Learning to master the Pull Up

I can't do a single pull up right. It's either I do one but with form that's complete shit, or I try to mind my form and end up fucking it up.

I've heard that the lat pulldown machine is a good way to train yourself to do pull ups. Is this true? I used it recently but I noticed that only my scapula and my biceps/triceps were somewhat sore, this means I'm doing it wrong, right?

Do you guys have any tips for a beginner? Right now pull ups are my main fitness goal.

Lose weight, do negatives. Supplement with lat pulldown, curls and rows

Pull your chest to the bar and do that as well as you can until you can it multiple times

I don't know if I can even pull my chest up that far user. But I can try

>But I can try
Thank you for this, this made me smile

Alway rember happy time

I'm glad you'll try, user, it's all I ask

thumbless grip

All memes aside, is it actually impressive that 150lb 5'7" me can do 20 consecutive wide grip pull ups?

Doing SS and I'm up to the point I can do accessory work. I can do 6 pull ups , sometimes 7 but I haven't been able to go higher. Should I do more reps?

I've been steadily going higher in all my main lifts.

Just do as many as you can until failure. One set of that a day will be enough to make good progress over time.

Not if youre less than 12% body fat

Depends how you define impressive here. Any person, especially if you're not very tall can learn how to do 20 pull-ups, so in that sense it's not impressive. But the fact of the matter is that very few people can currently do it, so in that sense it is, I suppose.

It's impressive that you can reach the pull up bar

Definitely over 15%

I said no memes faggot

Tfw I have to jump

Follow "Convict Conditioning". It has a progressive pull-up plan.

Do negatives, so jump onto the bar and let yourself down as slowly as possible.

start easy and then progress
i really like on the CC is that it has the "rehabilitation" phase prior every exercise to get your muscles ready for it

No offense to you user, as I know this is what's normally recommended, but I've always thought this was shit advice.
Imagine someone complains about not being able to bench press 225. Would you advise him to just load the bar up, unrack it and do negatives one single at a time? Does that sound like a good plan? Because that's essentially what you're recommending for pull-ups.

In my opinion it's much wiser to simply lose some fat and build the respective muscle groups using other exercises. Before you know it you can do 3-4 proper pull-ups on your first try.

Ayy lmao, i'd never even considered the jackknife variant. Wish i'd known about those when I was working up to doing a pull up.

stop being a fat fuck. Grab a chair and jump onto the bar, hang as long as your fat arms allow it, then lower slowly. You got this mane

Lat pull down or assisted pull-up machine. Adjust weight until you can do 8-12 reps. 7 sets 4 times a week. If you can do over 12 decrease / increase the weight. Repeat until body weight / no weight.

For that matter, can somebody teach me how to do the muscle-up? I can rep out two dozen pull ups, can rep out two dozen dips, and I can even do like ten pull ups with 25lb plate added, but I can't even do one muscle-up.

I'm about 5'10" and 175 pounds and skinnyfat. I know that isn't great but I'm definitely not fat lol.

I'll try this user. I figured I needed to do more sets, I'll push myself harder next time. Although I still need to work on my pulldown form.

I've heard of Convict Conditioning before, seems like a bodyweight workout bible. I'll definitely pick it up now.

Thanks man. Will do


So which is better:
1) Only manage to do 1-2 reps of pullups
2) use assisted pull-upmachine and set the assist so that your last reps of ~12 set are as hard to pull than those 1-2 singles.

Don't do this. Imagine doing 1 set of bench to failure every time you train hoping to make progress eventually. Hint: it won't happen.

To make pullup gains do bodyweight until you get 3 sets of 8, then add the smallest amount of weight possible (I used 2kg db) and do 3 sets of 5. Then just keep adding the smallest amount possible every week.

I'm 188cm 95kg (that's 6'2 210lbs for you burgers) and I can do sets of 8 with 45lbs added and I don't even think that is impressive

I tried doing this. Step one was like nothing. Step two feels not too difficult but I seem to cop a back injury and pain in my inner-elbow area any time I try it.

> I don't even think that is impressive
That is pretty impressive.

>tfw 6'4, 22 lbs with long arms
Life is suffering.

>tfw 6'4, 22 lbs

begone skelletor

Working on pullups and chinups too, I started with a relatively low resistance band looped around the bar and the spring out of the bottom helps so much. Eventually you get a lighter weight band then ditch it all together and work on more and more reps then adding weight