Day 5 of nofap

day 5 of nofap
now the journey begins

i failed last night

please forgive me for i am weak


2 weeks as of today, we're all gonna make it

>fapped yesterday
Shit. At least it was a good cumshot.
I'll start nofap today, aiming for at least two weeks.

1 week in
> asked a girl out and fucked her friday night
felt good having a rock hard boner even with a condom on and using all my SS hip drive to make her a puddle of human juices.
>we're all gonna make it brahs

take that as a goal for the next time.

now you cant jerk off until you've passed your last goal of 4 days

try and see how high you can set your PR

day 14, no longer struggling, the first week was the worst part, now im waiting for the second wave of strong urges that will come before reaching day 30

i feel so much more energy, i sleep one hour less and im not as tired as before

If I don't touch my dick for a few days do I too gain the right to be smug online about not touching my dick for a few days?

Day 4 for me. I feel enraged. I feel like my power is limitless and I'm soon enough to stap and kill some dude who looks at me.

How do I stop this?

Was doing really well. Made it to a week. Fell today. Feel like absolute shit. Life has no meaning.

>mfw day 5 of no fap November
It doesn't count as a fail if I came in my sleep? r-right guys

You don;t need to stop it because you're the same pussy ass bitch you were before you started and you'll continue to be the same pussy ass bitch for the rest of your life unless you stop jumping on meme "fix-all" solutions like nofap instead of actually changing yourself.

only if you plan not to touch it for at least 100 days

Day 1 here
How do I survive 3 days?


>a week
thats not making it, thats just forgetting to fap for a couple of days. come on, everybody can do at least a whole month with no effort at all

when you want to fap, dont.
not doing something is way easier than doing something

Day 3 - I am like a baby making his first steps.

I know the worst is yet to come

If you catch yourself grabbing your crotch, drop it immidiately.

Not true I start going insane 2 weeks in constantly getting hard at random and imagining fucking everything I see.

Day 16 accomplished. This is the longer streak I've ever been and looks pretty promising tho.


Im going on day 3 and im starting to feel physically uncomfortable and i can feel the pressure in my balls.

This is gonna suck

i know that feeling
i cant even fuck a girl in my wet dreams, i just dream of me fapping to porn

it will stop in a couple of days, then you wont feel any urge at all for like a week or so.
the urges come in waves, all you have to do is resist a couple of days every 2 weeks or so

I also had a dream last night that i watched porn on my phone. I was disappointed in myself until I realized it was a dream.

Pretty fucking weird.

right there with you my bros, we're all gonna make it


It's wierd because it feels like a failure, as If I was doing all this and my mind just refused to give porn up.

But at the same time it serves as motivation, it reminds me how much it messed me up and how much I really really need to cut it off of my life completely

We're all going to make it

Yup. It's become embedded in all of our minds.
Porn is literally an addiction and your brain doesn't know why its not getting it so it dreams it up.

I'm never watching porn again after learning exactly what it does to you. Its evil.

This guy is why most people look at nofap as some sort of cult

Nofap is part of the change, nigger.

Not everyone is claiming that nofap will completely overhaul your life but its effects are underestimated and have scientifically proven benefits.

Living a hedonistic lifestyle drowns your brain in dopamine.
Your brain is supposed to release dopamine when you achieve something, which is meant to motivate you to be active and do things in life.
But in modern times, we've developed technology that can artificially achieve these goals and give us a dopamine high. (Porn, video games, tv, internet). It doesnt affect everyone so negatively, but some people get caught up in it and they basically learn that they can get all the dopamine they could want by sitting on their computer all day and they never leave the house because it's all too hard.

Nofap and quitting porn is the first step to learning discipline and to stop fucking up your brains reward system so you can actually be motivated to not be a lazy piece of shit everyday.

KhV reporting in
Daily reminder that having sex is just as bad as nofap

no its not you faggot

The point of nofap is to rewire your brain to seek out and enjoy sex.

There is nothing more natural than sex other than eating and shitting

So what do you guys do to combat the urge you feel of wanting to fap?
Work out?
cold shower?
take a walk?
drink something bitter?
Im fine now since only day 5 but I am certain the urges will be come more frequent and more intense.

Almost 3 weeks it's amazing

just try to have as little spare time as you can

fapping is like binge eating, most times you only do it because you are bored


I just masturbated. Felt breddy gud man.

Keeping busy is the key. Instead of fapping do something that you want to do like write or read. Crank out a vidya session, gym, podcasts, or you know find someone to pound

I failed on November 2nd after going on a 9 day streak, please forgive me I'm lifting weights

>do something that you want to do like write or read
well the problem with that is that I cant focus.
I have to reread sections and end up jsut staring at the ceiling cause I am so distracted.

i'm on noporn day 30? And I fap every 4 days or so.

It's already helped me get erections during sex, and I can actually cum.

Godspeed lads

>tfw your gfs dog got hit by a car on the first so you have had no sex or fap for 5 days now
>tfw you had to be the man to pick up his ant covered shattered doggu body and wrap him in a blanket and put him in a cooler
>tfw you drive your sobbing gf to the pet crematorium

I've never felt more like the man of the house than when I picked up that doggu and wouldn't let her see him.

what a cuck

im lmaoing at your life

only reason I am doing this nofap no porn is because of an embarassing incident.
Has to help, im certain.

think I'm gonna do it for the rest of my cut wich should be ~3-4 more weeks just to keep the testosterone up

was it worth it killing her dog to feel that way?

The landscapers opened our gate qnd left it open while we were both at work. They take breaks on the power box in our front yard and probably went to throw out their Gatorade in our bin. I bought a padlock afterwards.

>the pet crematorium
Could people stop this.
Not everything and everyone must be cremated.
Fucking get palced in the earth and let the worms around you creep.
Place a bambus down through the ground to their corpse and once you see the insects crawl uup and down you will know that his soul has left his body and gets to wander freely again.
You destroy the body before the soul actually has left.

I can't do no-fap. Not because I don't have self-control, but because it is literally worse for me to not do No-Fap than it is for me to do it. I only masturbate a few times on the weekend to keep everything cleared out. Don't even have desires to porn or masturbate during the week.

The past two weeks, even though I masturbated on Sunday night, I had a wet dream overnight Thursday/Friday. To me, it's not worth it to not masturbate to avoid god awful wet dreams. I just masturbated yesterday and I had a massive sex dream overnight tonight and I was actually able to enjoy the dream and have a pretty long one because I wasn't interrupted by orgasming during it

We lease a place. There is a fine for burying your pet in a leased lot and what are we going to do, knock on the next tennants door like, "Hey, there is a dog in your backyard and it's his birthday so my girl here would like to see it."

Her parents are selling their house. My folks never knew the dog. It's cheaper than the pet cemeteries around here.

go to the fucking woods.

>been a pathetic shit for while
>start trying to get Veeky Forums for about a month now
>still fapping 3 times a day
>November comes around
>decided to go for no fap
>okay for first two days
>uncontrollable shaking on the third, around bedtime
>felt like shit since then
I need some encouragement guys, please

when you fap the terrorists win


Just like they told me on reddit, I can actually feel the heightened testosterome in my bloodstream.

No wonder I am getting more looks from women in the street while I am driving to work, can't they smell my pheremomes?

i relapsed

hold me bros

describe in great detail what you jerked off to

incest, momcest in particular

a video of a girl peeing

>great detail

was it worth it?

Whenever the urges kick in, have yourself think about what the prior circumstances were to lead up to it. Helps me quite well, although it certainly won't stop them from coming back, so get ready for it


I am an ex heroin addict and when people say they relapsed by watching porn it makes my blood boil. it's like you want a plight.

I wish that one day i will wake up and find out that nofap is just one huge joke.

reddit fags act like they are viking warriors because they haven't came for a few days.

day 17 wondering how the fuck I got this far

dropped test to 150mg week

it was a very nice scene indeed, krissy lynn my mother forcing herself upon me when she found she found me jerking off, lots of dirty talk ( touch your mommy, i know its weird but just do it ), overall pretty nice id say a 7/10

Xev a bestest
I just realised I'm on day 5. I started a /fast/ on Thursday and haven't really had the urge to jerk it in the past two days. Is it linked?

nice self discipline

Decided to join you guys for nofap November. Usually fap 5/7 times a week so I never really felt like this would do anything to me (so far it hasn't). When do you guys usually get your superpowers?

>When do you guys usually get your superpowers
Dude jsut read up on it a bit.
Its not superpower but just healthier

You're telling me I don't get to become like superman? Then what's the point?

>you get healthier

youre a fucking retard

Are the moodswings common?
Is it possible that this amplifies my depressive bouts?
Will it make it go away if I pull trough?

How will I know I have succeeded? Or is it like an eternal war?

Nocturnal emissions are Gods gift for your discipline

already broke no fap november 2 days ago.

Day 7 complete. Today has been the horniest day I've had. hard ons, teasing talk with a tinder girl. I might finally get some action!


I just fucking failed again at midnight for no particular reason other than me being hungry, parents not being home, and me having a math test tomorrow

Nofap makes me angry. Then if I last long enough I eventually get wet dreams which are always horrible. Fuck nofap

how long do you lasr before wet draems?

>tfw only 4-5 days because im that pathetic

Yeah same for me. I dont usually last too long

Also day 5 for me.

I don't get wet dreams. I hate them because it sucks waking up to boxers full of wet slimy cum and then stumbling around at 3 AM trying to clean up and change and everything

Then when you tell people who dont get them that you hate them, they always say to stop complaining and that wet dreams are awesome

i dont get how people can think wet drams are good

4 or 5 days for me too
Yeah they suck ass. I once had a wet dream that I fucked minnie mouse on a lily pad. she didn't have a vagina though. My dick was just kinda taken in. I was 14 and having a sleepover at a friends house. Fuck that.

I made a deal with myself. Whenever I feel the urge to fap or smoke, I simply do 50 push ups instead. Although the number of push ups is rather low, I find that it does help a lot.

I know this is No Nut November so I gotta ask, does it count if you cum while your sleeping? I've been waking up with cum stains all over my boxers and its really pissing me off.

>tfw entering day 7 in a few hours

God give me strength, I made it through the first 5 days easy peasy but the last few hours have been torture. My mouth is agape and I grab by dick every time I see a pic of a mildly attractive woman on Veeky Forums.

But tomorrow I have to go to uni so I want to check if I find average girls more attractive. I may get desperate enough to talk to one, even.

Why are you doing this to yourselves? Fapping once a day before you go to sleep is perfectly fine.

Good luck guys

Okay lads I’m in

I usually fap 3 times a day and on my worst days 7-8 times. I’ve figured out that every day I wake up and fap I don’t do anything else for the rest of the day. It’s killing me and I have to stop now.

no-fap has turned me into a fucking pedo creep

>referee soccer
>doing some games yesterday, one was a girl's team
>the girls are like 15 years old
>white girl playing who looks like a typical high school cheerleader is wearing basically spandex booty shorts
>so tight that panty line is clearly visible
>even stands around pulling up her shirt to expose her loser back/bellybutton
>throughout the game every time she passes by i look at her ass
>all i can do is think about how much of a pedo creep i am and how sad it is that girls that young are already sluts

This is pretty much why I've never bothered stopping and fap whenever I want.

imma let u in on a secret. all grown men are attracted to 15 year olds girls. theyre ready from a biological standpoint. as long as u dont mess around with them or try anything or look for porn ur totally normal bud.

Refer to Once you nail this routine, you will learn to appreciate how much better it feels when you only go at night.

daily reminder that wet dreams dont count as a fail

There is literally nothing wrong with finding young fertile women attractive. Stop falling for Jewish brainwashing tactics.

but i am jewish
