when you do squatz without eating oatz.
Sorry i dont post anything that could ever reveal who i am. You don't really want to see her either, she's a massive whore - not in appearance but in actual behaviour. On first meeting she'll tell you about a time she was blowing a random guy and sneezed and his semen came out her nose.
block out her face, I just want to see the tits and if it's actual tits or fat.
I actually went to get some and do that but she's privated up her profile and i have no interest in having her on my facebook. Her only visible photos are faux-arty sunlit ones staring into a horizon.
You don't know how the girl looked in the "before" picture. Squats probably helped a lot.
It's not possible to have an inverse ass.
Stop looking so much at porn, that girl has a better ass than 90-95% of women.
I just popped a fat zitty on my backside it was incredibly satisfying feeling the skin launch itself inwards after extracting the puss in one fell contraction of the thumb and index - this feeling isn't mimicked by any other body part so it's quite sad that you don't get more zitties on your backside.
Start looking at better women.
This isn't supposed to be a nice ass is it?
post yours so we can judge
Looks like ellena has joined the thread. Just pay for surgery ffs instead of being bitter. You got a genetic short straw but you live in a time when you can just pay for that injustice to go away.
i just want some juicy man ass
>On first meeting she'll tell you about a time she was blowing a random guy and sneezed and his semen came out her nose.
I dont even..
As said i barely know her, i dont like talking to her whenever she's present at an event because i have disgust towards sluts. Yet she's either moody and bored or talking about sex and dancing so you hear stories if you talk to her at all.
For instance she slept with her boss for a while and on first fuck she told him it was underwhelming and bought out a box of sex toys she keeps under the bed. She said their sex has been wild and great ever since.
>tfw I have a better ass than most white girls have
t-thanks Rip.
Listen genetics are needed for good fat deposits, but getting bigger glutes enhances the ass
I legit do not understand girls that think you need to squat to get a round ass
Legit just stand there for two lots of 20 minutes a day and squeeze your glutes as hard as you can and thrust forward and hold it. It's like a hollow plank, but for you're ass
Squats are like 70% knee extension so they'll work your quads more than anything else you FUCKING IDIOT.
If you want more glute activation do exercises that are based around hip extension like hip thrusts or glute bridges you fucking brainlet. I hope that you are a woman because that would at the very least explain how stupid and easily led you are.
>to cops
more like to other black people
Not sure if anbody has already pointed this out, but those underwear are extremely unflattering. If she wasn't wearing those and had some regular underwear with a lower waist, she'd look great.
Yes genetics determine a lot about your body type, but you need to dress in clothes that are the most flattering to your body, as well. Which she isn't.
No she would't, high cut thong underwear accentuate as much as humanly possible, she legitimately just has a terrible body. Like a cross-dressing Gimli.
Not everybody has the body type for high wasted bottoms. Some look better with high waist than low, and some look better with low than high. This isn't fucking controversial, this is blatantly obvious and just plain common sense.
A little harsh there. She isnt that bad, id hit her
the glutes are used for pushing off forwards
you wanna build them do farmers walks, weighted sprints and box jumps
Jesus fucking Christ I want to meet this girl and tear her limb from limb with my dick
Has anyone actually grown their ass from working out?
I know it can be done. Theres this chick from HS who became a Veeky Forums chick and now owns a gym. In HS she had a pancake butt and recently i saw some pics on her FB and her ass looks great.
Wondering what exercises, frequency, weight, # or reps works the best. I'm a guy btw, starting from pic related
Well after posting i couldnt find cleavage shots i have so i'll post them in a minute.
If she literally owns a gym and documents her boy online then she will absolutely either have paid for work or be shopping photos.
Sameeeee. I wear short shorts to the gym that show off assests but in public jeans hide it. Wish I wore slacks more often because that where it truly shines
OP pic looks like a male Mexican midget to me. Why so much racism? White girls won't let you fuck their pink pussies?
I find it to extremely gay. If I see a muscular guy with a fat ads I just assume he's a gay bear, since that's a gay mans look. Big butts are fem as fuck, I want tight cute little athletic ass on a man
yes because theres no way hard work and dedication will bring change.
Stop projecting you fucking autist. She owns a small gym in a small town, is not that big of a deal. She has a great physique and you can tell its muscle. Also posts vids of her squatting heavy and shit.
You'd have more gay guys drooling over you than straight females. If anything they'd stare because it looks ridiculous
>I just don't understand the racism
>looks like a Mexican midget to me though
>jeez man I don't get the racism that us whites get can someone explain
Yea I knew a girl in hs that was as skinny as a stick with flat ass and really small chest.
Now I see her in my gym all the time and her ass is fucking big and juicy. We say hi to each other since im not an autist and we were friends in hs.
She does a lot of lower body in the range of hypertrophy. Start with low weight and do 4x8-12. Do your squats, bulgarian split squats and hip thrusts. The ass is like any other muscle you just need to put in time and itll grow
Hard work won't do anything unless it's also clever work. You can chip away at a cliff face with chisel to try and build a house if you really want.
There has been an influx of shitposters this week asking about building girls' asses in the gym this week and i don't know why. But the reasons why it doesn't happen have been posted enough for you to see so go read them.
Being fit in general reduces fat placement lmao. You don't magically turn into a tranny from lifting, that's from the roids. They get implants because their overall body fat is low, not because of raised test
It also raises testosterone which explicitly reduces female secondary sexual characteristics, in this case fat placement on the breasts, hips and ass. It's an effect over and above sheer fat loss.
>implying glutes doesn' engage heavily in knee extension in the squat
They don't. Learn your anatomy, glutes have no contact with the knee.
I'm a female with naturally high testosterone levels who's also fit and I have extremely feminine fat placement; hips and ass/ hourglass. I'll say it again, it's because they're becoming fit in general and losing fat, not because lifting weights magically gives you the effects of steroids. And human body composition is much more complicated than you want to make it out to be
you dont lose fat lifting weights you retard
If this story is any more than autistic wish fulfilment then it will just be the result of her eating to no longer be skinny. If a girl has the genetic potential to be curvy but keeps herself tiny then eating can really help. The gym will not have made a significant difference and especially not if she does squats and bulgarian split squats holy kek.
I actually revise my opinion, you are a 19 year old loner who is into this girl because she talks to you so you have decided her large thighs and compression pants count as a big ass.
> naturally high test levels
So either you are pinning to have even bothered being checked or you are a guy larping. Post your """extremely feminine fat placement"""" for us all to believe you.
Of course don't because you're a musclegirl fanboy squealing in rage as the thread is interrupting your masturbation.
> high testosterone
> have lots of fat placement mediated by high oestrogen and low testosterone
You're lying about one of these points but ill will be interested in seeing your breasts regardless.
>Hard work won't do anything unless it's also clever work.
Agreed. Thats where dedication comes in. If you stick with something long enough you start learning how to do it right and get results.
Def better to just start out doing things right though
I'll try those. I've read hip thrusts give you great results. thanks user
Glute bridges/barbell hip thrusts activate your glutes 4 times more than deep squats do.
I know that.
but the funny thing is that you are so arrogant and still can't figure out how the glutes can help with knee extension in the squat
Being dedicated to stupid work is called being stupid. I'll give you the only useful tips in this thread:
> Female asses are genetic fat placement and skeletal structure, not muscle.
> If you are thin first try and gain weight to see where it goes.
> If you have some fat there doing hip bridges and deadlifts will build the underlying muscle a small amount to help hold it better and define it a bit better.
> You will be able to build thighs and larger thighs can give the illusion of wide hips.
> Go on the contraceptive pill for oestrogenic boosts to help place fat in breasts and ass.
> If all that fails then pay for fat injections.
I'm not who you were arguing with i was just pointing out your stupid statement, glutes extend the thigh which is incorporated into a squat - it has nothing whatsoever to do with the knee.
>I can't into physics
t.business major
You really don't have a clue, the best exercise for glutes would be a romanian deadlift in which the knees dont move at all. Squats are really inefficient for building them.
LOL nice projection kid.
I knew her in hs because my friend dated her and she was an artsy photo skinny girl. Now shes a fit photo girl.
Nice change of topic mr. business major
I assume that you don't have basic knowledge about physcis because of that retarded answer
Do women hate femlets for the same reason men hate manlets?
wtf guys there's not a single good ass pic in this thread
Post before/after photos. Though as said if true it just sounds like she began to eat.
Not a change of topic, you've been beaten at every turn and now go for the ad hominems. Really not much else to say.