Who left master race here?
Who left master race here?
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I dated left for a long time it was lame after a while. She always said she worked so hard (art gallery) and didn't want to do anything when she got home or on the weekends, meanwhile I did manual labor and went to the gym regularly and went to school and still cooked for us. Yeah nah. She would not listen when I explained that she would have more energy if she exercised and stayed active but she wouldn't listen. She also thought you could do crunches to burn stomach fat so
A combination of both who's also a virgin
>a hug
blowjob or nojob bitch
Those drawings are not real and women aren't that simple
right, I'm a strong man who dun need no knee-jerk contrarianism
Left is for betas, right is for alphas.
The ultimate choice is cooking the homemade meal together and giving each other a hug as reward.
why is cooking considered a feminine hobby anyways?
basically every major chef of note is male as they are typically more conscientiousness, less neurotic and more open all of which are traits useful to a chef or running a business
just seems odd to me, idk
Who here no gf master race?
>tfw no blown out roastie to drain my energy
>Who here no gf master race?
Ayy lmao start the party
Can you name one thing that women are better at at a high level? Of course all of the top chefs have always been men, because men are inventive and strive to be the best at what they do.
Cooking just used to be a womans role, somebody had to cook for the family, and meal prep took a long fucking time, especially before modern appliances/pre-packaged food, so somebody had to be cooking for a better part of the day, and men were simply to busy with work for that, so it was up to women.
Girls no longer get handed down the generations worth of cooking skill/knowledge that they used to, so the vast majority of them are absolutely shit at it now.
don't fall for the women meme user
Disgusting, lazy girls who can't cook are one of the biggest turnoffs.
>Can you name one thing that women are better at at a high level?
hurting my feelings
Got anymore senpai?
cooking together sucks
She's center-right I guess but has annoying self-esteem issues
The ultimate choice is fucking her from behind while she is still cooking, wearing only her apron
>Can you name one thing that women are better at at a high level?
I saw an IQ chart of Men vs women. basically men had higher proportions on the extremes while women tended to be more average (with the average woman having higher score than the average man). I don't know if it was real, but it makes sense anecdotally.
thanks doc.
>tfw you're highly educated and make 250k per annum before your bonus, and all you want is a qt wife who will cook and clean and bear some cute children, but you're ugly so the only girls who are willing to do this are disloyal roasties who aren't worth spoiling
just kill me, i'm ready to die
>girls asking guys on a date.
I like fat girls, left is obviously my choice.
you could just adopt
The average man has a higher IQ than the average women. What you're talking about is the median, which is simply the mid point in the distribution.
I can dream.
>sucking cock
I sorta doubt that, men have more in-depth knowledge of cocks.
>all of which are traits useful to a chef or running a business
You answered your own question
what do you do?
That's how I got a gf
VC Principal
same shit nerd
must be nice not breaking rule 1 and 2
>women aren't that simple
yeah, they are much simpler
oh nvm. I want good money but not to deal with kids
>mfw probably attractive enough for women to make the move and ask me out
>at best my default look is pissed off, at worst I look like im ready to kill someone
Can I get a comprehensive guide on how to smile when a girl makes eye contact with me? I get at least a couple chicks a day who hold like 5+ second eye contact with me and my autistic ass doesn't think to smile until after they've already walked by.
you need to be 18 to post here
>how to smile when a girl makes eye contact with me?
The smile is just supposed to acknowledge that you two are looking at each other so it really doesn't have to be a smile. You can nod in acknowledgement or even wink depending on how confident you are that the gril is into you.
that how I got 2 out of my 3 girlfriends till now and another one (the hotest till now) asked me for a date but I was afraid of spilling spagethi so I didn't not go and broke contact
As much as would love to point, laugh and say "gb2 r9k", I think to my own friends and family.
> grandmothers, mine and others' alike, all know how to make tons of delicious food
> Girls my own age, other than one Jewish girl who married young, can't make anything but muffins
> men my age, however, all know at least a few recipes, at least one big showy recipe, and understand basic nutrition
> many male friends, cousins etc. can and do cook very well
> Dad passed on many recipes to me from when he worked as a chef in his 20s
> Girls somehow were never taught old family recipes
Pretty much have to accept that cooking is an art lost to women.
It's nice to know that this board isn't completely full of Reddit cancer
I think both girls are good for each other. Best lesbian couple.
I'm with this guy, patrician taste.
My man.
Naw, the one on the right WANTS hugs. It's implied that the one on the left would deny you hugs if there was nothing it in it for her, and that just won't do.
Also, this whole thread is nice thoughts followed by sharp pain.
Can confirm from past autism fits, do not fucking wink at girls you like.
Honestly ty, I was actually considering winking, ill just work on smiling more.
Nofap, Honest to god I looked miserable before Nofap but on a good streak you physiologically can't help but smile at every or at-least most things.
>Nofap is a meme
Fuck off porn cunts, disciplined alphas coming through
I wouldn't say I look miserable, just angry or intense maybe. I have been trying to no-fap though, but a few days in and I have erections 24/7 and my balls feel like 2 canonballs swinging around down there.
This coming from a shy girl, smile like you know a secret she doesn't.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Although she'll never think she's in your league, so there's really no point
>be a good little dog and I'll show you basic affection cuckboy
>wants to make you happy and do things for you, adds the hug so you don't feel like you're indebted to her
basically what said
Give me right or give me death
>acquire hug from girl on left
>give girl on right the aforementioned hug
>give the supplied meal to the girl on left
net profit: 2 hugs
thank me later folks
> smile like you know a secret she doesn't
this is actually good
>more conscientiousness, less neurotic and more open
Veeky Forums needs to acknowledge that men and women are more alike than they think, you could say the exact same thing and people would agree
>women are too compassionate!
>women aren't as detail-oriented!
>men are more quiet and less interpersonal!
exact same shit you just said before
>Although she'll never think she's in your league, so there's really no point
I think I'll die alone then. There are a number of shy girls that I found to be really pretty that would be super quiet around me, and I'm a pretty loud and outspoken guy, so usually I just thought they weren't comfortable around me or thought I was a loud cunt and wanted me to go away, only to be told years later that they were crushing hard.
I'm definitely not shy, but how the fuck do you get to know a shy girl without cold approaching them?
>mfw no shy qt gf
Although your picture disturbs me, your logic is sound with the exception that cross contamination would be rampant. You would be hugging two different girls.
Pregnancy/Childbirth. Men can't even master the low level of that.
this one knows, just found a wonderful gril but now on the look out to see which ones she is.. so far she is right, right, don't know but don't think so
pick wisely faggots
Pursuing genetic masterpiece Left, How do I redpill her subtly if she is slightly left politically and already dated a puertorican (but still she's still a virgin thank god(some texts got out and he's fucking pissed she hasn't let him do anything yet)) How do I convince her to have 3+ genetically superior chad children.
I just realized that those two are perfect for each other.
>raising another man's child
Why anyone would cuck themselves is beyond me.
>sucking cock :D
You wanna fucking bet?
Gimme that bitch on the right right fucking now
None but if I must then sleepy
>he thinks you can get away with hugging two different girls
obviously never had a girlfriend you khv
Sleepy is the best type.
Which one is more likely to bear me strong, hot-blooded nordic children who greet each winter like the return of an old friend?
>left is an useless cocktease that doesn't think of you as anything more than free sustenace
>right has a savior complex and will go to anyone that tells her they need her
Fucking neither. They are only good for each other
>been asked on dates many times by girls
>one has been a 6/10 maybe
>the rest 4/10 tops
Shit sucks dude
M'dude. Wise up.
Fuck's a yukatan
I have made a valuable contribution.
It’s all in the eyes. This sounds weird, but squint a little when you smile. Wide open eyes look autistic while a slight squint gives you a more genuine look
>tfw gf is girl on right but white
feels good man
>squint a little when you smile
like this?
>People not choosing the literal right option
How to spot a cuck.
Not unless you want cock up your ass. It’s more in the lower lid. Watch a Mark Harmon or Tom Cruise interview and focus on the eyes.
Right is better.
Don't get me wrong. I like cooking. I like putting a smile on people's faces with tasty food. I like being struck by inspiration when I see certain ingredients.
However, I feel like with left, you're being used. I don't even mind having a gf that is bad at cooking. I can teach her, and there are kitchen tasks where an extra set of hands is always handy. I feel like left wouldn't even do the dishes, even if you cooked for her.
Because the things women are better at than men are a very small amount of skills for raising children up to the age of 5. Everything else that benefits society is excelled by men
One on the left is easier to fuck and dump, one on the right would make me feel bad somewhat
isn't this kind of negated by the fact that women are more likely to both physically and psychologically abuse young children in their care?
Not picking the harem option
It’s like you guys don’t want your genes to spread
This shit makes me so mad. Women don't know jackshit about cooking nowadays because they're indoctrinated into disliking anything that has to do with a traditional feminine role. They don't learn to cook because even the thought of being in the kitchen is outright offensive and disgusting to them. They're too proud and oblivious of their own indoctrinations to even realize that being able to cook well has nothing to do with being "oppressed by the patriarchy".
The weak should fear the strong
My ex-girlfriend was the left.
My current girlfriend is the right.
I recommend the right.
Fucking weebs
True right is my dream. But only ugly girls are like that