I'm not a numale, or at least I fucking hope I'm not, but how do I make sure that my test isn't at Buzzfeed levels?
Increasing test
work out at least 3 times a week
get 8 hours of sleep everynight
eat meat regularly
have a good sexual life
>I'm not a numale, or at least I fucking hope I'm not, but how do I make sure that my test isn't at Buzzfeed levels?
You go to a doctor or informed consent clinic and tell them straight up that you're concerned about your T levels and you want to get tested.
But don't be surprised if they don't agree to prescribe TRT because that's probably not going to happen unless it's really catastrophically low to some absurd degree like you're a tranny on T blockers or your balls are missing.
>have a good sexual life
>it's really catastrophically low to some absurd degree like you're a tranny on T blockers or your balls are missing.
Here are my results from a test I took in 2015. Generally healthy by any conventional measure except for the obscenely low test.
t. tranny
That's abysmally low, average female has between 15-70ng/dl lmao. It's funny because trannies really do prove how much masculinity and femininity are influenced by biology and not society. Would be interesting to inject trannies or gay bottoms with test and see if their sexuality changes. nohomo
Holy fuck.
i've slept like 10 hours every night this week and i still wake up tired. what the fuck
buy some test and inject it
all these 'test boosting' ideas will give you maybe +50 which will make zero difference
Do these: and if you don't have a regular sex life, nofap and lift until you do (at the very least stop watching porn and only jack off once a week).
Ever since I started taking vitamin D (5000iu) fish oil and ZMA I feel way better. ZMA especially makes nofap incredibly hard, I get ridiculously diamond boners.
Follow these: archive.is
and also do HIIT sprints once per week (only take 20 minutes and can literally feel the test rush after doing 12 sets of sprints). If you have problems with stress try mindfulness meditation, it's been proven to reduce cortisol significantly, which means more testosterone. Avoid BPA.
Hope that helps, good luck OP.
matt Kroc is a tranny now tbf
lmao that's crazy. We truly are living in clown world.
>eat meat regularly
You say that like degenerate liberals eat less bacon than you.
I'm not natty. This is the result of a few years of T blockers+estradiol+occasionally cycling progesterone.
Your wheyfus that some of you like so much have levels high enough to put them in the biomale range. We (MtFs) do the same shit, but in reverse.
I got tested a year later when I was really hitting the weights and got my T levels (while still on hormones) up to a whopping 172 ng/dl
so still lower than "Ned" from Buzzfeed lmao holy shit
and of course Eugene was the most attractive guy, so these results surprise no one at all.
Shit, same here. I'm struggling to even force myself out of bed.
Isn't that a massive dose? It's six times what I take.
Different councils and what not have different minimums. My pills are 5000ui each so I just do that. I'm pretty sure doing over 10000 per day can be bad over the long term, so if I've gotten a decent amount of sun I just skip the next day's pill.
Finally we can confirm that traps are NOT gay
Who the fuck is the vitamin d council?
Have you heard about the whole milk council? They recommedn a gallon of whole milk a day !
You're oversleeping man, that's why you're tired. Optimal sleep is between 5-8 hours, depending on the person. Test out waking up after 8 hours, then 7, and so on until you find what works for you.
kek true
Bacon is pretty shitty as a source of nutrients. Eat lean red meat, either beef or mutton. Pork should be limited, only for cheat days, BBQ with friends and family gatherings
>no sex life
>can't get test up
>can't attract a woman for sex...
What's wrong with pork?
>and of course Eugene was the most attractive guy, so these results surprise no one at all.
Only because he's a ching chong and wimmenz b rayciss
did you even watch the video?
What's there that would possibly counter the pic?
Alternatively, just go outside?
He's the most "scientifically" attractive
are you a passable trap? wouldn't lifting affect your passability?
Means jack shit. Neither does anything that's on camera when people can put on an act.
Finding out who was the most scientifically not conventionally attractive person was the point of the video u retard
>have a good sexual life
Buzzfeed is not in charge of what's scientifically attractive. Their results obviously didn't reflect Tinder.
Honestly these charts make me feel better about myself and my decision to start TRT
>Get depressed
>Life seemed to come to a screeching stop and I couldn't go on normally
>Got my test levels checked out
>Total test 218
>First injection happens from TRT clinic
>Life begins to change during the first couple of weeks
>Start pacing around my place and realized I am a living human being
>Started to get up from depressed state of mind
>Few months go by, start going to the gym
>Think hey I'm on test and my levels are high maybe I should workout harder and see how I recover
>Hit the leg day like it was the first workout in three years
>Had trouble walking for a week after this but I enjoyed the pain
>No pain no gain, the DOMS you get is a symbol you're alive nigga
>Get to work
>TRT changed my life
>No book needed, this is just a fact of life. Get your hormones in balance and focus on the rest of your life
>8 hours of sleep
I'm fucked, I average 5 hours a night
I think he fucked up his endocrine system with all the bicycles and hgh. Crashed it through the floor, just like Olympic tv tranny. The brain is just fat in a hormone soup, they fucking tweaked the soup too much and turned it to sludge.
>go on Tinder
>oh shit it's the Buzzfeed guy
>swipe left
Most gay men got sexually abused as children, we are talking about 70%+ incidence
I doubt it would help, shunning and not having a strogen filled everything would make it harder to have so many openly young faggots tho
>all these 'test boosting' ideas will give you maybe +50 which will make zero difference
Thats not really true man. Do you really think people need test injections to be at normal levels?
Figure out the shit thats causing low T.
>The estrogen other chemicals in water you drink and shower with.
>chemicals in soaps, toothpaste, etc
>all the awful shit in the food you eat
>lack of exercise. cardio and weightlifting
>lack of sunlight
>stress from work, life, etc
>hot laptop on your balls
You can do whatever the fuck you want, but youre fucking stupid if you think Test injections are the only answer.
Shit man, that xenoestrogen stuff is scary.
Living with low T is excruciating. Bring the symptoms up with your doctor and get some blood work done. After one look at my results I got recommended to an endo. Now I've just got to hope that the endo I end up with isn't stingy with TRT.
My dermatologist was pulling my blood for a different reason, and I offhand asked if she could also test my test. She said of course, but then I realized like, what would I even do with that data?
The decision to start roiding has nothing to do with your starting t levels, so it seemed like all the info could do is either give me an excuse for my failures (not helpful) or tell me I should be more beefy than I am (not useful).
Not sure why any normal dudes care what their test levels are
Inject it. I'm serious. Going on gear turned me from a moody semi-virgin into a happy-go-lucky man.
>Not sure why any normal dudes care what their test levels are
They don't.
this is #1 on the list of shit i didn't need to see today
Is that a tranny giving birth?
tranny being born
Starting 150mg Test next week. Hoping to kill my social anxiety and be able to get off the SSRI.
what said, and dont masturbate every fucking day.
1. Ensure you're not deficient in vitamin D, zing, or magnesium.
2. Lift heavy-ass weights and put them back down.
What seemed to work for me,
>fish oil + zinc + magnesium + multivit daily
>high protein + as much green vegies as i can but still carbs cause you need them, fuck ketofags
>no drink that isnt water or that pre workout coffee cup
>9+ hours of sleep
Love handles disappeared and i stopped looking like a 192cm trap and now look like a regular dyel.
>eat meat regularly
This has absolutely nothing to do with testosterone you dumb ass.
>Daytime testosterone levels were decreased by 10% to 15% in this small convenience sample of young healthy men who underwent 1 week of sleep restriction to 5 hours per night, a condition experienced by at least 15% of the US working population.
>By comparison, normal aging is associated with a decrease of testosterone levels by 1% to 2% per year
Sort yourself out friendo before its too late
+ hours of sleep
No one has time for this.