Fight depression and laugh more.
Post some funny Veeky Forums shit ITT pls
Veeky Forums humor
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't funny
if I wanted humor I'd ask for your sexual experience
This is what your average libertarian lifter looks like
my fucking god, just how what the actual fuck
This shit is more Chad than "ouch!"
That hurt to read, how can a human not have a single bone in their back
Thats not a tape worm it’s a gains goblin worm
Jose is making it!
delete post pls
holy fuck…yuck
I was there
One of the best threads in fit
fatlifts is (was) pretty based tho. great lad
i'd fucking murder them
pls delet
anyone have the "accidentally made a cube?
To be fair, his arms are pretty thick and he does acknowledge that it's not the best picture.
I remember this thread
He was an avid Veeky Forums poster?
HAHAHAHAHAHA This is a classic Veeky Forums archetype lol
how new are you exactly
The fuck did I just read
What can one man do against such reckless cuckery
We're hitting the lines of betasmo that shouldn't be possible
He only acknowledged its lame so people will tell him its not lame or if people do call it lame, he has an insurance policy to say "I already said it was lame" to make their comment pointless.
Its like when girls say they are ugly when they post a picture.
>don't worry he knows
this is the most digusting feelsgoodman i've ever had
my sides, I love weapons grade autism
Your 1rm is funny.
lol why swedish, that sounds fucking dumb in swedish because dare and challenge is like the same word
I guess we all are not going to make it after all. There will be casualties...
Holy fucking shit what the fuck did I just read. Had me frustrated the entire time.
Isn't the cousin a pedophile too if I understand correctly?
How hideous must have she/him be to stand fucking a lard ass that has bad hygiene. Wtf
yeah im not reading this one again, that guy is hands down the biggest beta orbiter ive ever heard of in my entire fucking life
Are you implying that guy is not a walking joke? A fatass on juice that looks like shit?
this can't be real
hey now let's be fair, the cousin did give him the warning to "lock that down" but he didn't. the weak should fear the strong
Based slingshot Jesus
Lol, typical /fitizen. You are all just like this beta fag.
this poor poor guy
this is absolutely brutal, I honestly feel bad for him. I got fucked around a lot when I was that young and I'm not naturally a pushover, I just didn't know what the fuck I was doing yet
good times
Lol should have gotten good at Halo.
I would unironically enjoy this.
I don't know about other people, but Stuff like this makes me feel better in a way. I know that no matter how much I struggle in life, I'll never be this much of a huge cuck.
That's pathetic
Jokes on you there are none
this is Veeky Forums in a nutshell
This is the only right answer
>Absolutely despises fat people, yet the general populace is overwhelmingly comprised of current or recovering overweight/obese people
What's your point? If anything that makes you hate them more because they help create a culture accepting unhealthiness, ruining countless people's lives who think that it's ok to be a ham planet because big is beautiful. If everyone else is blobular in shape and form, then why bother trying to go above the standard anyway?
No it's not the same word ("våga utmana" = "dare challenge")
But I doubt anything in that copypaste is actually true.
Det här är vad som händer när jag spenderar för mycket tid på engelska fordon och för lite tid med att prata med folk i verkligheten.
välkommen till helvetet
>spenderar tid
Ägnar tid, din svengelska sumprunkare
Wow I just cant man. Please dont be real.
That's kinda my fetish to be tied up like that.
Som sagt, bortom räddning
>I've been this guy
I am in physical pain after reading this, jesus christ
>The judges have decided to accept it, but were actually looking for "your one-rep max"
We all get banished to /int/ if we keep that up. :(
You are not the only one m8. There are some real sad sacks out there.
this was /b/
Please stop speaking arabic in here
Same, the only reason I frequent sad feels threads is to find people with stories worse than mine to make me feel better. Doesn't work.
poor little feller
Hell yeah, jose!
Can someone please give me a ten line summary of ALL THAT SHIT?
Typical liberal! Can't go to the gym without showing off his love for Obama.
>post is barely a week old
>best evar
He was there for it bro. It's like when you post "include me in screen cap" and the madman does it. So epic!