"Why do you smell so bad, user?"
"Why do you smell so bad, user?"
I'm doing a hard dry fast and I can't shower.
i water shit my pants
I think I smell because of my ass even though I shower daily.
Same m8 wtf
I have a scat fetish.
Fatties always do
I shower twice a day and I never smell (apart from my crotch in the hottest of days).
because shit leaks out of my asshole randomly
>183cm, 70kg
Sure you aren't smelling yourself sweetie ;)
Do you wear deodorant?
I've been farting so bad for a few days, I'm scared for leg day. what do?
Do you actually clean your ass?
I noticed that whenever I shoot water up my ass, it smells worse. I use soap _on_ it daily. What's the proper ass cleaning routine?
it gives you cancer, and bad for your health
No, I use Mother Dirt products
i havent showered for four days
this honestly. need to wedge tp up butt daily. not shit, but shitty liquid leaks when i exercise. dr's are stumped, seeing a specialist soon. it started when i got a girlfriend, fucking kill me.
If you're asking why niggers smell so bad it's so blind people can hate them too
idk lol i just get some soap and rub it down my ass crack
never actually cleaned inside my ass though lol,
might have to enema that shit
Bad smell=good workout
>I sniff my own armpits and smell the scent of my deodorant.
>"But I smell great though, it must be your own nose you're smelling", I joke.
>"Hmph.", she retorts. "So why don't you give it a whiff then user", her auburn brows furrowing between the silken locks that part on her forehead.
>She looks up to me with her large hazel eyes and attempts to stand as menacingly as a petite 5'4" girl wearing a sleeveless bare back blouse and mini skirt can.
>"I said give my nose a sniff user", her soft, velvety voice wakes me up from my reverie and my cheeks heat up and I quickly turn my face away as I ask myself how long was I starting at her.
>"I'm waitinggg", I hear say say in a cutsie tone and I imagine her peach colored lips smiling.
>I look back at her and there she stands, still trying and failing miserably to look intimidating with her curled brows, pouty lips, and her arms locked akimbo.
>I shake my head, and bring my face closer to hers to get a whiff.
>Halfway through, I notice that she too is blushing.
>Too late to pull back now, I tell myself.
>Her face is now just a breath away.
>I notice her eyes darting between my own.
>She starts to close hers, I close mine as well.
>Her warm wet breath, filling up the space between us, smells just as sweet as the beads of sweat slowly trickling down the curve of her face and neck.
>I feel warm trembling fingers caress both of my hands hanging limply on my sides.
>I guide one of them to my cheek and the other to my side.
>Then I put my own trembling hand on the sweaty nape of her neck and with the other I embrace her bare back.
>I feel the corner of my nose touch hers, and a warm sigh kisses the side of my lips.
>Our breathing syncs, the world around us disappears, all becomes mute but the beating of our hearts.
>The rhythmic beating speeds up, and grows louder. And louder.
>I then wak up to the rhythmic pitter patter of early morning rain on my roof, alone.
Are you a writer or some shit
Some shit.
go back to your containment thread
I am slav, I eat garlic like candy.
Oh and I also creamed my pants when I saw you, that might also be it, h-heh
>y-you t-too
Maybe try just hot water? The dry soap could be mixing with your seat.
Wash ass and groin daily with soap and water then dry and use pic related.
only woke nigga ITT
because I live in a hovel with subpar plumbing and a black mold infestation
>tfw guy at work literally smells like poop
>not everyday but maybe 3/5 days
>not sweat, actual poop
i should have been a neet instead. do i tell him guys? i really try to avoid him but the smell seems to always find my nose.
>He fell for the nofap meme
based autist
Not available in Germany, at least on Amazon.
because the sight of you makes my balls wet
Well, I drink about a gallon of milk everyday
how about try a bath instead of a shower you filthy fuck
>it started when i got a girlfriend
Quit letting her peg you
Used to have a constant swamp ass problem before I lost weight. Maybe try losing weight? Also wet wipes when you shit.
Cornstarch. Surely they have that in the third world.
Am i the only who smells like ammonia during workouts?
That's not normal user. Are you pissing your pants or what?
Gotta let out those pheromones to attract mates
No, its my sweat. Similar to cat piss
I get that from my back sweat for some reason, and only when wearing certain (cotton) shirts.
Not all cotton shirts do it, and never polyester as far as I know, so maybe try that.
I have also noticed this in fatties, they smell ok until they get up from the couch they've been sitting on, its absolutely god awful. I have a fatty friend but I never want him to come over cuz he will have to sit somewhere and don't want my furniture to smell like dead dogs
Sometimes it feels like my sweat smells like weed. I don't smoke btw
Can someone recommend me some god tier bodywash, shampoo and deoderant combo? I just get whats cheap at walmart but I want to invest into some good shit online.
same man
I really like old spice for all 3 of those desu
>Tfw when this is me and Im hyperaware of it but cant help it until I lose the weight
Your father came in my hair earlier today.
Here is what you do, when in the shower, scrub your groin and ur ass with plenty of soap, and stick ur finger up the bum just a bit and make sure it is clean in there at least about an inch in.
And get wet wipes. For real. U kind of have to clean ur ass with moisture, everyone should no matter fatty or not. If in public and can't carry around wet wipes everywhere just open the lid of the toilet tank and dip ur hand in and dab the toilet paper with water, it will give you enough moisture to clean it way better than with just dry toilet paper.
Also I shouldn't even have to mention clean underwear and pants.
Good luck fatty.
What doesn't? Completely serious question right here.
>tfw sometimes sweat smells like sausage
>have had one friend and one coworker who also smelled like sausage when they sweat
It's kind of scary considering you always hear that human meat supposedly tastes like pork...
You must have some kind of infection or something. Do you have cats? There's a certain type of bacteria in their piss. Might be related to that.