I have never tried to be vegan and can say I've been biased against it but after watching this, man, I think I'm gonna forgo meat. Anybody got any legit studies that invalidate the info in this film?
Say it isn't so
Dude fuck the studies. If you want to be a vegan, then be one. But don't go around making up bullshit. Do it because you don't want to see animals suffer. It's completely fine to just leave it at that. Going on these long inconclusive tirades about the supposed health or environmental consequences just weakens your point and makes you look stupid. You care about animals. It's that simple.
Being vegan is fine as long as you're not obnoxious about it or come up with bullshit reasons like meat is bad for you.
> sciencebasedmedicine.org
Here's some studies naming meat a carcinogen
>i have a .001% to die earlier if i eat meat so i better live miserable my entire life
(before I post)
Replies: 3, unique posters: 3
2 anti vegan
2 pro vegan
Therefore, OP is probably a samefag
OP here and I posted the links with the Guy Fieri pic but I didn't come here with an agenda. I just want the facts
Just a reminder if you eat less than two pounds of delicious beef a day, you're a faggot and might as well wear a pink dress and go get buttfucked.
I DON'T give a fuck about having the supposed moral high ground that comes with something like diet. I care about
>my health
>my family's health
Oh yeah definitely after watching that I'll never eat any meat or use any animal products ever again it's so much healthier for you
>anti vegan
I am a vegan you fucking retard. I am just smart enough to realize that creating all these retarded arguments isn't necessary to make your case
I think this movie is full of misinformation, pseudoscience and fear mongering even though I'm vegan.
Fuck off
Layne Norton did pretty good review on that. It's on his youtube
Yeah sure... Start believing that this is true, it's totally bullsh*t.
Fuck it, I'll eat meat. Fuck that doc. Thanks for your input guys
It's called go on Wkipedia and look at the criticisms. If you want to go more in depth, then go to the sources at the bottom.
This documentary is childish garbage. Daily reminder
I eat beef all day erryday can I still be daddy's sissy slut? :'(
>Layne Norton
is not a registered dietitian or a medical doctor so his opinion holds as much weight as mine
Kid.. HOMOSAPIENS ARE OMNIVORES. We've been evolving as such for MILLIONS OF YEARS. No 'moral choice' can re-write your DNA and make you, physiologically, into a strict vegetarian.
Here's the truth about the 'vegan' lifestyle: IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMAN HEALTH AND FITNESS. It has EVERYTHING to do with knocking humans off the top of the food chain, and placing dumb animals above us -- and sabotaging human health, welfare, and fitness in the process. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT HUMANS AT ALL. In a perfect 'vegan' world, there would be about ONE TENTH the number of humans, and who survived would be skinny, weak, stunted, and have a low IQ compared to who and what we are today -- AND THEY DO NOT CARE. They'd just as soon that humans die out, because they are self-hating, and their self-hate encompasses all of humanity. Don't fall for the rhetoric!
WE ARE OMNIVORES. There is literally NOTHING wrong and EVERYTHING right with eating meat and animal products. THEY ARE BENEFICIAL in so many ways I don't have the time or space to count them all here.
THE KEY TO HEALTH AND FITNESS with regard to diet: EAT A BALANCED DIET that includes fruit, vegetables, *and* animal products.
All those so-called 'studies' that say meat and animal products are bad? THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO EAT NOTHING BUT FATTY MEATS ALL THE TIME and otherwise have shitty lifestyles. THEY ARE NOT (((YOU))).
EAT A BALANCED DIET and keep getting plenty of exercise, you will be DISGUSTINGLY HEALTHY.
Literally fasting provides all the health benefits of veganism x10 and you can still eat meat fuck off with this shitty meme
I got in an argument that last 2 hours with my twink slave.
He just couldn't fathom that the creator has a political agenda and used cherry picked studies when convenient.
This movie literally ruined my day 3 months ago.
Also this.
FACT: Nobody who posts on Veeky Forums claiming to be 'vegan' IS ACTUALLY VEGAN. They are all trolls, the threads are all BAIT, and if you get taken in by their troll/meme, then YOU FAIL AT BASIC INTELLIGENCE.
FACT: If 'veganism' or even 'strict vegetarianism' was all that great? WHY AREN'T THE MAJORITY OF THE 7 BILLION PEOPLE ON THE PLANET DOING IT RIGHT NOW? Because it's stupid BULLSHIT and you have brain problems if you think it's good -- or you're self-destructive and self-hating.
it's always like
>eat this meat and your chnce of immediately falling down dead is 200% higher
>ate it, chance is now about 0.000000563%
lucky bastard, survived another piece of chicken breasts
After watching this documentary and others like it I have cut down on my meat consumption. I don't believe everything in these docs, but there are some truths in there and it mainly comes down to sustainability for the planet, and trying to keep myself healthy and happy. I eat vegan maybe 4 times a week, and eat a small to moderate amount of meat on the other 3 days. I have also switched from whey protein to vegan protein, and try to eat a lot less dairy. It is a personal choice, that makes me feel good, and I don't go around trying to get everyone else on board what makes me feel good. Do you, if you want to try eating vegan give it a try, I did for a couple weeks and I never went a MEAL without meat before that for as long as I can remember.
Eat healthy, nutritious food, exercise and rest....you will be healthy and happy, plain and simple.
What the Health is a biased load of shit that cherrypicks info to villainize meat. It's not honest whatsoever and should be disregarded by everyone.
>you will be simple
ok simpleton, thanks for your input
>Not cancerogenic
>Little environmental effects
>Less animal suffer
The third point is the reason all the faggot vegans become vegan so it should be disregarded. Animals die every day anyway. First and second point is why you should go vegan if you want to. But if you know you will become a homo vegan hippie then you should stay the fuck away and don't give vegans more bad reputation.
>a literal simpleton who can't comprehend what he reads and has never heard the phrase "plain and simple"
>Dude you can't eat chicken
>Beef too
>Eggs are bad bro
>So what can I eat?
I don't see how people took this seriously. It was pretty much an ad for veganism. It made me sick how they made everything look so bad, only to swoop in and introduce the miracle known as veganism to the viewer.
>Not cancerogenic
Guess what? You can eat a strict vegetarian diet for DECADES and still get glioblastoma brain cancer, having ZERO chance for surviving it. There are literally THOUSANDS of other things in our modern world that will give you cancer that you have ZERO ability to avoid, unless you go live in the middle of the Arctic. Not eating meat is just a fake feel-good so you can sleep at night, believing the fantasy that your chances of getting cancer are smaller.
How meat animals are RAISED and how the meat is COOKED matters more in how so-called 'carcinogenic' it is.
>Little environmental effects
More fake 'feel good' nonsense. Meat animals can be raised in ways that minimize any so-called environmental impact. Go talk to the farmers raising the animals, not people about what they want to eat.
Again: THERE ARE NO ACTUAL VEGANS ON Veeky Forums. They're all trolls posting bait threads.
Freind, THEY ARE TROLLS. There are no real 'vegans' on Veeky Forums, it's all BAIT. Hide/ignore the threads.
Who will need to push propaganda more, the eggboard and meat industry or... what? kale and garbanzo industry... lmao
>go on Wikipedia
you're as dumb as you sound, aren't you
didn't know fasting decreased your cholesterol to heart-attack safe levels, ya dingus
what is honest then, boi?
>you could get cancer anyways, fuck all and eat meat!!
>Meat animals can be raised in ways that minimize any so-called environmental impact.
>can be raised in ways
could you be a bit more vague?
>Layne Norton has a PhD in nutritional science
Oh b-but not a medical doctor so he doesn't know anything!
>tries to defend processed meats causing cancer by saying "hey, it's not as bad as cigarettes"
Harriet Hall has so many biases of her own that she refuses to get over. It's ridiculous that she calls herself a skeptic.
WTH isn't a great film, even Forks Over Knives was better, but it doesn't stretch the truth that far. Clearly there are issues with eating meat and you can't ignore them just because the word vegan triggers you.
>it mainly comes down to sustainability for the planet
> I don't go around trying to get everyone else on board
You're just going to save the planet on your own?
>nutritional science=registered dietitian
oy vey
Layne Norton is always paid by the Eggshills
Also when the best nutrition doctors tell you to go plant based I will rather listen to them and now some idiot who does youtube videos.