Best mire gets Helen Mirin Trophy
/mirin/ general
>At airport
>See HIM
>Shocked at how large he was at first, I had never seen such a big man he must have been like seven foot tall at least
>In my amazement I didn’t even notice him turning around
>Our eyes locked and I felt absolute terror, I felt as if the spirit of death and suffering itself was pouring into my eyes and eating me from the inside out
>My fight or flight response immediately entered at the presence of this supreme alpha and I ran into the toilet to vomit on the floor
>He was about 50 meters away and shouted "get back here you little bitch"
>I didn't actually think he was pursuing me and I huddled in a locked cubicle room sitting on top of the toilet awaiting my fate.
>In shocking speed I heard Sam come through the door giving it a thunderous bang off the wall as he entered.
>His voice bellowed "where's my little bitch gone". "come here little bitchy". I know your in here", he then systematically went from cubicle to cubicle punching holes in every one while singing "eeny meeny minie moe".
>My heart was pounding so loud he must have heard it as the numbers of remaining cubicles counted down and I knew I was next. With the power of a god a bloodied knuckle busted through the door causing me to scream uncontrollably.
>His ugly bleached glasses wearing head appeared looking surprisingly composed and mildly confused as he opened the lock with his powerful ogre-like hands. He picked me up by the scruff of the neck, I was screaming.
>He said to me "Looking THICK bro. HAHA! Don't you ever touch my weights again, bitch. You come to this gym again I'll fucking rape you", in a stroke of mercy from the this half man,half god he dropped me on the ground.
I just sat there in a pool of my own shit for what seems like an eternity trying to process what had just happened as all noises faded into nothing.
>spectating a boxing match with my brother and sister
>bro squeezes my thigh
>nods and says "not bad"
>I autistically flex a 'cep
>he grabs it
one step at a time brehs
>about to bench 250lbs on decline
>spotter looks at the weights and says, "damn you're a monster user"
I know 250lbs isn't amazing but it still felt good
250lbs isn't amazing on a Chinese hieroglyphic water polo enthusiast board, but in real life it is m8. 95%+ of people can't do it.
>Bites lip
>Immediately realizes what she just did and bows head nervously
>mfw got mired by oneitis
That was about month ago at my uni city
>Be me
>Be in my uni city and ready to leave the town cause i finished all my courses
>Go to the gym for the last time to do chest
>See her there for the first time
>I ve spoken to her maybe 3 times in 3 years in uni cause at first she had a bf and i didnt bother
> After years i got /fit even by fit standards and got my cconfidense
>Anyway see her in the gym
>Dont talk to her cause i am getting ready for my bench and we are pretty uknown to each other
>I sit to my bench and she is 5 m in front of me doing cruncches
>About to do my warming set
>me looking to a random direction for a few seconds
>quicly turn my eyes to see her
>catch her eyes and and she quickly turns away
Why it had to be this way? After not seeing her in uni for the last year ,i see her now . What kind of a sick joke is this ?
The next day i took the ship to home
Now a month later i am back in my home town without my friends and girls who mired me. Now i am alone in this island and sick. Ahhh all i can do now is to remember her mire and my heart fills with hope for the future summer mires. This season i will get aesthetic af. This will happen.
>fuckin hamstring doms
>cant walk
Where is his dick?
In ur mum
in your ass
in ur mums ass
wh*Te """"""men""""""" dont have dicks thats why they are so inferior.
>implying greeks are white
in my ass
Sculptural elements that project or protrude - noses, dicks, even arms and legs - have a higher chance of getting broken off over time
you know stuff ,dont you ?
>Tfw I bench 315
>tfw I have GF
>tfw I bought a house
Is this what making it feels like?
when did turkposting come to Veeky Forums
never gonna make it
O...okay... too...
Ignore those faggots. All you need is to get a child and you have done your deed as a man. To have a loving family and to support them and to protect them is the final goal.
I like that one person actually answered it. Also, I think there was a time when genitalia would be removed by the church for modesty purposes, but I'm not sure that's what happened here
yes, now make sure the rest of your life is living up to those standards
I didnt even know roaches had internet
What the fuck did I just read, you stupid kike? Are you at an airport or a gym? He thinks you're at the gym or you're too stupid to remember you started this green text at the airport? Probably the latter. Why are there cubicles in a bathroom? Those are called stalls, retard. You also took at least 8 lines too long to get to the nonsensical punchline
>be unmotivated
>get mired
>feels primal and hypermotivated
Judging by mires I get my face must be fucking hideous. Most of them are from my friends (mostly males), one is from middle-aged neighbour and that is basically it. I don't count females ogling me in the mirror at the gym. It is not humblebrag, I am sure they look at me because I am/I look like a creep. So...yeah...genetics is a bitch.
it's there just small because penuses were seen as animalistic back then so civilized men would display themselves as having smaller dicks
fucking newfags
you were on your warmup, plus it's bench, no girls mire bench, dont worry about it she probably thought she'd seen you before but somehow she can't recall who you actually are and then you caught her gaze so she turned away out of habit
its damn good by normie standards unless you attend a specific powerlifting gym
bet you they smashed relentlessly while filming, these two have chemistry
>boss was at local pub
>barmaid started asking if that guy on friday nights was single
>i'm the only guy who works friday nights and have been for the past 3 years
>couldn't get too bar tonight but she's fit
>added her on fb
>what do?
do i mention my boss told me she was asking or do i wait until i see her in person and then ask her out for a drink?
powerfully unfunny
sure, right up until you blow out your shoulder, get fired, catch your wife with a nigger, and then lose the house.
but uhhh good work
Just drop her a message so you can arrange a time to do something (if you leave it later she might have made plans with friends). Also attraction has an expiration date, sieze the moment user.
Yeah but while owner is definitely no a joke around guy and everyone took it dead serious, like would she remember a random convo with him and relate my fb to the guy in a shop uniform? My fb game is shit, fixing it atm. Going down with a friend on tuesday to the pub, hopefully she'll be working but if not I'll shoot her a message. Any ideas? Mention what she said or not? She's a massive local family base and her workplace is a regular of ours so I don't want to make things awkward like that.
Get the time limit thing. Got a girls number, she was all keen and now 3 weeks after getting it I'm getting blown off. She tried setting up for friday and saturday but I was working, then sunday night which was grand but yesterday she messaged me saying she wouldn';t be able to make it, she's staying at her granny's who is making her go to church. Now she is ignoring my couple of messages to try and rearrange a time. Pity is she's the one I really want.
Read up to
>see HIM
Fuck you underage faggot
Yeah mention what she said, if she was just asking out of curiosity and not because she fancies you, it's not a big deal. Just relax yourself man, if you're laid back about it she will be too. She probably does fancy you though, if your not friends then that's a weird kind of question to ask about you.
At least you learned man, onto greener pastures.
>be me in first year
>live in a triple room
>close friends with a few of the girls on our floor
>just chilling in my room with my mates and one of our close female friends
>I was about to go shower so I go over to my closet and take my clothes off
>female friend turns around to watch me take my clothes off
>moves chair closer and slaps my ass full force
>says "user, you have the best legs and ass I've ever seen on a guy"
>I just say thanks and go shower
She was super athletic and had the perfect t h i c c ass. I should have banged her back in first year but I was too stupid chasing skinny Asian chicks.
should have taken a chance user... just think instead of always wondering what could have been, you could at least have had your dick inside her.. then who knows you go on keep in touch, she moves closer to you and then gets knocked up by a nigger
Finally hit the century mark for front squats, 200x5. Halfway through some jacked asian dude asked me to show him how to do fronts
In retrospect I only get comments on my dips and fronts, no more, no less.
>be married 275-80lbs fat bearmode fuck 6'3
>out of town for work for 6 months
>clean up diet lift 5 days a week cardio 4 days a week (running)
>cut down to 242lbs
>495 squat 535 deadlift 335bench
>17.5 inch biceps flexed
>that first night back
>wife and I undress in front of eachother
>she's mirin hard as fuck
>she also has been meal prepping and lifting looks tight toned and sexy as fuck
>fuck like bunnies multiple times that night
>fuck all next morning
>send her to work with a giant hickey
>she can't keep off me anymore
Best feeling in the world since I was in great shape when we got married I feel like she was starting to lose physical attraction when I ballooned up
I garner it was if I was single - the guy is the owner and doesn't know me terribly well so I don't really know what he'd be able to answer? Now I've looked at her FB I remember her clearly - I was stock taking small drinks (think coke tins/bottles etc) and she walked in with a friend I know. We both just froze and stared each other for like a good 8 seconds then I said hello and nodded. Ended up going to the till to serve them and flirted away because they were buying girls night in shit. That was like 2 months ago though...
No way to sort other than move on? Will shoot her a message in February to see if she wants to go to a uni formal for the craic because I am not bringing the bloody ex haha.
>spout a bunch of nonsensical garbage
>fukin newfags amirite guis
damn I want to slam that jewish smile with my cock
>go to restaurant with dad and bro
>hanging out, talking shit and all that
>asian chick with her date in the corner, look up and see her staring at me while her date is on his phone
>keeps looking in my direction and stealing glances
>look up and see her date looking at me, face looks annoyed
>mfw Asian chick keeps trying to look the entire duration of my stay
I felt bad for the dude, its never happened to me before I started lifting. I want to think that I must've had something on my face or something to make her keep looking at me.
A museum guide once told me that it was because large penises weren't considered aesthetic back then. Don't know if it's true.
>outlaw wrestling
ding dong diddly have sex
best posts
That's probably part of the Vatican museum collection. I don't remember which douche nozzle pope it was, but one of them thought the genitals were profane and he went around knocking them off most of the statues.
>at the store with my gf
>getting them groceries for gains
>as we're leaving she says
>"do you even realize how many girls check you out?"
>lol no im oblivious and autistic
>a week later
>she dumps me
Feels bad
>currently engaged
>both feel like we've let ourselves go in the years we've been together
>this is the kind of scenario I dream about.
>start a new seasonal job
>thicc latina likes me and makes it VERY obvious
>ever since my fiance left me 2 years ago I've never been attached to a grill since and dont care to
>but I dont know how to feel
>strict press 80 kg for 5 reps
>whole gym stares
fuck her in the ass and see if you still like her after
Last night
>go into brothel, empty other than one other guy
>4 hookers come out and eye us up and down, after a moment they come over to me
>other guy pulls out several hundred dollar notes, the girls stay by me
>they call out and an older lady comes out and walks off with the man
Friends it was the near feeling that they locked my looks over the money.
Pic related, I flexed a couple times and they went crazy in Chinese
everyone on this board who lifts heavy loves to downplay their weight as "not great" so they can get compliments
the morons on fit would say "deadlifted 1000 lbs, i know its not great but it still felt good to hit that 1RM"
10/10 here, just took a fresh selfie for all you cunts to admire. just want you all to know that all the mires you get in your whole life wont ever amount the the quality of just one insiginificant mire in my life. bow to me.
guaranteed replies
supreme gentleman/10 go get em' tiger
It's honestly dream man plus my wife's been weighing everything she cooks now and everything grilled or baked and lots of ceviche. She also make me these shakes with like spinach and kale and flax seeds and shit. All my work buddies guaranteed I'd fatten up back when I'm home with fast food and beer readily available but I've actually lost more weight. The woman's a blessing she's been with me for 5 years now even when I was fat
As someone who has been cheated on recently, I really hope I can find love like you two have. God damn it hurts lads.
I'm sorry to hear that user I know how that feels. I actually met my wife at the lowest point in my life I had just dumped my ex fiance whom I'd been with for 3 years because I found out she was routinely cheating/sneaking out/lying and other general ho behavior. And this was after I basically revolted against my parents and disowned my family to be with her. Also I had just broke my back (herniated disk) lost my dream job and my grandfather who I was very close with died. All in like the same 3 months I was basically a fucking broken bodied unemployed depressed bum.
But she saw past the man I was to the man I could become
Wow, that's quite a story. It gives me hope that I'll find the right girl one day too, and that this pain will pass with time.
Best of luck to you bro, sounds like you have been through hell and back but it was well worth it.
Just hang in there man. It's a perfect time to work on you, develop yourself work hard in the gym impress your supervisors at work pursue hobbies you enjoy and all that.
nice nigger nose baby face combo
Keep going, brother. Make that gf a wife. Make that house a home. Have kids. Share your ways. You've made it when you help others make it too.
shut up he's hot
Is this Sam Hyde
Can I ask you where you met your ex fiance and current wife?
I'm in my fourth year of uni right now and planning on heading into graduate school, probably for a PhD, so I'm a little scared I'm going to just stop meeting women the second I finish my undergrad.
work on your neck brah
Ex fiance was a friends sister. I don't know why I expected anything less from her now in retrospect
>on MySpace message my friend about something
>messages me back and also btw my sis thinks your liek totally hawt
>yea here you go she said to add her (insert link)
>smoking fuckin hot girl like 5'8 nice long cream colored legs thin waist big tits stacey face and great ass
>message back and forth like 2 days go on a few dates become gf
> 2 years later propose
It was my first gf so I made a ton of mistakes that now are obvious she was literally worthless other than as a fuck doll. No job no school just high school diploma actually lied that she "went to beauty college and graduated but worked a few years and realized she hated it" but turned out to be a huge lie. did modelling on the side and was in a ballet group on and off. Dumb as fuck constantly had to baby talk her. But fuck was she smoking. Turned out she banged a ton of dudes before me and during our relationship. She started getting fat and constantly talking about "when we get married and when you buy a house" and shit and that's when the red flags finally became to clear to ignore. Took like 5 minutes of digging to expose her ass the crazy thing is my mom called it all. Like 100 percent. Mom owned a salon and pulled her beauty college transcripts failed out first semester with straight f's
Wife's family and my family are friends from church and she went to school with my little brother. She's 3 years my junior so she was always just "psssssh anonbros little friend" but when I fucked my whole life up and moved back home she was suddenly a cute bright eyed 19 year old.
In his ass
don't let your dreams be memes.
RIP grape-kun.
i've had a few that i can remember over the years
when i first started lifting, a teacher i never had before pulled me aside and told me i was looking a lot thicker.
a cute black girl came up to me and asked me out on a date
i was walking past this black girl on campus and she said you look fine
hugged my grandpa and he told me it was like hugging a tree
a hot fit milf told my friend that i lift really heavy and make it look easy.
i usually lift in a sweater, but wore a tshirt once and some middle aged guy told a friend of mine that he never realized how buff i was. (a few people have made this same comment)
multiple comments on heavy lifts
have had multiple old ladies and even a guy check out my butt
sent a picture to a girl and she something along the lines of holy shit you're ripped
pretty sure there's more, but i'm pretty oblivious and never notice. most of the mires have to be pointed out to me.
Where do I begin?
Is good feel my friend
Don’t worry but lord is good today
Lift up your mind and then go to the bottom.
>stop meeting women out of undergrad
Depends on your industry. Also kek
Never got out much. Decided to study overseas, never had so many chicks hit on me in my life.
Funniest one was when I had a German girl get upset at me after she admitted (literally 10 minutes after meeting her) she was into getting dominated and I basically moonwalked away while smiling.
All in all I had about 8 girls approach me in one way or another over 6 months. Didnt sleep with a single one of them. Autism is the best.
Randomly get compliments on a regular basis. Man this is arrogant but whatever, this is what fit is for right?
Within the past week:
>enter elevator full of freshmen cuties
>they're all giving me the fuck me eyes
>also near halloween
>random tipsy black girls return from party
>9/10 flirty as fuck
But she was black so nah. Black chicks love me, but I probably just notice them more because they're aggressive. It kinda sucks because they're the only ones I'm not interested in.
Stats: 6'2 165 in freedom units, dirty blonde with blue eyes
awhile ago:
>talking to friend X
>X's friend walks up from behind me to talk to X
>mixed race chick with green eyes
>looks at me, stares for a few seconds
>'you're so pretty' kinda stutters and apologizes
>mfw not even making this up
>tfw you're very attractive but you can't read women unless they sit on your lap and are only interested in 10's so you lack experience
Help me break my oneitis, do I just fugg a 7 or 8 to get the v card off my back?
Honestly kind of afraid that if I lose the card I just become a hedonistic chad because of how easy it would be.
Oh yeah this one is fun too.
>eating lunch alone outside enjoying the sunshine
>8/10 tall redhead I've talked to once walks over, fantastic body
>had one long conversation prior to this, was clearly interested in me
>she fucking spaghettis out from nervousness and spills drink all over table as shes sitting down
>some on me
>apologizes profusely and we have this long conversation
I'm so dense when it comes to girls that I didn't figure out she was into me for a good few days afterward. I didn't even ask for her number.
Assume everyone wants to sleep with you. Always assume they are willing to give number/come to your place/bend over right then and there.
Better to think everyone wants some and get some than think no one wants you and never get any.
You dont want female friends anyway, so dont pretend to be one its just confusing for everyone.
To give some perspective I'm at uni and I haven't met a single girl through uni. I'm a mech eng so I guess that's it. To give you an idea though:
>drunk one night, got girl in chippy's number, going on date
>on train, saw hottie, got number. Being blanked by her
>local girl asked my boss if i'm single, going to pub she works at tomo with mates to see what the craic is
>different girls family is trying to set me and her up. I'm at her house party on friday night. Working till 10pm, hp, then work at 6:30am. Gotta make shit work.
True words. I stopped giving a fuck and just think hey they looked at me, I may as well see what the craic is. My stories are such a personal confidence boost
Have a rounded right shoulder. Was talking to mate about the gym, said about shoulder and got a pic up to show how rounded forward it is.
>"yeah that is quite bad but wow user you are quite muscular"
am i making it?
>out for dinner with gf and her family
>her mum won't look me in the eyes all night for some reason
>get this text from gf when I get home
Are you fucking stupid or something? The statue is completely missing a penis. That is because it broke off at some point.
>hideous jungle nigger nose
>big nigger lips
lol, you're a mulatto or some kind of mongrel. You're a 7/10 at best.