Does this apply to anyone here?
Does this apply to anyone here?
Jordan Peterson saved my life.
>/r/ anything
How do I get social gains when I have no friends? Like what should I do when I go to a big city? I have no one with me. I'm an autist with no social skills, keep that in mind.
Is this picture supposed to be funny?
>unironically do some of this stuff half assed
>it works to some degree
Also, why doesn’t it work?
You join clubs, go to events, and find people with similar interests at places specifically designed to help you meet other people. Where the social contract is dampened by interaction with strangers would be the breeding ground for friendship. For friends who only care about drinking, go to the same bar every time. For lifting, go to the same gym. ETC.
No, just brutally honest and make the people that are using those things because of their internal crisis feel really bad.
But it does.
/r/starterpacks is a weird mix of shitting on people and /r/doesanyoneelse. This is the latter.
Fuck, i guess im starting nofap.
Thanks user, don't know who the people are in the pics.
Scared of the big guy at the gym after he caught me miring, do i say something to him or is he gonna say something to me?
What’s he about? Keep hearing a lot about him
You follow him in the showers and drop on your knees, you know the rest hopefully.
just do a sup headbob and be chill brah
that haircut is sported by every faggot spic i know
I'm 29 and this is me.
Yes, Jordan Peterson is the best out of all of these
I did a raise my eyebrows while looking at his arms, how fucked am i?
No, I'm not a faggot who wears jeggings and I don't have a meme haircut.
Now get out.
>he doesn't bend reality with his word
18-24 is a little too early to realize your life is going to shit.
something like 25-29 would fit better
I never understood the blanket hate for reddit, sure the fandom subreddits are viscous cancer but there's alot of useful information that can be found on reddit.
Some of these things are about to. need to get used to preparing actual meals and making schedules again.
>not wearing slimfit
>slim fit and legging-tier tight is the same
see, that's why everyone laughs at you
This. Everything about that pic is 'late 20's loser' af.
cut memerson, no fap, garbage books and replace reddit with Veeky Forums and its me
i don't understand what is wrong with that? person who make this chart supposed to makes fun of this people? Not everybody are the equal in this world. Some people unfortunately needs to work really hard to achieve goals.
Here is the most important advice he gives
1. stop lying to yourself
2. sort out the small things first, this makes the big things easier
3. clean your room
If I replaced the sub reddits with /fit and /fa people would have no idea this came from reddit.
10 tips to waking up early
10? There are maybe 2. Go to bed early and don't look at screens with blue light untill you close your eyes. Do people really watch a video where they are told how to wake up early ffs?
I'm 26 ;_;
Never too late.
Who gives a fuck lad
>tfw engaged in / can relate to over half of these things
It does feel like I am making it guys. Besides a woman (tfw no gf) in my life, I feel like I aint missing out on anything and feel comfortable as fuck.
What's wrong with the haircut tho? Ever since I have it I get way more mires and people have complemented that my haircut suits me. Is it really a meme haircut? I think people don't understand that preperation for that haircut takes atleast 15 minutes a day. I am keeping it however, whatever the outcome of what Veeky Forums says.
>Starter Packs
Holy shit go to hell and die fucking redditor shit stain
Let me guess, you cucks wrote multiparagraph summaries of each of these items and handed out redditor gold too?
i am 21.
Fuck off for real
No. Not all of us browse your shitty circle jerk liberal loving pun posting shithole
>Veeky Forums
>what is r9k?
The hugbox mentality and upvote whoring doesn't fly here.
In this place, you get nothing and all of your wisdom and hard work you put in your replies will be first of all ridiculed and contradicted and it will also be gone forever in a matter of hours or days, depending where you post.
It's more like a painter painting a great painting, and then spraying paint thinner on it an hour later after only 40 asshole critics have seen it and made fun of it. Redditros are faggots that want to belive that their paintings stay pristine forever and want to be creditet for them forever while patting eachother on the back in a circle.
Reddit attracts selfish and shallow people and they don't like this place, because you don't get anything in return for your "helpful" contributions.
Most of those had applied to me back in my redpill day. These days I'm blackpilled which means I realized it's all about genetics which can't be fixed so I don't even try anymore. Just rotting desu.
user user likes this post.
Ok later
woww.... so enlightened
The struggle for life is like gravity. Its how the Creator programmed us. You will fight for life, you will either make it and be relatively content or you will suffer tremendously. Its your choice. Dont stop fighting my man
people whore (You)s here by being abrasive and polemical, same principle
your post implies that you think you are superior to anyone who uses reddit, if this is the case then that is really fucking sad
>people don't circle jerk on this website like on Bernie Sanders dot com
>they're being abrasive for attention!
I've been here since 06 I can call it out for what it is faggot
Youre retarded dude. Majority of people here do not give a fuck if you live or die. Actually they get a degree of pleasure if they can make you feel like shit. Welcome to human nature. Reddit users get a sense of importance from all the karma showered on their persona/profile. It gives them the illusion of status. This is why they would behave in a manner which garners outside approval. Here it is bare bones laddie. Human thought with no filter.
they get pleasure when the guy getting shit on reacts, to say, when he gives them attention
trolling is attention whoring
yeah I'm still not seeing the big deal, I browse subreddits for information, not to post or listen to snowflakes. You can also go to /s4s/ /r9k/ /pol/ or various other boards here and find the same amounts of autism and circle-jerking. It's like saying you can't find good info on /ic/ Veeky Forums and others because there's a board dedicated to fucking my little pony characters.
What happens when you hit 25?
>tfw 25 and none of these apply to me
Not gonna offer any advice but just wanted to say that I've found that moving to a new place / having a fresh start is very liberating and can help you become more social or discover things about yourself you wouldn't in a safer, more familiar environment.
You will have to find something social to do though, I would take classes on something that interests me and socialize with the other people there if I were you.
Yeah, right. Thanks, breh. I just moved and it's not working for me.
The entire nature of how reddit works is what makes it toxic.
Yes but I just turned 27
That's me
What's not working for you?
You caught me with the how to win friends and influence enemies shit. It has helped me a lot though, if you're a turbo autist like i was then i recommend listening to the audiobook
Being more social. Spend every day in my room so far even though I just need to cross to the street to get to one of the best restaurants.
29-30 is the new age for a midlife crisis breh don't worry, I started taking lessons for a motorcycle
I have started taking care of myself a lot lately.
Cut your fucking internet for a while if you see that you're addicted and it comforts you.
Cmon dude, find out what's keeping you inside and force yourself if there's no other option, you have to do something, nothing will come on its own, it's just easier in a new environment.
I think when I leave the house, I would just wander around aimlessly and in a bar, I would just keep to myself. I need to make a buddy at the gym, hopefully that works any time soon.
This. Fucking avoid that shithole.
Sign up for shit that is also new to everyone else that also interest you.
You can find gym buddies, you can sign up for running groups, rock climbing classes, bike riding once a week events etc
Or find some classes that interest you like I mentioned before
you can say that about every site where people can post shit. I've found useful budgetting skills, recipes, coding, data storage and homebrew information from subreddits that weren't appearing elsewhere. Ruling out sources of information because there are dumbfucks who use the same platform is ridiculous and would make Veeky Forums unusable as well.
brah I think the point is that that's not such a bad thing
But you don't get any permanent good boy points to your profile for whoring yous, so it really isn't anywhere close to being the same
It doesn't imply that, it is clear that people use the "not on the record" anonymous posting to their advantage as well, posting terrible stuff they would never dare post from behind any usermane that tracks what they post, you can abuse both systems, but in a totally different way. I just pointed out the main differences between the sites, by using extremes and banter. Unfortunately, my useless subjective opinion prefers this site over reddit, and that might show. You on the otherhand just find ways to reinforce your pre-existing assumptions. There are no superiority complexes here.
Oh so now I said that you can't find good info on reddit?
Fuck off, the only thing these sites share is the basic consept of "free" flow of real time information, but that is pretty much where the similarities end.
I bet it's a lot easier to find useful information in reddit than to wade trough all of the toxic shitposting in here, but I still prefer the system here, it's more honest and shows you the true face of humatiny.
You realize that your best days are over, that none of the shit you thought was important actually matters to the average adult and you see 90% of your female friends on facebook post pregnancy photos.
>Oh so now I said that you can't find good info on reddit?
You've been outright saying everything relating to reddit is shit, all I've been saying is that it has it's uses which is immediately shot down by people like you because on Veeky Forums anything reddit related is a meme. Piss off with your backpedaling, if you're going to say 'back to plebbit' every time someone brings it up you have no right to then qualify it with 'oh but I never said that part was bad you're just putting words in my mouth'. No one gives a fuck about your preferred form of shitposting platform and when that's your argument for why a website should be dismissed immediately and entirely it looks really petty.
is anyone going to comment on how fucking gay that haircut looks? even worse now that every faggot has one
The place is just so weak willed and liberal full of pathetic bug men who wear star wars shirts in their 30s. I don't want to be associated with it, when you try to talk some sense into people there they just down-vote you and ignore you. You can't have a genuine conversation there.
>reddit spacing
>insults reddit
you're not fooling anyone!
hnnng tfw you totally relate to OP, but you're actually 40 -_-
peterson hasen't read what he criticizes so i ignore him,
i have a hangover 1 bradley cooper haircut,
i don't organize meals, i haven't read those books,
and i wear cargo pants because i'm practical and not an image-obsessed faggot.
>You've been outright saying everything relating to reddit is shit
No I haven't and I think you are confusing me to somebody else, I have made 2 posts to this thread
>immediately shot down by people like you
>you get nothing and all of your wisdom and hard work you put in your replies will be first of all ridiculed and contradicted
Can't you tell why that is in this case?
>because on Veeky Forums anything reddit related is a meme
>find ways to reinforce your pre-existing assumptions
>you're just putting words in my mouth
That is literally exaclty what you are doing
>argument for why a website should be dismissed immediately and entirely
I never said that, in fact I said that I suspect that reddit is better for finding useful information
>started doing most of this shit exactly when I was 25
im 19 and none do
I'm 19. This place saved my nihilistic and materialistic bug-man life.
emphasize on none, I don't do incline flyes
The only one of those I'm doing is nofap
kys faggot plebbit scum
>not working out
>on a fitness forum
>2 books that contradict each other
>fucking mealprepping
This is some of the saddest shit i've seen, people don't actually fall for this shit right?
the pic shows a dyel doing incline flys tho
-Not all of it but most. I listen to Petersons philosophy courses, not the self help stuff.
-I just started nofap
-I read mostly read educational books like Jung, Freund, nietzsche, tolstoi. Not that "Mr Nice Guy" crap.
-I always clean my room
-I study aswell lol
-I weight lift lol
-I don't meal prep, I like when meals are fresh
-I just order custom wear
-Started using a better sleep rythm
-I dont have this haircut
I honestly fucking hate reddit and their consistent liberal bullshit. I'm a center guy but anytime I'm on reddit I see some thread on /r/all about some woman getting hit or raped or how trump is that and this. Reddit is simply a circlejerk, you can't even say what you think without being downvoted to the ground. I fucking hate that behaviour. I wish reddit to die.
All except nofap, but I was considering it yesterday.
books that contradict each other
No they don't