Veeky Forums approved tattoos
Veeky Forums approved tattoos
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting a tattoo
Tatoos are degenerate
Keep your body clean, you degenerate.
You must be over 18 to post here
only if its an army tattoo
>Having such a bleak personality you literally need to inject ink into your epidermis to seem somewhat interesting.
You're not making it bruv
That is some dumb-looking shit.
>marking your body and forever ruining your aesthetics
absolutely beta
even zyzz looked 100x better when he only had his VVV chest tat
you cannot post 1 single person who’s body looks better after getting inked
tattoos are fucking gay tryhard normie shit. The only cool tattoos are shitty military ones people get while at port in some south east asian shithole after they get shitfaced and fuck a ladyboy for $10
thinking about getting this
it's small and no one will know the meaning and if they do it'll be cool
if it were injected into the epidermis the tattoo would eventually fade, like a henna tattoo.
real tattoos are placed deep to the dermis, in connective tissue.
Boy lover?
Are you gonna get it on your titties like Casca?
get it with a knife fucking weaboo faggot
god this board is unironically gay sometimes t bh famalams
no on muh neck
but having it legit branded into my skin would look way too suspect
can anyone suggest any subtle anime or vidya or nationalist tattoos to cover up this shitty wu-tang tattoo on my chest?
Yes, but triple
t.godhand I see those devil trips faggot you ain't hiding
Watch your mouth
I have two dolphins on my thighs jumping towards my dick
I got it when seapunk was big but now it's just awesome, chicks dig it.
I'd probably just make a tattoo artist make a black, filled in circle over the symbol.
Then maybe fill it in white with a rune or something.
Only Veeky Forums tattoos would be military tattoos, gang tattoos or tribe tattoos. You're probably not in the military, in jail or in a tribe. So don't get them.
I got it a couple months ago. Love it.
Only thing is, I got it on my trap, didn't want to have a tattoo on my neck
wu lad
Wu tang is forever
This is mine. I am scandinavian, and so forth.
That's a neat tattoo, user.
This is a tat, or at least something Berserk-related, I would get myself. I say do it, user, but only if you're a bit above dyel.
Small, yet (I imagine) meaningful, that's neat.
I honestly think an augmented sleeve tattoo would be neat, but I guess it would be really bad in practice.
I don't know man, I feel like I grew out of rap. An NWA tattoo is something I'd probably would have gotten.
Would have really regretted that now since I don't listen to them anymore and don't like what they sing about. Like at all.
Now I just listen to Rammstein and Skálmöld to make me angry for the gym.
this place is such a hivemind nowadays
except when it comes to fitness advice
is it Jörmungandr?
also what do the runes mean>
Not them but it appears to be. Runes look like Danish younger futhark, don't remember off the top of my head.
How did you get "branding" from a knife no one is talking about burning just scarification. If you're gonna get the dumbass symbol you might as well do it %100 is all.
I can't really call any tattoos dumbass though I have a tiny line drawing of a potted cactus on my arm.
Ancapistan misses you
LOOOL tattoos are always always always bad.
There are NO exceptions. There used to be for military, but all tattoos are super try hard now and every single one of them is irredeemable.
I never noticed how similar that brand looks to the bloodborne hunter's rune. I guess the pure level of smashfuck from guts inspired BB smashfuck a bit
Is this Norwegian powermetal or something? My classification autism needs to know.
Icelandic. It's amazing.
Cheers user, I'll check the band out more when I finish my routine and stop shitposting between sets.
What's with you all hating tattoos?
Literally the only people who should get tattoos are sailors and convicts, and even in those cases they are only interesting if you refuse to reveal their meaning.
Tattoos are to the 2010s what t-shirts with witty sayings were to the 2000s.
Dunno user, I don't mind tattoos either as long as they're not shit ones or something fucking dumb like face tats.
How the fuck does the female vocalist go deeper than the male. I'm looking into these guys for sure.
Good tattoos are cool, bad tattoos are dumb.
They look like absolute trash, and people born after 1990 have grown up observing that every adult they've encountered with a tattoo happened to be a retard.
What a coincidence.
did some chad with a tattoo bully you in the gym?
She's amazing, I love how all their voices challenge and contradict each other near the end. She's not part of the band though, she's in some underground black metal band I think.
would fuck
what we looking at here? Like 10k?
Most people on Veeky Forums think if they signal that they’re a rough masculine traditional cowboy then it makes them so. The irony is that they spend most of their time on an anonymous chinese cartoon porn website.
Get a sonnenrad, seriously. It's a lesser known nationalistic symbol that genuinely cool guys will know and recognise and give you kudos for, I have one on my deltoid and it has started many conversations
I designed and translated it into runes and stuff myself. It's nothing in particular, just a rune-y design.
It says "Valhall hraustr rimmligr firar bidr", or "Valhall awaits brave strong men".
That's from when it was fresh, here's a more recent pic of my arm to show I'm not some dyel.
Because this is Veeky Forums.
I wanted a one but i never understood what the black sun means
Can you back what you say with facts?
I recommend reading Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola from what you said.
>Veeky Forums
R8 calf fags
Nah, son. I've seen some full scale autist military tattoos. Not even crappy artist tier, but just not thought out and hallmark corny. Hell, I've got 3 autismilitant tattoos myself. I did, at least, put SOME thought into them. Not THAT much though.
holy shit god speed to this user who took this pic
One you get from you're m8 in a barrack somewhere near Baghdad
Do you seriously have one? nice dude
pic related is a nice one to go on a deltoid or something. OP pic is also a white nationalist tattoo but also a pagan/anglo saxon symbol
Never done an honest days work in your life for all that coin you're carrying eh lad?
Dylan? You finally gonna spill the beans on what it means
>A total of 14.5% of respondents had ever been tattooed, and 2.4% of respondents had been tattooed in the year before the interview. Men were more likely than women to report a tattoo, but the highest rates of tattooing were found among women in their 20s (29.4%). Men and women ages 20-39 were most likely to have been tattooed, as were men with lower levels of education, tradesmen, and women with live-out partners. Tattooing was also associated with risk-taking behaviours, including smoking, greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners, cannabis use (women only) and ever having depression (men only).
You don't fuck with the wu tang nigga
>Only insiders will know the Sonnenrad
Are you even serious mate? I remember one case from the russian deathcore band Slaughter to Prevail. The singer had this tattoo and outcry in the community was immense. They were supposed to tour through Germany and stuff with other bands (StP not being the mainact),but every other band refused to go touring with them.
He covered it with something else nowadays.
Anyway,do you honestly think that in the age of Nu-Males poeple won't know what that is? And I don't see the point in being "low key nationalist". I consider myself rather right winged as well, but being scared of other people judging you is pretty beta man
That is one weird place for a tattoo
Sonnenrad is like THE white nationalist symbol after SS runes and Swastika, it isn't nearly subtle anymore.
Another example that face>body
>I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Maybe in the US. In AUS almost everyone I know has a tattoo. My mate's boss who is the head of an investment group has tattoos. My aunt who had two BAs + a Master in science has loads of tattoos. My sister, preschool teacher, has tattoos. I could go on and on.
If you dislike tattoos because you think that people who get them are degenerates, it's probably just the family you grew up in. It's not a good way to judge someone 90% of the time.
That's what I really liked when I was in down under. Went to an Aldi, and there was a guy working there with tats all over his arm and huge gauges in his ears (at least 4cm). Granted, neither a teacher, nor a BA or head of an investment group. But I doubt you'd see anything like that here in Germany
But why is it ok in Oz? Because the state basically started out as a prison? Aboriginies don't have any tattoos, so it can't come from there.
>when you were dyel and thought he is ripped af
Tattos are for scumbags who want unique stories to tell their boyfriends. Dont get one. They are for faggots lol
>why is it that the guy with the stupid opinion is always an anime schoolgirl poster
Because we are on a Tajik anime picture trading board
>he uses an anime reaction image and acts condescending
> user posting children's cartoons calls other people faggots
>he uses a jewish pedophile puppet reaction image and acts condescending
>Veeky Forums
>approved tattoos
People with tattoos are simpletons.
This. No way around it.
I think that's probably why. People came from all over the world to Australia. Most of them were from working class families, sailors, lots of criminals etc. Back then, they were pretty much the only people with tattoos. So kids from these families grew up with everyone they know having tattoos, perhaps that's why today so many people over here have them orvat least are not judging those with them. Other than super conservative people nobody seems to give a shit either which is great.
>He has ink on his skin depicting an artwork, therefore he is of simple mind!
Ladies im sorry but if you unironically think a tattoo is a good idea im just gonna assume your just doing it to piss off daddy and show the world you're tough and have artwork on your bodies to back it up. Uh huh oh yass gurls slaaay.
in North America it's true though.
got this on my trap while I was backpacking Desu, dont regret