Bars open

Another weekend almost at an end (Australian user). How are you holding up Veeky Forums? Set any pb's or maybe you finally asked her out?
Bars open lads gather round...

Making myself ready to go on a date with a 6/10 qt. Didn't choose her for her looks but her personality. I'm finally getting emotionally mature. Except a good.friend of mine has been crushing on her for over a year. He got rejected maybe 10 times and she hates his guts. He found out about the date and has been sending me threaths, pretty pathetic.

>Dreamed I had a family with qt 6/10 last night
>Woke up alone

Nice, sounds like shes worth the effort. I hate all that petty behavior, if he's a good mate you might need to give him a stern word or two.

post threats

I baked oatmeal cookies with this protein powder instead of sugar. The powder has a decent taste but doesnt blend well and has a weird consistency as a shake so I figured Id try baking them into energy/protein cookies. I had never made cookies before.

They turned out alright. Certainly could be improved but on the right track.

That was until about 8-10 hours later when I realized I didnt even put oatmeal. In my oatmeal cookies.

That kicked off my weekend. Got sick pretty soon after and have been sleeping and shitposting since.

I went to a friend of mines party last night and had a really nice time OP. I dont go out that much and I was a bit hesitant to go, felt like I should be revising, but went anyway and made some friends. Feels good.

I woke up and realised I was still in Tasfailia and wanted to just leave it all behind.

Got some study done (who here UQ?), hit the gym which was good
Drinking and smoking on my balcony now bc I’m a sad cunt

nice dubs, your shitposting has paid off.

nice story though user, you just got to laugh at how fucking stupid we all are sometimes...

>got hit on at the post office
>have to use a different post office now

Finally hit a 150kg deadlift single (current bw is 70kg)

This has been my main goal since my breakup 8 months ago (reason I started lifting)

I posted it to IG, got some nice comments which made me feel good.

Exam results just came out, passed all/did pretty good. Didn't get much satisfaction/happiness though.

>still no GF

Start back at uni this week which should be good. I'm going to focus on making more friends.

Everyone have a nice week.

wtf im OP and i have never seen someone else from UQ on this board. I've got a 5:45 exam tomorrow, the worst possible time-slot... Still my ankle injury is healing nicely so thats good...

Fucking hate 5:45, have one of those on Wednesday. What are you studying?

>tfw no gf
>tfw want gf
>tfw get gf
>tfw want no gf

Texted my Ex drunk, again, in 3 months

For fucks SAKE

Was at a gay bar, finally went up to this bearish manly dude i want to jump into so badly. 2nd time at bar, 2nd time seeinh him.

A little under the influence, told him he's handsome, he said that he thinks I'm cute, and that he could tell i worked out. Panic, did not expext his mutual interest, say something really awkard "i'll see you around" He chuckles and says "okay" And i walk towards my car and want to die.

Next tim i see him, I'm going for him.

I study ancient history, I've got an exam on imperial rome tomorrow. So interesting but 4 essays in 2 hours will fuck me up. What are you studying?

alas, the folly of man

It's a good guy, he hooked it up
Said if I was in NY I should look you up
I, first time I done saw you
You text nothing like you look
Here's to the gay bar you took me to
It's when I realized you talk too much, more than I do

I, it's highlights when I was convinced
That it isn't much more it's so not you
I know you don't need me right now
And to you it's just a late night out

This nigga, all the bitches in the neighborhood wanna fuck you nigga

He told me

I used to fuck with all of 'em

Yeah I ain't got bitches no more

But now I don't care about bitches like that my nigga, that shit Jasmine fucking wrecked my heart, I don't even know how to even feel about it

Nice, sounds interesting. Econ and finance, glad I don’t have essays in my exams

i used to study econ but i couldnt fucking stand most of the other econ students they were just so uninteresting. Best of luck on wednesday though user, im sure you'll do great :)

I hope you get banned faggot OP

oh user

Fuck you, you massive faggot why are you even here? What inspires you to comment that literally just fuck off. “Haha I’m so edgy and cool” you’re not in high school any more the jocks are watching you

she replied, lads

she replied...

faggots like you come and go, but threads like this are part of board culture

Got rejected over FB yesterday. It's a girl I know but don't regularly see. I feel fucking disappointed but atleast I tried.

Nice work user. You’re gonna make it

no you don't understand, she = my ex gf

First day at my new job and the first thing one of my female coworkers tells me is that i'm handsome, am I making it?

also I want to fuck our cashier, can one of you guys who've fucked girls from work explain to me how I should go about this

>GF is mad and won't talk to me
>Rotator cuff has started to hurt again
>Feeling of 0 self worth is slowly returning

1.) tell him to fuck off and block him
2.) dont ever LTR anything less than a 8/10

she's so beautiful Veeky Forums... I'm too autistic to make a move... hold me.

I just...
I can't get past the addiction phase while fasting
I mean , i don't really give a shit about dying and shet ( I want to do a 21 days fast at least ) i just wanna achieve it but , everytime i start , i can't get past the addiction phase ( First couple of days )
Wat do ?

i know that feel man, except i think mine's interested, which almost makes it worse

>mother says I'm fat and shouldn't eat too much

what do?

Got 30~ pound to drop tho

>tfw no titcow gf

user , just know that either you fail or not , no one will give a shit , not now , not in 10 century , not ever.
Just do it user , i swear just DO IT

lose weight fatso

>board culture
Faggot how about browsing for 5 more years before talking about m-m-muh board culture

Hi user,

It's simple, if you're just going about your daily work and you look around and she's staring at you, you're in.

Just ask her out, it is literally that easy at that point.

If she isn't staring at you then just hold normal conversations with her and show her you have a personality and interests and you aren't intimidated by her.

Eventually that will lead to step A and then voila. Profit.

How did this happen? Not sure if I was rejected or not. Girl said she was too busy to hang right now

that's a polite rejection

been here since 2011 brah, when legit feels threads were legal, you prick

>went on a date Wednesday
>since then she’s kinda stopped texting
>cancelled on our normal Sunday run
>offered to run Monday, no reply

I can already see where this is going. Part of me wants to believe I can text her later and she’ll be like “oh yeah, let’s run tomorrow!” But I know better. Im probably just not going to text her at all today. If she wants to run with me, she can text me first. Besides, I can take a hint.

I was ready to get ghosted by this girl. But it still hurts.

>5 years
Post body.

Left my gf yesterday, walked out of our house and just kept walking.
Now at my parents in my old bedroom, missed today's workout too.

Yeah same shit, what said.
Maybe she has BF or smth (or thats what I tell myself to make myself feel better).

i hestitated and she moved on, when i could have been having 10/10 gf rn

Story time

>Post-Weinstein era
>With a girl
>Ask her "may I kiss you now?"
>She tells me I ruined the moment


What exactly do women want?

i concur pls deliver user

what a head


yo go in without asking

its retarded

Women just want ugly men to stop hitting on them

i went to my first bjj class last week.
i didnt make any new friends
im awkward and have no idea how to even do the warm ups or the drills
BUT i felt really great all week

Shit kicked off because we couldn't find roof racks for her car, she went crazy when we got home yelling at me to call all these places and go out and find some immediately. Not sure why it was making her be like that, very trivial thing to be upset about.

She smashed dishes, threw clothes around, hit me with a bat and slapped me, then grabbed a jar of sauce and tipped it on my head.
Then I just washed my hair but she kept slapping me when I was doing that and I lost my shit and punched the fuck out of our bathroom door then walked out the house and blocked her number and fb messenger. I'm lucky I didn't hit her when I lost control.

So I found out my crush/oneitis from my adolescent(middle/highschool) works under me. Long story short, I was a really good friend of the CFO when my company audited them, and he really liked and work ethic and attitude and the other controller was gonna retire and they had no one lined up. So here I am at a 1 billion market cap company making $155k at 26, next in line for CFO. Anyways Company announces I will be the new Controller and I go meet my department and that where I meet her in payroll processing. She still looks good and comes into my office everyday to talk. I sometimes go to lunch with her and she is super flirty, I don't think she sees me as that loser in HS anymore. Anyways she is slightly my senior at 29, do I act on it or nah?

What kind of sauce?

You won’t make friends that quickly but if you’re still there in a few years you’ll definitely have good friends from it.

wtf you are seriously obese man, i would fast if i were you

good job user youre gonna make it

>making good money
>going for money-grubbing bodyclock ticking older roasties

Nope, live life and enjoy it, bang some 19 year olds

Seafood cocktail. I was gonna make us prawns with cos lettuce and seafood sauce and the bitch fucked that up for me.

>be me
>girl comes to our work place for summer time
>shes a top qt, kind of awkward, glasses, freckles and whatnot, like a ugly duckling turned into beauty thing
>she seems interested in me, we talk a bit now and then and shes dropping some hints but inwasnt sure, theres no way such girl would be interested in someone like me right
>want to ask her out for weeks but no good occasion to do so (it never comes in time, or you will miss it like me)
>eventualky hear she is now meeting some chad from our workplace
>tfw she was either friendzoning me from the start, or she got bored of my beta behavior and moved on

now i have month off work, and im trying to get over her, but still she crosses my mind now and then and im so fucking angry at myself for not even trying you wouldnt believe.

I think imma hit DL pr today
fuck everything

kek desu
goddamn she seems unstable user
anything else she could be mad over?

As a 25 kissless virgin i cant say much but stay away from her for a while, if she wants to get back then you can try but its obviously red flag if you had plans for long term shit

My mother passed away two days ago and I haven't been to the gym in 3 days. I also polished off 2 bottles of scotch as a result.

She's just a female and most of them can't control emotions very well.
I don't want to get back with her though, just want to let it end, as long as she doesn't cry too much I feel really bad when she does. Had voicemails come in even though I blocked her number and she was crying, hate it.

That sucks man. Gotta stop drinking though you'll get into a depression rut.

Sorry user. Do it for her.

What did she reply?
I'm always trying to not drunk text my ex.

thanks user, she definitely stares at me so that means we're in business

I'm sorry user.

Still she wouldnt want you to hurt like this. You got to put the bottle down for her.

Finally warming up again to this close friend of mine that I got rejected on. I really just confessed to her because I can't fucking concentrate on my work every time I'm with her. Eventually got rejected, saying she only sees me as a brother. Things got awkward for a few weeks but eventually I can finally hold a decent conversation with her again. I just wish I don't keep falling to my female friends all the time.

she gave you part of her body so you can grow it stronger, not to destroy it with booze

take it from person who lost father to alcohollism 1 year ago

man you just got to do it. Tell other people or hold it to an ideal but you just got to do it. I believe in you user you CAN do it

>good friend
>sends fucking THREATS because you go out with the girl that clearly and consistently isn't interested in him

If he actually was your friend he'd be cheering on you. It'd be somewhat understandable if it was his crush that he didn't ask out yet, but that's clearly not the case

[spoiler]He probably thought it was cute that you got flustered[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Just go for it brah[/spoiler]

rip lmFao

Fucking faggot, get out of my board, NOW

oh user i've been there. It's just so bad isnt it. Do you feel guilty but sort of emasculated at the same time and you're struggling to deal with it? For me it took separation and time but me and her still arent the same...

she was perfect and I fucked things up so she left me

>tfw sent a drunk text asking a qt out
>it actually worked out got gf now

If you think you have even the slightest shot, just fucking go for it. If she says yes, fucking great. If she says no, you'll feel shitty for maybe a day or two, move on and nobody will care

Tell me more user

If she didn't say anything along the lines of "maybe some other time" or whatever, it's likely a case of Don't ask her out again unless she makes contact again. You'd seem desperate

What a fucking psycho
Get the fucking cops on her for abuse


i stuck my dick in her butt

Frank Ocean is fucking amazing

She is going through a phase of depression rn, so last week she just left me on seen and I thought that she needed time for herself so I didnt double text. Right on halloween she texts me that I wasnt with her when she needed me the most. 3 hours later and my friends are carrying me home bc im drunk and I texted her while I was drunk :(

Mate she physically abused you.
That you don't want to get back with her goes without saying, no good relationship would ever grow out of that.
Just call her, say that you're done, hang up. Don't even give her a chance to cry over the phone and don't listen to voicemails.

You mentioned you life together. How much of the shit there is yours?

man that's normal, its a roller coaster, when you start a belt you are clueless, when you get to 3 or 4 stripes you are the king, then back to a new belt

don't let her

>steal your gains

I feel somewhat guilty considering that we used to hang out pretty often, I even flirt with her a few times but when emotions get involved man, that's when shit gets complicated. I've had a few other girl friends that I've confessed to and got awkward since, just like your case. I've learned from them is that if I act like the confession never happened, eventually things would go back the way they are. If the awkwardness settles first, then it would be too late.

Nah I wasn't really hurt or anything but yeah she was pretty crazy.
She reckons she's packing her shit up already and leaving anyway, may be a bluff to make me worry.
I don't really care too much about the furniture and stuff, it was all fairly cheap and she did bring a lot of her own things
anyway. All I want is my clothes and computer.
But I'd recommend anyone to really get to know a girl before you move in, they usually change.

How long did you know her before you moved in together?
Who owns the place?
Also, if you really want her out of the place, affirm that she SHOULD be packing. It might've been a bluff, but it could get her to actually do it and makes her realise that 'making you worry' isn't going to do shit.

Has shit like this happened before between the two of you?

Woke up to a missed booty call from a tiny mulatto girl from tinder. I'm gonna grab a drink with her next weekend and meet her irl for the first time. I get the feeling she may be crazy tho.

Like a year we were seeing eachother, she was talking about buying a house together and I said we should just rent for a while to see how it goes, which is lucky we did that.
She's had little tantrums and broke things like a window and even my $900 monitor and we've had arguments but this time was the worse and over the stupidest thing too. She's not a real bad person she's just an idiot and way too emotional.