Can you beat up your father in his prime with your current body and training?

Can you beat up your father in his prime with your current body and training?

What kind of autist want to beat up his own father.

Basically, are you tougher than your old man, or are you still a little bitch boy

No. I couldn't even beat up my father now, and he's 71 while I'm 26.

Well you better get to lifting buddy

So many broken people out there these days, thinking this up is basically an Oedipus complex variant.
Seek therapy.

doubt it. he was in the army at my age and I have only been training for a few months.

answer the question
yes or no
it's because OP's pic was a show about a boy who trained to fight his father

>Be 16
>Dad tries to spank me over something I did wrong
>Tell him I'm a grown ass man you are not gonna spank me
>He says "watch me"
>I put my fists up and say you try and I'm fighting back
>He drops his head "I dont want to fight you son I just want you to listen to me"
>Be edgy 16 year old self and scream "Fuck you dad, you weren't there for me when I needed you most growing up you walked out on us and now you come back and try to discipline me?!
>He says "I'm sorry I won't bother you anymore you don't have to come around if you don't want"
>His eyes tear up and he looks regretful with his head hung low
>"Fucking good I'm gone"
>Leave and don't see him for over 5 years
>Finally see him again
>"Good fucking lord son. You have our families wide shoulders and big chest thats for sure you are huge. Please tell me you still don't want to fight...hahahaha...right?"
>Laugh and we catch up

Was a good reunion.

Forgot to add guess that means he knows I surpassed him.

Stop. Stop! STOP reminding me of the times I was mean to my parents!!

>God tier genetics from my mothers side
>Could beat the shit out of my Dad at 16

those are some feels user

>dad was bodybuilder who could bench 3pl8, before that was in Navy shooting Somalians
Haha no

Yeah probably, I just gotta throw em

My dad taught karate as a job during college, but I lift and weight 20 more than he did. He would kick my ass but I can definitely out lift him.

Probably. I am in way better shape + have 10 years of wrestling under my belt. But I wouldn’t want to fight my dad because we have a good relationship.

Probably, I'm like 8 inches taller and 80 pounds heavier. He definitely had more experience fighting at my age than I do but I'm just way fucking bigger than him and it's not like he was any good at fighting based on how his nose looks like it's been broken 400 times

Something is wrong with his biceps.

>dad did pole vaulting and gymnastics in high school
>could bench 285 in his prime
>worked construction to pay for his english and philosophy degrees in college

I doubt I could beat him up, I'm a lanklet. But he's an awesome dad.

I didn't come here to feel these feels

>giant thighs
>giant calves
>jkd and bjj
Yeah probably not but his prime was mid 20s so at leat a have a while to catch up

Nope. The reason is that he was a coal miner in his prime, and just about everyone else at tge time were elderly or lazy drug addicts that failed their drug tests within a week of being hired and fired. As such, he had to do most of the heavy labor. That actually helped him later in his career as he became the boss and started raking in the money. He retired at 50 (he's 65 now).

It's a hypothetical, buddy.

autism speaks

>Grandaddy went through nam then was an iron hanger and still benches two plate and deads 3 no sweat.

Yeah I'm gonna go with no. I wouldn't even think about trying in my Wildest dreams.