opinions on butter?
Opinions on butter?
Yes, butter is good. It is a pretty easy way to get some high density calories if you are behind. Also good for test.
A diet rich in saturated fat increases testosterone production.
>good for test
ayy lmao
>sat fat
>tastes good as fuck
lmao how u fall for dairy jew eat some crisco moron
Get grass-fed Irish butter. Even a discount store like Winco sells it.
Isn't it supposed to be 'bad' fat
I just can't help myself, these pictures make me crack up every time.
For women, yes.
B12 and Vitamin K. rad.
Yeah, saturated fat is SUPPOSED to be bad because of some retarded scientist a few decades ago. However, do you know what humans have been eating for millions of years? Meat. What kind of fat is in meat? Saturated fat.
non whites please leave
Highest source of endogeneous estrogen in nature. High in palmitic acid (which activates the endotoxin receptor TLR4, augmenting inflammation).
Better fats : coconut oil, olive oil, mct oil.
best butter prove me wrong
its good with coffee
Not only this, but what kind of fat does your body make when you have too many carbs and it gets stored away as fat energy for winter? Saturated fat.
Our bodies have literally been making and burning saturated fat since the earliest generations of multi-cellular non-plant life decided that storing energy was a good thing.
>Popcorn with butter.
Requesting greentext of girl upset about her weight and her friend tells her to eat butter.
>dumbass eats butter by the stick
>gains weight
>bitches out friend
>friend is like "bitch i never told you to eat butter"
>goes back to screenshot evidence
>friend said to eat bEtter
>fatass drowns emotions by eating a stick of butter
Really, I think the science needs to go further with this.
I think a key difference regarding fats is the rate of which they're used. You need to test groups where they're consuming saturated fats where one group is sedentary and the other is active.
That's really where the key bit of the thing you're arguing may lie. There may really be a difference between being a nomadic plains hunter and being part of a post-agricultural society.
Adding to that. This has probably already been done, but I'm not well-read on the science. If it's been researched, I'd love a link to the study.
>Being the same thing
Only fructose does this (produces palmitic acid), and it happens to have a shitload of undesirable attributes.
what the fuck haha somebody post this please
Please i wanna see it kek
Holy hell...
>tfw hated butter on my bread when I was a kid
>tfw I still do
it adds nothing to a sandwich except making it less dry
Haha good post! Upboated!
Now go ahead and post that one study done on a handful of japs which showed an increase (not quantified) in est and a decrease in test (unquantified) shortly after consumption of milk.
That's the fucking point you mong, same with mayo. It's sandwich lubricant
?? quality butter tastes great
My mother used to make me peanut butter and butter sandwiches for lunch.
I still haven't forgiven her.
I know, but feeling it in my mouth is very icky
>science is stupid
>let's just believe whatever we want
Humans have been smoking for hundreds if not thousands of years. It can't cause lung cancer!
one possible solution is to stop being manchild
anyway, here ftfy
>stop being spoiled like a kid
>That bit of butter that slides down her tongue at the end