new FPS thread
triggered rightwing manchildren version
new FPS thread
triggered rightwing manchildren version
i love these "thin privilege" ones lol
That sounds like good advice desu
Why do all these hambeasts always have tattoos all over their body?
The top one is satire right?
i have tattoos too, as a thin woman.
but the reason fat people get them i think is to distract other people their fatness.
This is utterly deluded.
Dumb people like tattoos and fatties are dumber than the average person.
what makes it even worse is that "i earned my thin privilege" is not something that anyone would say ever. the only people that use the phrase "thin privilege" unironically are triggered fat people.
This is also the reason why fat women spend so much money on having such expensive, "beautiful" nails.
Thank god there was an arrow and circle, otherwise I would have had no idea what the ad in question was.
Went to Walmart today. Couldn't get down certain aisles because there were like 5 fatties clustered trying to get past one another in the middle.
Decided it wasn't worth trying to go down those aisles. Joked with someone that they'll need to widen the aisles because of how big these fucking people are getting. Then I realized that is probably the reality of what will happen and got really sad.
For some reason this story made me much more sad for you than for the aisle blockers. Maybe it's because you felt the need to make up a story about talking to someone else.
i'm more triggered by the groom's too tight jacket.
ill dumb some
>josh why are you grabbing the presidents ass?
>Because drake, it's SPHERICAL!
Also daily lol at josh making it and drake making bad choices.
fat will soon fold over her eyes. what a time to be alive
thats it from me for now
this post time out is making it annoying to dump
nothing makes me angrier than my fat friend who will walk/run once a week 5 mi but then follow it up with eating french toast, nasty ass panda express, and pop all the time. Then she complains to me how I have it easy because all I do is core work and eat a balanced diet.
Like I swear she asked me to pick a place that was healthy so I took her to this cheap place for salad/veggie based dishes and she proceeds to order the one item that is all carbs and on top of that adds fucking mayonnaise to it.
So today's the day I drop out of nursing college
I haven't heard any of this thin priveliege stuff since like, 2014-15
i literally never heard of it before browsing fit. so maybe it doesn't really even exist?
user, some of us talk to other people. Some of us aren't afraid of reeling off a comedy set of jokes denigrating people who are ugly because of their own choices in life.
So, now that the food industry is admitting that it's sugar that is the big problem, not fat as they blamed before, should the low fat stuff disappear?
Sadiq Khan is an SJW too. Fuck him and his anti health stance.
over time it should, but for now people are still buying it.
my dad is one such person. he buys low fat foods thinking they're better for him. older people tend to get stuck in their habits and aren't as likely to seek out new info about things like nutrition and health. they were taught that fat is bad and haven't bothered to keep up with the news so yeah.
could be a few decades yet :/
what anti health stance? i'm a SJW too. we're pretty great :)
"Let's ban adverts of healthy people because fattie feelings are being hurt"
I buy low-fat milk because I don't really taste a difference and it opens up more cals for other stuff during a cut. Nothing wrong with low fat stuff, it won't stop people from getting fat but it also doesn't make them fat.
>turning FPH into politics
Holy shit, number one shut the fuck up and stop making everyting political. Number two, a world exists outside of America and not all of us want to hear about Trump 24/7.
It's not being triggered, or right wing, you're just fucking annoying and damaging the spirit of the community with your sensationalized Americlap bullshit.
Americans love turning everything into a spectacle, especially politics, because it's all their ant like attention spans can handle.
It's because yesterday there was a fph thread filled with rightwing manchildren triggered by some larping liberal thot.
Has /fph/ really degraded to unironically posting facebook caption memes?
oh i see. that sadiq guy was posting the fat people propaganda lol. yeah fuck that guy.
yeah for sure.
i was talking more about like "fat free oreos!" and other foods that replace the fat with more sugar to prevent it from tasting like complete shit
fat free dairy is totally a viable way to get more protein in while keeping calories down. i'm a big fan of fat free cottage cheese for this reason.
It happens, apparently there's a few fats that have to duct tape their foreheads to see.
Ok, I don't live on Veeky Forums so I don't know what every thread is about, but you want to derail today's thread with more politics?
Is that your line of reasoning?
Go to the politics board to talk about politics. I'm so fucking sick of hearing people argue about Trump.
>drinking milk
Enjoy your estrogen and puss
no one was even talking about politics until you came in here demanding to know why everyone is talking about politics.
shut the fuck up.
>this is the face of the '''revolution'''
citation needed
It's right there in the OP post, so you shut the fuck up and stop handwaving your own BS dumb americlap
I was just saying what happened yesterday. No need to get your panties in a twist newfag.
the op post 54 replies above the current conversation?
okay. i was talking about fat free foods and "thin privilege" nonsense before you got here. maybe you could try to add something positive to the thread instead of whining about pointless bullshit. ever consider that?
This is obviously satire, but it got a serious response anyway.
>OP post
mfw when you put your PIN number in the ATM machine
>rightwing manchildren.
Yeah Veeky Forums is a right wing board, and we don't get offended by insults like manchild. Don't get me wrong there are some left winged people on fit and they are just as cool and welcome as anyone else as long as they dont shitpost and turn every damn thread into somthing political.
Tldr: left wingers are ok shitposters are NOT back to facebook please.
why would fit be a rightwing board?
we're a fitness and health board not a right/left board like pol
Its a right wing board for the sole reason that the majority are right wing. Then again there is no reason to bring this up because we shouldn't be talking about politics. Therefore liberals and leftists are totally welcome as long as they talk about FITNESS. Really there is no reason for this conversation to even be taking place.
On an actually related note i would be bottom left on your compass there since my diet is mainly focusing on my weight.
who the fuck wants a wedding photos like these
Just look at the grooms face.
what gives the impression the majority are right wing?
Because in the few threads we talk about politics everyone seems to range from libertarian to conservative to unironic fascist. With maybe 3-4 leftists with 0-1 of them being a commie. If you want to know more just go search in the archive for political threads.
>it's a right wing board
>the majority are right wing
What makes you think that's the case? How would you define right wing (and left wing)?
So in your experience on Veeky Forums the threads you've read and posted in largely had what you would define as right wing posters, and from that experiencial evidence you've drawn the conclusion that this anonymous image board is majority right wing and by nature of that the board itself is right wing? Correct me if I've misunderstood.
Not the nature itself just the culture. One day Veeky Forums might be majority left wing and that would affect the culture but not the nature, how i see it is that since (in my experience) the vast majority of posters have been right wing, it would be safe to call fit a right wing board.
to clarify the "culture" would be whether or not it is socially acceptable to make fun of fatties while the "nature" would be whether or not we could make a thread about how much we love Hitler or Stalin and nothing else without it being removed
How would you define right wing(and left wing)?
Well you have to consider liberty vs authority but i consider it.
Freedom of the individual=right wing
Authority of the individual=right wing
freedom of the collective=left wing
authority of the collective=left wing
Although that is extremely simplified and generic, i can only type so much on a Norwegian knitting board post.
What do you believe freedom is?
>can't even put their fists up in the air proudly declaring their beliefs
what a bunch of pussies
really now? you're gonna ask people what freedom is? we are here to laugh at fatties not contemplate life
Well i believe true freedom is the rights guaranteed to you by nature without violating someone else's consent. The freedom of speech, the freedom of defensive action, the freedom of the free market (with some restrictions for morality purposes).but really i agree with we are getting to deep and this is getting to far away from a Veeky Forums thread
oops tagged the wrong guy
We are here to hate fatties you dirty /pol/acks
>when you can't ohp your beliefs
Why not both?
What do you mean by
>the rights guaranteed to you by nature
The only boards I go to are Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
Thanks again and I hope to see everyone again and again I apologise I didn't know you had mentioned to you before the holidays are coming to visit you in a bit I'm going back and I have to be in a good way to start a little more time with the family for a while but it is a little chilly here is a copy to the store to buy the car is in a good way to start a little more time
Why not both?
I will be there at the same time I don't have a car so I can get a ride to the airport on Friday and I will be there at the same time I don't have a car so I can get a ride to the airport and through a divorce papers for my son who lives and works out to you in person to be in your area on a few more hours of the night I love it so I could have done better to be in your area tomorrow morning at work today but I'm going back and I will be there at the same address and I'll come over and watch a lot to be a good fit you to get your opinion is the only thing that is a great way for you and I can get you the info for you and I can get you the money and the kids will have a good night sleep tight my way back now I am in need and I'll see what the status was a great experience to help with that and then we are in for some time but I'm going out for lunch at home so you don't want it for a couple days so I'm just trying for you guys I just want a ride with us to get a few of us will get the info for my son who lives and the rest are you doing today I hope you had fun with your friends tonight or in a bit and get a few more things I have been in contact and let you go and I can come by
Veeky Forums&Veeky Forums my man
Actually we were having a real discussion instead of spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER but i see your point
sorry bud but i'm done with this discussion, one last post. I believe the rights guaranteed to you by nature are ones that you would have without the government.
I am so glad to have a great weekend too if that doesn't sound too late I would be able and the rest are you still interested I would be able and the rest are you still interested in meeting with the new one and it is not too much to do with it and it is not too much to do with the fact that I have been working in my room so I can get the kids together for the update on your dad is doing well and I hope you have a great day today love it and it will not work on it this morning I had the best sleep and have to get up and do you know where to get a few of us will get the info for my son who lives and works out to you in person to be around you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year's day off so we are all on my way home from the gym and then I have no money and no one has contacted me and my wife are coming over for a few minutes and I have to be in a good way to start the process to make a decision by and pick them and see if theyn Pass users can bypass this verification of employment and I will be there at the same time I don't think we can get the kids and grandkids to the office today so we will see you
That kid did good. Hopefully that childish bemusement at her weight helped her understand what a disgusting eyesore she was.
>a woman was literally raped for losing a round of Killer Instinct
Law and Order SVU was real?
Since you're done, maybe someone else can explain how nature guarantees your rights, or how any of these: >freedom of speech
>freedom of defensive action
>freedom of the free market
are rights you would have without the government?
Word salad is indicative of a neurological disorder
>freedom doesn't exist without the gubbment
To a degree, lardass is not wrong but not the way it thinks: privilege in deed is not earned, but being thin is not a privilege, for a fatass it is in fact earned.
It's just a lardass trying to manipulate language to create a narrative but it fails miserably.
not because we cant but because the political talk is done, we got it out of our system and now it is time to hate fatties.
Are you with us or not?
You can't have freedom if there's nothing to be free from.
I find asking people about their beliefs to be interesting and sometimes informative.
What experiences have you had that make you hate fatties?
>implying we're not already on our deterministic paths and every choice of our lives isn't meaningless
this is pretty interesting. i kinda wish i could talk about my political beliefs on Veeky Forums without inducing an autistic rage, but such is life.