>its not about the hair kid
>ok its about the hair
im doomed bros
>its not about the hair kid
>ok its about the hair
im doomed bros
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What? Both of them have terrible haircuts. Get a haircut for men, not faggots.
He didn't say that actually
What products do I need to use for a hairstyle like that? Just wax and spray?
Jonafag still gets Stacey and he’s the ugliest compared to Chad Steve and Gigachad Billy. It’s about being a creepy weirdo.
its pretty much what he said, just shortened
>Get a haircut for men, not faggots.
>posts the faggiest most basic bitch haircut in existence
that little fat kid has the most punchable face I think I’ve ever seen
Go bald for maximum gains. High DHT makes you bald and DHT is 10 times stronger than T as an androgen.
>it needs to be complex to be good
>tfw Steve sees Nancy through the window at the dance
>Chad Steve and Gigachad Billy
Exactly what I thought when Billy was introduced.
this little faggot is going to look good with medium length curly shit
Exactly. Men, unlike Women, don't need to get some really long hairstyles that take hours to style. What's next, you think men who don't wear makeup are gay because its basic? Fuck off you fag
>I don't understand logic
if you want something simple and manly, get a buzzcut or let it grow out
This shit pissed me off real bad. The character arc should have been The Virgin Jonathon learning to not be such a beta orbiter. Instead he just gets rewarded for his beta behavior. Fuck this gay show.
I bet you buy all your clothes at H&M you tasteless pleb piece of shit
billy was our guy lads
>abusive father
>undiagnosed personality disorder
>poor personal hygiene
>attracted to MILFs
yep, /our guy/
This. I liked Season 1 because it didn't end with the cliche happy ending where the ugly dude gets the girl, but suddenly Season 2 goes full generic Hollywood and they add tons of SJW shit and cliches like creepy dude gets the girl easily.
>fast car
>otter mode Stacey Slayer
>intraworkout cigarettes for maximum estrogen suppression
>post-workout beers to feed the muscles and give off a manly scent
>beats the fuck out of Chadlets
>fucks your mom becuase your dad is beta (like you)
4 sprays of farrah fawcett spray
>Get a haircut for men, not faggots
>posts hollywood faggot haircut that 9 out of 10 female pop stars now have
Tons of girls like pushovers, usually domineering women
No it doesnt you mong.
High dht might lead to an imbalance of pgd2/pge2 leading to baldness eventually.
>character who looks like the happy merchant stereotype is an armchair psychologist alcoholic with bad personal hygeine who has a weird fixation on other people having sex
OY GEVALT what did the director and scriptwriters mean by this
Haven't seen the second season yet. Father seems based
>posts Ellen Degeneres
~1980 camaro
Its awesome, not fast
>tfw people say you look exactly like Steve Harrington
Can someone do a lookism analysis why Steve Harrington is considered attractive? Is it because of hair? That's what girls love about me and my eyes for my face at least
I think it's more about the attitude/confidence with Steve. He's not that handsome.
>tfw i looked almost identical to the mutant kid growing up
Steve looks weird but he's a cool guy so you grow to like him. If people say you just look like him, it's not necessarily a compliment.
Nobody wants the short version user, NOBODY
His hair is glorious though. Talking about the quality/thickness, not hairstyle
>Hurr high DHT doesn't make you go bald
>It just makes you go bald
childhood is idolizing steve
adulthood is realizing Billy made more sense
>buzzcut is fine
>undercut is basic bitch faggot haircut
Kill yourself
billy was a dick head
also they made curling 75 Ib way more impressive then it really was
>t. King Steve
>post yfw first spotting Kai Greene in the series
everybody involved in the making of ep7 should be publicly executed
ep 8 was goat though
fighting over haircuts on the internet
fucking hell
why, no spoilers tho
It's a Very Special Episode to meet a diversity quota and totally departs from the atmosphere of the rest of the series.
I agree. The actors were not very good, the writing was poor, and the entire situation felt forced and awkward. Not to mention it was pretty contrived and the costumes looked like they were designed by emo tweens in the early 2000's.
You realize the show is set in 1984 so they're OBVIOUSLY going to be terrible haircuts by today's standards....I'd still fuck Steve over the douche you posted.
I'm also a bit worried that Season 3, if one is made, will be a spinoff featuring the Chicago suicide squad, since everything in Hawkins is sort of wrapped up already.
>Not blowin darts in the boneyard with the boys