Be me

>be me
>ve friendless indoorsapien
>make plans to hang out with grill
>Wake up to txt inviting me to watcch anime with her and her guy friend who she spent the night with.

Do i do it for social gainz?
How do i say nah without being rude?

well i would do it just to get a chance to be social. but don't turn into a cuck. seek new thot. hangout only

>No, I thought you would be riding my dick.

thats a few thousand dollars worth of dildos.

>he hasn’t invested thousands of dollars into assorted dragon dildos, which are guarantee to increase in value

What are you even doing with yourself?

If you're into the girl then just abandon the whole idea. That's cuck-tier and if anything it'll make you more bitter towards women and chad. If anything you'll make negative social gains and you'll end up a regular on r9k

Just say another time. Or, if you're super confident, then you might be able to convince her you're more manly than her "guy friend".

Hard to say. Best thing to do is lift heavy ass weights so your test goes through the roof and you get muscle gains.

Pic related, but not as harsh since a) you didnt ask her out and b) you obviously dont have this level of confidence yet, and itll be phony.

As an adult male if i make plans to hang out with a female, its assumed to be a date.

Howd she respond, i assume not positively? Plus kudos for communicating properly the world needs more straightforward talk

>Or naw? Haha
Is this alpha? Or naw? Haha

If you don't ever plan on having any relationship with this girl, then that was a good response.

If you think that calling her out means she'll somehow now be into you and not think you sound super bitter, then you fucked up

Good reply bro, you need to get on the hard on hoes wagon

>planning on having a relationship with a sloot that isnt straightforward and thinks playing games is an approach to life.

You've fucked up before you even made your first move, friendo.


It doesn't matter what she said.

Yes it fuckign does, I wanna see how she responded. stop being a faggot and TELL US

Op here. Tell us man. The suspense. . .


>Be me
>grill I know and was also in to for awhile says she'll be at my sister's wedding.
>meet her there, havent seen each other in at least a year
>makes no effort to come find me when I arrive
>she's laying in her hotel room, watching naruto shippuden with her bf on skype.
>barely acknowledges me
>stay for an episode then I peace the fuck out
>she gets pissy because I leave

Don't turn yourself into an unrespectable cuck, some girls are just not worth it.

Stop talking like an excited little dog, but that response at the bottom was decent,

Or naw? Haha

Thats cringey as fuck man

Hard to say OP, I was in a similar situation once. In the end, her watching anime also meant that she was a social retard and just had the beta orbiter around for "safety" due to slight social anxiety. I met her on the first "date" at the Christmas market with two of the beta orbiters around. While nothing relevant happened on that first date, it was apparent that the two guys had never seen a women naked irl and it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

The second date, again at the Christmas market, was the same at first. There I just tried to escalate the drinking a bit, the betas noticed they had no chance because I isolated her from them during conversation and they left early. From there, you just take charge and see how far it goes. At one point I literally said "you wanna go back to my place to watch some anime?" and she agreed. Put on some comedy/ecchi stuff and the rest is obvious. At that point was I already 3 years into lifting and barely had to put in any effort, probably 60mins of texting + 4-5 hours of date/Christmas market fun (drinking, airgun shooting ranges, ice skating etc). Turned out the also had some other anime/ecchi/hentai kinks, getting dominated, tentacle rape etc and she was "ok" with loli because it's just drawn... most likely because she was 21yo, looked literally like 15yo and was around 4`11, 90 lbs... literally felt like jail time.

Tldr: I'd say just meet with her either way, "waste" the 2 hours and see. (under the assumption you are not a hungry skeleton or >15% bodyfat)

Dude, thats cool and everything, but she spent the night at dudes house knowing she had plans the next day.

I said naw fuck that.

>the betas noticed they had no chance because I isolated her from them during conversation and they left early.
kek. I see shit like that all the time. good going user.

you'd be surprised man; might be just a buddy. I mean she's gonna get plowed eventually tho, she wont wait all her life for you to make a move.

Dont really know the whole context

>but she spent the night at dudes house knowing she had plans the next day.

As I said, it depends. She can be a social retard and see the dude as "just a friend" (this actually happens more often than not). Of course the dude wants to get it in, but the girl isn't even thinking about that.

lose the !

bottom message is good

>making it this obvious that you're feelings are hurt

or naw? Haha

Watching anime has been mainstream since Attack On Titan you dumb bitch

That's a terrible, bitter response. I would have just said something like "I thought it was singles-pizza haha" or something.

>has been mainstream since Attack On Titan you dumb bitch

The scenario described happened like 10 years before AoT...

Obviously what you said is pretty cringey and incel, but I agree the other guy's response was pretty bitter.
Good job on being clear about what he wanted but well-adjusted, sociable people are capable of actually being friends with members of the opposite sex who they aren't having sex with.

OP did you off yourself bcs of her response or do you just not want to post more messages? Ive been waiting for an hours for more pics.

I make money off being smooth, sorta. Maybe what I suggested wasn't that funny, but the point is, it's okay to want the pizza only if there is romance on the table. It's okay to let her know that. It's terrible to appear, or even actually be mad about the fact she has a boyfriend. The best way to get out of it without ruining whatever potential the other person might have for you, is to jest about it.

Seems like he was more pissed that she wasnt upfront about the boyfriend, not that she just has one.

I think thats fair. Good response.

Everyone on here over analyzes everything. Tell this bitch to fuck off and move on. They dont owe each other anything.

Overall I agree. Could have texted her a middle finger for all that it matters.

Whut? I wasnt even posting convo pics. I thought this thread died

don't put yourself in that situation
tell her you can't make it, give no explanation
sitting at home alone playing vidya is way better than this level of beta orbiting

if the prospect of sitting in a room with the girl you like and the guy she fucks doesn't raise red fucking flags you probably deserve what's coming to you

Don't use (!) exclamation points, it makes you seem feminine. Don't laugh after the naw, you sound insecure.