What's the appeal in this fake natty inbred retard?
What's the appeal in this fake natty inbred retard?
I dunno man I've always thought he was a pretty ugly dude, maybe it's just a natural jealous response but he looks fugly to me
So I know its been established he is on gear but is that not attainable natty?
He looks fine with a beard at least
Source for gear claim?
Why does he unironically quote fantasy games and shit?
Some Swedish user claimed he worked out at the same gym as him and he was on gear. I have no proof. Personally I thought it wasnt a wild claim he was natty
>What's the appeal in this fake natty inbred retard?
his ugly nose makes us feel superior to him despite his body
When so many /fit patrons want to look like action figures or video game characters, it makes sense that this brutal looking guy has appeal.
>respects traditions of his ancestors
>conditions his mind and body like a man should
>steps in the ring because a man should
>still has big arms
>gives fitness advice again
>thinks bananas are a good PWO so he doesn't know shit about fructose
>still tfw no gf
Does he still do fitness vids or has he gone full neo-nazi?
Lol, nope.
all those things are true though
Fitness and nationalism are harmonious.
he looks like tarzan
what a sick physique!
He is still a neo-nazi.He sided with that /pol/tard who drove into a crowd of people with his muscle car.
>works in the gym to improve himself physically
>reads daily to improve himself mentally
>gives generic, but solid fitness advice
>is kind of funny in an overblown stereotype way
>has his own clothing line and brand
>cares about his country and wants to see the survival of his traditions and culture
I dont know why anyone likes him user, nothing about him is desirable at all.
that never happened. a fat chick died of a hear attack, wasn't even hit.
>people hunt your car and beat it with bats
>speed up
>try to avoid crowd
>fat chick dies of heart attack
>people call you a murderer
Lol,have you even seen the videos?
The autopsy on the whale is easily available too, educate yourself before you talk shit you leftist piece of trash
>reading books improves you mentally
What did he mean by this?
Looks like the blond version of supermang
>Some Swedish user claimed
Really, nigger?
Hearsay on a shitty rice farming forum establishes nothing if you don't desperately want to believe it.
>Some Swedish user claimed
Yeah but most Swedish men are desperate for attention since they live in a country were talking to each other is practically a crime and they have had their minds poisoned by jantelagen since they were kids and now giving the fact that they have been trained since childhood to isolate themselves socially and not be able to properly form relatioships they come to a Mongolian archery forum where they make a bunch of claims all for the sake of collecting (you)'s.
t. Swede
>waaaah it's society's fault I can't talk to girls or make friends
Scurry off to your mother board r9k.
>inbred retard
A lot of his following can undoubtedly relate to him
Facial aesthetics aren't the best but he does have a great body
Nigga I live in this country so I kind of get to witness it everyday, practically all the guys in my former school were socially inept as fuck. There's a reason why Swedish women have become so sexually aggressive, they kind of have to be since the guys have been indoctrinated to be subserviant slaves.
Veeky Forums just hate him because this has become a shitskin board somehow and they can't accept a white men who embraces being white.
Reading allows you to experience things from a writers perspective. If the writer is any good you can have a learning experience, which makes you wiser. The wiser you are, the better you can apply the knowledge and mental power you have. Books aren't like brain steroids, but they are like a brain whetstone.
Pretty much this, Veeky Forums really is a board full of normies and nu-males who have all deluded themselves into thinking that they're Chads, and now they are targetting people who have right wing political beliefs just like grandpapa Soros wants them to do.
no one fucking "hates" this guy, he is just legit ridiculous
Your over hatred of him gives him power over you. Thus women flock to the one that calls the shots and you are >tfw no gf
t. brainlet
You can hate on the dude all you want but please go back to re*dit where people don't look into or understand things.
If people are going to follow a fake natty, at least follow Matt Ogus.
This guy is weird as fuck.
Pseudo philosopher for poltards who are insecure about thier masculinity and obsess over a bloke who basically wanks to his mmirror.
no we just think this autistic gearmonkey running around larping as a vikang and his followers who larp as Nazis are ridiculous
you're like the weird kid who won't shut up about trains and we're trying to improve our lives not become socially inept weirdos
/pol/ can be fucking pathetic and is just dudes arguing about who's 'white' and what's the best religion or philosophy while blaming their short comings on Jews.
Veeky Forums probably has more European nationalist fascists than /pol/.
An anecdote isn't evidence.
>>thinks bananas are a good PWO so he doesn't know shit about fructose
>you're like the weird kid who won't shut up about trains and we're trying to improve our lives not become socially inept weirdos
The only threads I see about him are from guys who hate him. Just like this one. You're the people who bring muh nazis into everything. If you just want to improve your lives then maybe you should just ignore this guy or any other e-celeb.
>everybody bigger than me uses steroids
Since when did his videos encourage people to be socially inept?
I can't imagine this ugly fuck having any personality or friends at all. All he ever does is talk about Warhammer and The Hobbit.
>poses at a pride parade
He looks like an autistic albino mule
I say he's natty.
Think about it.
He's 28 years old now.
He's been seriously lifting since he's about 19 or 20.
He knows alot about diet, has a strict training, has never taken a break in all those years from the gym.
He has good genetics, he once talked about that in a video.
All his ancestors used to be people who worked physically.
Also viking genetics.
He already did sports as a child and teen and was in the military for some time.
Also he probably has absolute peak natty test by working out, doing cardio and fightinf, eating well, living overall healthy and getting lots of sunlight and sleeping well too.
worhsipping an autistic nerd with crap english and the most simplified views on literally any problem you can think of
This is a tired and worn out shilling tscttic. Go away shareblue, correct the record or which ever firm you work for
It is really hilarious that he is the embodiment of what pol/fit want but because lookism is real no one takes him seriously.
I advocate for radical traditionalism and a European imperium alliance. You're a moron.
/pol/ is full of genuine neo-nazis that hate on balkans and Christians or pagans equally. It's stupid.
It does and not only that, it makes you more likeable and succesful in life, in your career aswell as with women and your social life.
>improves vocabulary and makes you more knowledgeable
>this improves your conversational skills and makes you a more interesting person
>allows you to see things from different perspectives, making you a more empathic person aswell as making you more relatable for others
I'd say reading is better for social gains than lifting.
>getting lots of sunlight
Not at this time of year, he's not.
>people with 3d delts, roid traps and disproportionate lats are using steroids
hmm really activated my almonds
His whole channel is devoted to self improvement. What are you even talking about you degenerate?
See this is how easy it is to trigger /pol/tards, just slap them with truth and they will cry like a bitch.Fuck you you retards, you know damn well what the fuck happened now kys.
Has he danced naked in a circle after killing an animal
>thinks bananas are a good PWO so he doesn't know shit about fructose
redpill me. I've been pre-nanaing for so long and it feels like it works
not an argument :^)
You can literal see the car missed her in the footage. Also, why did a police chopper that was above the scene crash? Just a coincidence right?
You're right my man, it's literally impossible anyone who believes what you do could do something wrong. Only the left commits crimes. It must be that the entire government has gotten together and is plotting specifically against you. It's the only logical explanation.
>telling lies makes people correct me
>therefore they are triggered
>both the multiple videos from different angles and the autopsy report are fake
Delusion 100
If on gear, he's not on much, that's for sure.
I actually just recently subbed to him, because I find him ironically funny. I hear that he's racist and fascist or whatever. I haven't seen enough to know if that's true or not, but I'll keep watching.
I think that sort of physique is more than possible to attain natty, though.
"That can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence."
Good luck convincing them of anything reasonable user. Half this board are crypto-fascists that actually agree with him.
Go cry into your yarmaluke, you tranny nigger
>maybe it's a bad idea to displace ourselves with unskilled 3rd worlders who have a culture that conflicts with our own
>neo- nazi
Someone watched game of thrones
wanna know what I have in common with a horse?
I like his Total War playthroughs
I like his YouTube show but I tho k he does too many video game videos I'm not really into that
lmao are you serious dude. You can watch the fucking video and see the car missed the fat chick.
derp derp i beleev wut teh news tellz me
>respects traditions of his ancestors
Lol. The golden goy thinks Christianity is a european religion and that homosexuality is european and an evolutionary benefit.
Underrated post
This is just egregious denial of truth. You need to get some fucking help
>responding to /pol/tards
You're the reason they keep coming back.
There's literally goddamn video of the incedent. This is some 1984 levels of self delusion.
Yeah christianty is so pro jewish dude! xD
You are the one ignoring the truth even though the other anons spoon-fed it to you. Leftist retardation and ignorance knows no bounds...
You would think that in fit/ Hey maybe there would be high test leftists but nope. Even here they're fucking sad and pathetic. Lol
>kikes this mad about the goldengoy
>has repeatedly made a point of being anti degeneracy and pro europe
>has stated numerous times that he doesn't hate have hate for anyone in particular, and has clarified his stance on individual jews vs international jewry (soros and his ilk)
>goes out of his way to be as un-inflammatory as possible
He's just some guy, what the fuck are you all so mad about?
He said he was going to go on gear in a video
he said "when I am older and my natural test levels start dropping, I plan to go on TRT"
So he didn't really say that.
Christianity is like degenerated Judaism. Not only is it often pro Judaism, it IS Judaism, just with some pagan elements mixed in
I'm taking about pre Vatican II christianity, which is the one europeans followed throughout the last 2 millenia. And it was the most "anti semitic" doctrine there was wether you like it or not. From what time do you think the expulsion of jews from every european country comes from?
Matt. 27:25 And all the people answered, “His (Jesus) blood be on us (jews) and on our children!”
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44) (Jesus talking to jews)
Sorry to burst your pagan larping bubble
You are right and these are European people. Of course they will want to get rid of the Jewish problem no matter their religion. Things these days would be better had they not been Christian. US is the biggest Christian nation in the world and they have the most powerful Jewish political elite in the world. If Christianity was anti Jewish, how come Americans haven't thrown these Jews out?
The difference lies in the corruption of the doctrine that happened first on the reformation of Luther, which gave birth to protestantism, meaning that some people decided to "rebel" against the church and follow the doctrine of the Bible and not the doctrine of the church. Then, the renaissance, which made the church less and less influential in politics and social morals. Then the French Revolution, which pretty much ended the church's state influence. To top it all you have Councill of Vatican II which pretty much ended every trace of "anti semitism" that the church had. You have to understand that before Vatican II, everyone knew that the Jews killed Jesus and denied Him as the Messiah, so they would be the most anti christian ethnic/religious group there was. Hence why they were persecuted on the spanish inquisition for example.
Pic related, Jesus whiping jews
we are discussing whether or not he should be the new king of Veeky Forums. After all, mighty gods fall yet The Golden One stands incorruptable
You seem to forget that Catholicism was the only thing that kept Europe from being conquered by Turks, snowniggers and Moors.
Catholicism is as white as a religion can get, reagrdless of its origin. Stop LARPing.
>al-andalus encroaching into france almost completely wipe out spaniards
> :DDD leds gill those heathen liduanians
> :DD goys dime to dake bagg the holy land (nevermind the fact that we will leave our homes undefended and the moors are invading from iberia)
>:DD dime to sack gonstandinoble :DDD DEUS VULT! :DDDD
Yeah, catholicism sure did a lot for europeans.
>neo nazi
he's a nationalist, he's not a national socialist
>t. I've never been on /pol/ for more than 5 minutes
He's not racist, he claimed that every race should be proud of where they came from
doesnt matter if youre white, slavic, black etc.
everyone has culture that they must cherish and take care of
>using the heretic as proof
go watch varg you fucking cuck