I'm not someone that shared beds with girls often...

I'm not someone that shared beds with girls often, at all (partially because I avoid it because of fear of not getting it up), but yesterday I did. And surprise surprise, I didn't get hard. To anyone that has experienced this, you know it's very devastating.
I'm 20 years old, in shape, get morning wood, no diagnosed health problems, although I know from myself that I'm generally very OCD and paranoid about a lot of things.
I know that using drugs for this is not a long-term fix, but I don't care about that now. I'd spend a million on something that would just make me hard no matter what, even if it was just for once.
Obviously, there's the blue pill (I'll avoid naming it because it tends to attract spam), which can hopefully make it easier to get an erection despite the anxiety. But, at the same time, I know that you need to be turned on for the blue pill to work. And because the anxiety majorly overwhelms the horniness, I wonder if there's some drug that makes you horny without affecting your ability for an erection too much.

Apologies for the not really fitness related topic, but yeah.

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Stop eating meat. Meat causes ED.

Not this vegan shit again

get a gf...who can help u lower ur anxiety

Shut up Pauline

>get a gf

I'm kind of in a gf situation since yesterday, but this shit happened. She's really cool and wants to hang out again. But the next time the pressure will be even higher..

You got performance anxiety. The more you are focused on this not happening again the harder it will be to get an erection.

lol I know, but I can't not focus on it until I succeeded at least once, which is why I need something to help me.

You can deny it how much you want but it's true and you'll have a limp dick sooner or later if you continue eating corpses.

Well, if you can get morning wood, that kinda signals that it's not physiological. That's a good thing. For you, it's completely psychological. That happens with a lot of guys (you'd be surprised).

Few things that I've heard helps.

1. Stop beating your meat
2. Meditate and accept your anxiety as part of your experience ... That helps it go away, believe it or not
3. Don't watch porn so often if you do (IDK if there's much scientific proof to this)
4. Find a gal that will be patient with you and explain what's up.
5. Try a sex toy and see if that helps with anxiety. It won't be the real thing, but it might break through something just enough to get over your anxiety
6. See a therapist and talk about your issues

Lot of people nowadays are mentally messed up in one way or another. And that's okay. Acceptance is key.

Since it's psychological, it's ultimately up to YOU. If you constantly worry and stress, yeah, you'll never succeed. You have to work at it a bit.

I stopped eating meat quite a while ago. Didn't really make a difference positively or negatively. Actually considering adding it back into my diet to see if it helps.

Go back to your youtube channel, John


Thanks man. Will look into all that

If you use some pill to get over this you will still feel the pressure again when you try going without it. Just relax, use your hands and mouth to please her. Same has happened to me before. You'll maybe get it up again while cuddling etc, but if you're not able to relax your anxiety will fuck up the erection again if you are too focused on your dick.

My theory is: If I use a pill for example 3/4 times and have successful sex, I can try it without a pill on the fourth time without much pressure, because even if I can't get it up that fourth time, it doesn't really matter because I'd have successful track record so to say

No probs. Wish you all the best on your journey.

You'll make it man. Just remember to fast and lift heavy-ass weights (that does help with the test and horniness as well)

1. Jefferson deadlifts (like a dual proxy for squats and conventional style deadlifts)
2. Incline bench or dumbbell press
3. Weighted chinups (after you can do about 15 or so unweighted in a set)

Enjoy your dick pill addiction at 20 years of age. The pill is an easy route for a possible success. Working without it requires maturity, mutual understanding and empathy. A likely outcome with the pill is it will become a crutch.

I understand the limitations. But with my current desperation, any outcome that leaves me with a hard dick is a good outcome. I don’t think I’m mentally strong enough to endure this humilitation potentially tens of times, let alone that she will stick it out.

You're gay.

OP use your hands, even on yourself, there's no wrong way to do this as long as you can keep an erection.

It will become easier when you become more experienced, you may like this girl but try to care less.

Even being a little drunk can help you loosen up just don't overdo it and can't get it up because of the alcohol.

I used to have that sometimes, especially when I was a bit younger (23 now).

As another user said it's essentially performance anxiety.
Seems like you're pretty deep in it so it's a vicious circle but it's really not that big of a deal.
You said it yourself, you've got morning wood and you're healthy, you've got all you need so I would not recommend pills (that are designed for actual conditions, and they have bad side effects anyways).

The best thing to do is to literally not give a shit AT ALL. Literally, find a girl at a party and make a move in the bathroom / outside or whatever. Just think about your own pleasure, you're here to get your dick wet, her pleasure doesn't matter (just respect her decently).

To achieve this: have you tried alcohol? That's how I got rid of it in the first place, got mildly to seriously wasted and found that girl in a bar (honestly below what I would usually go for, doesn't matter) picked her up, went back to her place and fucked her silly. Felt great, I was totally in the mood, went a bit hardcore and left as soon as I nut.

Huge confidence boost, was able to do it some time after and since then I've seen what my dick can do so it's not about performance but just the search of a shared good time.

TL;DR: Have a few drunk one night stands while being careless (DO WEAR A CONDOM I KNOW IT'S ONE MORE DIFFICULTY BUT DO IT) and you'll be right fine.

Good luck user

Stop eating all animal based products including meat ,fish,milk,cheese,eggs,honey etc stop eating oil.You are clogging your arteries,ed is more serious than you think you might get a heart attack soon.A whole food plant based diet will help you,also workout.If you don't believe me do your own reasearch and use your own critical thinking skills and hopefuly you will improve your quality of life.

Thanks. Appreciate the elaborate post

The anxiety is all in your Mind OP.

Realize that and also realize that you can change what you think of yourself to be much more positive.

All you have to do is genuinely want to change and boom, your mind has changed.